How has SM not been nerfed yet?

sinkra Member Posts: 287

There's no need to list the reasons why it's op, it's been done already. SM is sitting at a 70% kr and is terrible to play against. In other games something so op would be hotfixed within 48 hours. How can the devs be fine with this?


  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    Skull Merchant?

    BlueMoonBRUHMOMENT Member Posts: 87

    I understand what you mean, but do you know how annoying this is for new players? Hell, even some experienced players who can't always read the patch notes.

    I still have no clue what Sadako's power does, why is a bar not filled in, why is a bar filled in. Just nerf or tweak the power, reworks are exhausting to deal with.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,454

    She is a mid-tier killer not very strong. Most killers have 60% kill rate and Skullie where people don't want to play against her 70% is pretty low. In games where survivors try to win she is not going to have a higher kill rate than other mid tier killers. Why would you think she is op nothing is pointing that way.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 1,514
    edited April 4

    I feel like a broken record…It’s exhausting… She’s not OP, she doesn’t need a nerf, she needs a dework to her OG state, 70% of kill rate are hook suicides.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 1,514

    I agree it’s exhausting. They need to STOP completely reworking characters. Just make changes of their original design. If it’s not duable than we make adjustments as needed.

    Sadako 1.0 needed to stay as 1.0 with the buffs she has today and any other adjustments if needed to boost her based of performance.

    Skull Merchant now that 3gens has been fixed she didn’t need this change. Revert her.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,990
    edited April 4

    The devs are probably fine with it because the 70% kill rate likely has very little to do with her being OP and is mainly a result of people suiciding on hook

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 221

    Imagine being a dev and being "ok" with a character consistently defeats 70% of the opponents and the opponents are always giving up because it is so unfair and unfun.

    I agree with OP that the dev priorities are very disorganized and lack empathy.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 196

    There actually is a need to list the reasons, when you recognize survivors give up without knowing the BASICS of how she works. People aren't trying, they are refusing to adapt and are instead hoping the game will change to their every whim. Learn what she does and what to do about it.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 864

    Another of these posts it's tiresome. %70 kill rate because survivors are choosing to quit out of matches because they refuse to learn how to play against her like entitled idiots then it dooms the rest of the team to die. She's mid tier at best if people learned and adapt how to deal with she would be about %60. I don't even have issues with her.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,979

    Not only that, but let's say the devs changed her again. Are the people who are refusing to learn how to play against her suddenly going to start learning how to play against her? probably not. It just needs time similar to legion.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 196

    Exactly! These people just want to not have to interact with anything that isn't exactly like every other killer.

    There's a Sajam video about this. DbD fans are exactly like fighting game fans—They're still gonna get smoked by SM if she gets nerfed NOT because she's OP, but because they suck and have no idea what they're doing! Just learn the matchup.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 638

    i think devs know survivors intentionally die on hook against her alot so they dont know what to do with her

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 864

    Looked at your post a 2nd time. Please go post the reasons you claim she's OP or are you just another mindless sheep with the rest of the herd that refuses to even try?

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,990
    edited April 4

    They might not be fine with it, but they can't exactly change her if people just keep suiciding on hook. By inflating her kill rate this much, BHVR can't get accurate data and decide what ACTUALLY needs to be changed.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,251

    We shouldn't take that kill rate as meaning she needs a nerf. I play a lot of SM and the amount of survivors that immediately give up as soon as they see me is astounding. So I see first hand a tremendous amount of data being skewed.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,052

    How many people who hate SM actually took the time to learn what the Killer does and try to play against her before solidifying their opinion on her?

    How many players already feel like the match will be a boring one when they hear SM's Tr at the start of the game even before the SM has demonstrated their playstyle?

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 5

    Probably an issue of resources and existing plans already using those resources more than anything else. They've been changing a lot of other killers recently. Same reason nurse still hasn't gotten a substantial rework. I'd imagine SM will be changed sooner rather than later and would bet money that it happens before the year is over. Problematic things ALWAYS eventually get changed in this game. Even Blight just got a substantial nerf despite people saying it would never happen (could still be reverted but who knows).

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,762

    I can tell for sure the majority of players already know how to play against her

    we just decide not to

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 250

    Had my first match against SM, they put on a Terrormisu but honestly I and 2 others just k0'd ourselves instantly. Not even bonus bpts gets me to play against her

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 143

    I guess they gave up.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 372

    I have had some of the best games recently as SM. The survivor group played the game and 4 man out for the majority of games. They played the same way I am use to see with the efficiency on gens and showcased the limits of m1 killers.

    I will say SM is just highly effective against lower skill survivors.

  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 34

    Okay so let me clarify some things that need it the most. 70% kill rate means the killer is mostly dominating lobbies over and over again. It's been 2 months give or take since OP made the post. Fun fact, that didn't change anything at all. And pray tell me where the devs were when she had a 10% hindered when you were deep wounded because you can't play a loop against her for that very reason, which in terms forces you to go to a different tile overall, and let me tell you most maps have 8 useful tiles at tops, some of which are weaker some of which are stronger. The excuse I see here is the "suicide on hooks" which shouldn't be used just because of simply hating her. I see the problem somewhat in her power and not giving her the right treatment. She was somewhat unjustly reworked into this mess, which I see was being pointless, because no matter how I look at it locking down 6 potentially completly seperate areas in 10m radiuses are just overkill, along with the pointless buffs she gets from the drones (haste & undetectable). Either one would be fine but the two together is just overkill.

    I would go ahead and say my opinion of how I think she should be combined into the two versions of her taking away some of the parts that created this mess.

    • Revert her drones to gives certain effects upon being in their radius for set period of time (this way survivors are not as harshly punished as they were with her original design and the current one).
    • Remove one of the effects (either one is fine as long as it's done properly)
    • Claw traps should function as a sort of buff to the drone's effect not as a secondary power basically. (Can't take fast vaults, get incapacitated for a short time [don't make eruption v2], slower action speed, next instance of damage within claw trap's lifetime is a deepwound, etc.)
    • Hacking a drone shouldn't just render them inactive it should require some sort of action from the killer to turn them back on [possibly even remotely after some time (10-15 seconds)] in which case they get a grace period)
    • Keep the LOS requirement (I think that was a problem with the original version but not sure)
    • The number can be kept 6 and I think it should be although I would lower the radius to 8 or let her have 3 with 12-14 meters. I think the current numbers feel a little overtuned, especially with her monitor. Also I would give back the eye to survivors with an active trap because it was a unique visual, and actually gave them a sense of uncertainty in some cases.

    This is MY version of "Skull Merchant 3.0" where I combined her current and older design in a sensible way so it's not as oppressive as it is currently, but not as useless as it was before with the 3 drone. I think this way skull merchant players won't lose their mind, and survivors can breathe a sigh of relief and not neccessarily have to die of boredom facing her.