Suggestion to punish and fix (face)camping

The game's priority should be to have fun. Camping, especially facecamping is one thing in this game that is absolutely no fun at all.
You can get dowened at the start of a game and then camped until you are dead and you have no counterplay you can make. And no, genrushing in no counter because you still die and don't have fun. Also, it's a core game mechanic that you get saved my teammates so theres that.
I'd suggest that if the killer spends too much time in a specific radius around the hook, the killer starts getting a debuff similar to exhaustion, mangled, etc. The closer and longer the killer is next to the hook the faster the debuff starts to fill up. Once the debuff circle is full, the killer could either get stunned (he can't do anything and is rooted in place) and loses vision for x seconds so that survivors can safely unhook the survivor and run away (easy fix). The killer would only get the debuff if the is not in a chase of course and the circle would only start to fill after 5 seconds of hooking a survivor.
Another option would be that the killer gets teleported to a random spot on the map that is at least 48 meters away from the hook so survivors can unhook safely as well.
Camping isn't fun and has been a core problem since release and it should be fixed.
What do you think?
Yeah camping is a problem...
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Your idea is far to be new and in fact was already tested in a PTB a while ago ; results were atrocious: survivors exploited this in order to escape while keeping their teammate alive.
Besides, you already have perks to counter camp : Kindred, Borrowed Time, Bond (for coop save). And since hook timer has been nerfed, it's even easier to fix all the gens while someone is camped. Camping might be boring, but it's also a very bad strategy most of the time and you can punish it easily by powering all the gens. Very often, serial campers are just beginners and will stop to do this as soon as they understand this isn't an effective strategy against good survivors.
In rare occurences, camping can be the best strategy (doors powered, no survivor shown in Barbecue...) in order to win and you should probably play killer more to understand that you can't be "nice" everytime.16 -
Camping is definitely a big problem on console. I don't get it... camp all survivors, get a 4 kill, but walk out with barely 10k points. Just stupid. On the survivor side of things, looping is an even bigger problem than killers camping. High rank killers usually aren't dumb enough to camp, but with high rank survivors all you see is them running in a circle. Both do need to be addressed though. As a killer I don't camp, and as a survivor I don't loop. It's just not fun.
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Most camping solutions I see are silly, but this one seems well-intended. Nothing too crazy.
You have to consider that there are times where camping is not originally intended, but forced (i.e. hook swarm, no gens being worked on, gates open, etc). What would you propose regarding those scenarios?
+1 for non-forced camping debuffs
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Sorry to say this, but those ideas really are bad from a killers point of view. But I fear the biggest mistake you make in your post is to asume you are supposed to be saved every time, at least that is what I would take from your suggested changes- because you are not, sorry.
All your changes are doing is making sure the hooked surv gets a sort of free escape- and as pre-posts already tell: you got some perks already to ensure some sort of this.9 -
Imagine playing killer against a swf if these were implemented. Oh entity please spare me from that horror7
Honestly, I think the best way as a Survivor to stop camping from happening is to actually punish it correctly. If they are camping, and you are on the hook, don't try to free yourself, and then struggle as long as possible. As the Survivors not hooked, if you see camping, immediately just do Generators. If everyone did this, eventually Killers would stop camping, because it won't work anymore. Yes, as the person hooked, it sucks that you essentially waste one match, but if literally everyone did this to punish camping, then after a while, it will stop happening. I think, though there may be something I'm over looking.
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Once they change pallets, then they can fix camping.
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Like a number of issues, I feel this isn't a one solution fix.
I agree that camping makes the game unfun but the thing is, it has already been mentioned before that camping is a part of the game and the reason why people do it is because it works. The killer knows the survivors will be coming for the hook, what reason would the killer have to leave if they know they can easily secure a kill with this method or once you come into the circumstances where your only option is to camp? (for instance, you hook a person and that hook was right next to the gate)
By all means I think changes should occur to make the game as fun as possible and I can agree with that much but I do not agree with your suggestion to fix camping however as survivors will simply just all sit near the hook and try to distract the killer for as long as they can right infront of their hooked teammate. It's the killers job to get kills by any legitimate means possible just as the same applies to survivor in terms of surviving. Keep in mind that a solid amount of the perks added in the past infact attempt to discourage camping whether directly or indirectly, perks such as devour hope, BBQ & Chili, Make Your Choice and survivor perks such as borrowed time, kindred, unbreakable (well...for slugging I should say, so maybe not this perk) and we'll make it (if you got 6 seconds to spare not counting medkits or other teammates).TL:DR - That's the long way of saying that camping is simply part of the game and it would be hard to come up with a reasonable fix for it.
Also keep in mind, there are a number of tools survivors have access to which make the game unfun for the killer as well, so even if a valid solution were to be made for camping you would also need to focus on those other problems as well. (though I believe either the next or one of the upcoming updates will be a great help for that)
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@vampire_toothy said:
Like a number of issues, I feel this isn't a one solution fix.I agree that camping makes the game unfun but the thing is, it has already been mentioned before that camping is a part of the game and the reason why people do it is because it works. The killer knows the survivors will be coming for the hook, what reason would the killer have to leave if they know they can easily secure a kill with this method or once you come into the circumstances where your only option is to camp? (for instance, you hook a person and that hook was right next to the gate)
By all means I think changes should occur to make the game as fun as possible and I can agree with that much but I do not agree with your suggestion to fix camping however as survivors will simply just all sit near the hook and try to distract the killer for as long as they can right infront of their hooked teammate. It's the killers job to get kills by any legitimate means possible just as the same applies to survivor in terms of surviving. Keep in mind that a solid amount of the perks added in the past infact attempt to discourage camping whether directly or indirectly, perks such as devour hope, BBQ & Chili, Make Your Choice and survivor perks such as borrowed time, kindred, unbreakable (well...for slugging I should say, so maybe not this perk) and we'll make it (if you got 6 seconds to spare not counting medkits or other teammates).TL:DR - That's the long way of saying that camping is simply part of the game and it would be hard to come up with a reasonable fix for it.
Also keep in mind, there are a number of tools survivors have access to which make the game unfun for the killer as well, so even if a valid solution were to be made for camping you would also need to focus on those other problems as well. (though I believe either the next or one of the upcoming updates will be a great help for that)
I completely agree with you
Lot of times survivors laugh when they save their friends with the flashlight, or when they finish all 5 gens in 2 minutes, maybe after destroying the ruin at the start of the trial too, but then i don't think they should shout "cancer" in chat if the killer has caught and face-camped them.
I've seen people complain because I used the NOED, or even BBQ and Chili, only because they are perks of the meta; it's like i complain because you use self-care or decisive strike.0 -
@HexRedWolf said:
@Michael_Myers said:
Camping is definitely a big problem on console. I don't get it... camp all survivors, get a 4 kill, but walk out with barely 10k points. Just stupid. On the survivor side of things, looping is an even bigger problem than killers camping. High rank killers usually aren't dumb enough to camp, but with high rank survivors all you see is them running in a circle. Both do need to be addressed though. As a killer I don't camp, and as a survivor I don't loop. It's just not fun.I can't play Killer anymore on Console because of all the toxic survivors on Xbox. Plus a lot of the survivors that lose to you report you instantly on the Reputation status making your rep go down rather rapidly to the point it gets to the Avoid Me Status and you can't play any other online game at all because of it.
I can understand that. I think the majority of the problem comes from mainly kids or teenagers who make up a huge part of console play. They are immature and entitled.
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I'll take suggestion that have been made 100+ time, tested and rejected because they where abused for 500 $ Alex
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FallenRanger0 said:
Honestly, I think the best way as a Survivor to stop camping from happening is to actually punish it correctly. If they are camping, and you are on the hook, don't try to free yourself, and then struggle as long as possible. As the Survivors not hooked, if you see camping, immediately just do Generators. If everyone did this, eventually Killers would stop camping, because it won't work anymore. Yes, as the person hooked, it sucks that you essentially waste one match, but if literally everyone did this to punish camping, then after a while, it will stop happening. I think, though there may be something I'm over looking.
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@Michael_Myers said:
Camping is definitely a big problem on console. I don't get it... camp all survivors, get a 4 kill, but walk out with barely 10k points. Just stupid. On the survivor side of things, looping is an even bigger problem than killers camping. High rank killers usually aren't dumb enough to camp, but with high rank survivors all you see is them running in a circle. Both do need to be addressed though. As a killer I don't camp, and as a survivor I don't loop. It's just not fun.How does the killer end up with 4 kills if he camps all of them? That should just be a 1k loss immediately
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@Tursam said:
How does the killer end up with 4 kills if he camps all of them? That should just be a 1k loss immediately
Bottom line is the survivors screwed up if a killer gets a 4 kill from camping
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Good vid showing how useless camping is
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Like it or not, Camping is a strategy. Punishing a killer for securing a kill is unfair and just lame.
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@BlazeModz said:
Like it or not, Camping is a strategy. Punishing a killer for securing a kill is unfair and just lame.Yeah it's a strategy for sure. But situational only in my opinion. But I still won't do it unless the survivor is being extremely toxic.
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Camping is definitely a debatable and controversial topic. As a 1000+ hour killer main, I camp rarely, if at all. ALTHOUGH some killers are different, and under any circumstances of you treating that killer like #########, you arent helping your case by any means. Be respectful, and you probably wont be camped by any old killer.
But it IS a strategy regardless. It secures a kill, and shouldnt be discouraged when the exit gates are open. Apart from that, it's an unfair tactic. Although sometimes it is deserved :P1 -
Soren said:Your idea is far to be new and in fact was already tested in a PTB a while ago ; results were atrocious: survivors exploited this in order to escape while keeping their teammate alive.
Besides, you already have perks to counter camp : Kindred, Borrowed Time, Bond (for coop save). And since hook timer has been nerfed, it's even easier to fix all the gens while someone is camped. Camping might be boring, but it's also a very bad strategy most of the time and you can punish it easily by powering all the gens. Very often, serial campers are just beginners and will stop to do this as soon as they understand this isn't an effective strategy against good survivors.
In rare occurences, camping can be the best strategy (doors powered, no survivor shown in Barbecue...) in order to win and you should probably play killer more to understand that you can't be "nice" everytime.
ps. i play alot of killer and when people get unhooked i always go for the person who unhooked the survivor and i never camp nor tunnel3 -
@Claudette_Baguette said:
The game's priority should be to have fun. Camping, especially facecamping is one thing in this game that is absolutely no fun at all.You can get dowened at the start of a game and then camped until you are dead and you have no counterplay you can make. And no, genrushing in no counter because you still die and don't have fun. Also, it's a core game mechanic that you get saved my teammates so theres that.
I'd suggest that if the killer spends too much time in a specific radius around the hook, the killer starts getting a debuff similar to exhaustion, mangled, etc. The closer and longer the killer is next to the hook the faster the debuff starts to fill up. Once the debuff circle is full, the killer could either get stunned (he can't do anything and is rooted in place) and loses vision for x seconds so that survivors can safely unhook the survivor and run away (easy fix). The killer would only get the debuff if the is not in a chase of course and the circle would only start to fill after 5 seconds of hooking a survivor.
Another option would be that the killer gets teleported to a random spot on the map that is at least 48 meters away from the hook so survivors can unhook safely as well.
Camping isn't fun and has been a core problem since release and it should be fixed.
What do you think?Facecamping does not exist, so what would you like to fix?
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The only fix camping needs is for Survivors to stop rewarding it. You are not entitled to a free save.
Post edited by Orion on6 -
@Claudette_Baguette said:
The game's priority should be to have fun. Camping, especially facecamping is one thing in this game that is absolutely no fun at all.You can get dowened at the start of a game and then camped until you are dead and you have no counterplay you can make. And no, genrushing in no counter because you still die and don't have fun. Also, it's a core game mechanic that you get saved my teammates so theres that.
I'd suggest that if the killer spends too much time in a specific radius around the hook, the killer starts getting a debuff similar to exhaustion, mangled, etc. The closer and longer the killer is next to the hook the faster the debuff starts to fill up. Once the debuff circle is full, the killer could either get stunned (he can't do anything and is rooted in place) and loses vision for x seconds so that survivors can safely unhook the survivor and run away (easy fix). The killer would only get the debuff if the is not in a chase of course and the circle would only start to fill after 5 seconds of hooking a survivor.
Another option would be that the killer gets teleported to a random spot on the map that is at least 48 meters away from the hook so survivors can unhook safely as well.
Camping isn't fun and has been a core problem since release and it should be fixed.
What do you think?nobody cares if you have fun in a VS game, sometimes you get camped just alt tab turn on a song and wait out your minute and 30 seconds or however long it takes then go hop in another match
or you can try and kobe your self to death... i hear killers really hate it when you do that
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Something I think to consider as well about camping as a strategy is if you commit to not camping survivors ... and I seen this when they see me playing by these arbitrary rules RUSH the dang hook. Some times I can't get more then 20 steps with out the survive getting un-hooked. I don't want this, I want you to sneak in there, carefully... cautious. I want you to take more time to rescue your friend so your not doing a gen. When you know the killer is forced away from the hook there is no fear, there is no caution, good little killer went away -.- now lets run tot he hook and get dem BPs.
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Buff killers to be viable, stop looping and exploiting map mistakes and then we can talk about camping which is only a problem because killers are weak.
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The devs have already stated in multiple streams that campings is a legit strategy and they've made perks and LF to make it a strong tactic... because you get butt hurt because you got camped doesnt mean it's a problem it means you need to get better at not getting caught2
mcNuggets said:
Buff killers to be viable, stop looping and exploiting map mistakes and then we can talk about camping which is only a problem because killers are weak.
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Yawn im geting tired of these threads
Facecamping has been removed ages ago....1 -
@Michael_Myers said:
Camping is definitely a big problem on console. I don't get it... camp all survivors, get a 4 kill, but walk out with barely 10k points. Just stupid. On the survivor side of things, looping is an even bigger problem than killers camping. High rank killers usually aren't dumb enough to camp, but with high rank survivors all you see is them running in a circle. Both do need to be addressed though. As a killer I don't camp, and as a survivor I don't loop. It's just not fun.I finally found someone like me! I applaud people like you for trying to make sure everyone has a good time in the game. I don't camp or loop either and I constantly argue with my friends because I tell them, "do you know how to do anything other than run around a pallet?" They tell me looping is essential to survive and I tell them then how do I get out? This is what happens when you rely on something to much. People start thinking they need to do it in order to complete the goal
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@HexRedWolf said:
@Michael_Myers said:
Camping is definitely a big problem on console. I don't get it... camp all survivors, get a 4 kill, but walk out with barely 10k points. Just stupid. On the survivor side of things, looping is an even bigger problem than killers camping. High rank killers usually aren't dumb enough to camp, but with high rank survivors all you see is them running in a circle. Both do need to be addressed though. As a killer I don't camp, and as a survivor I don't loop. It's just not fun.I can't play Killer anymore on Console because of all the toxic survivors on Xbox. Plus a lot of the survivors that lose to you report you instantly on the Reputation status making your rep go down rather rapidly to the point it gets to the Avoid Me Status and you can't play any other online game at all because of it.
Come try it on PS4 man. You think Xbox is bad? Well PS4 is the worst. Getting salt after every match win or lose being told to kill youself and that you need to get a life because you are trash for outplaying someone. Worst part about console is that since we don't have an end game chat like PC, people have to DM us to give us hate mail. Don't know about you guys, but I find it hard to kill when my inbox gets blown up
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So after chasing the toxic DS teabagger that uses the semi-infinite and gets instaheals from his SWF buddies to keep me occupied for 5 gens and after I finally catch him I should get punished?
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The best counter to camping would be to make it less rewarding for the killer. You should get more emblem points for getting 1 hook on everyone than getting 3 hooks on the same person. Maybe even make BBQ's BP bonus a base part of the game to encourage killers to go find other targets. Right now the game just simply rewards you too much for camping/tunneling one guy to death before going after anyone else. Mechanically I don't think things should change because as people pointed out, survivors will just abuse it. Therefore the only reasonable solution is to adjust the rewards. IMO a killer than 2 hooks everyone but doesn't get a kill is a better killer than one that gets a kill by just camping. They should be rewarded more because it takes a lot more skill to do the former over the latter.
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Facecamping, as far as I understood, was a specific interaction since you could only unhook people from directly in front of the hook. If the killer stands there, they can't unhook, end of story.
With the swiveling hook (which looks hilarious, in my opinion), that specific interaction is gone. Now most people mean facecamping as in, standing like, 5 feet from the survivor.
And as far as making camping less already is, point wise (unless everyone runs to save the hooked person. Which happens sometimes.).
If camping was not meant to be intended, why is insidious part of the game? It is literally MEANT to enable camping.
And as others have said, why should I be punished (or you, hey, I play both sides) even more than I already am for ensuring my kill? "Why do you need to ensure your kill?" some might ask. Well, there's a number of reasons. One, if it's part of my strategy. Insidious and make your choice? A hooked survivor is bait. Two, if the game situation calls for it. The gates are powered AND opened, and 2 have escaped, but one hasn't, and the last is on the hook? I'm going to sit on the hook until they die, otherwise they will escape, end of story. Third, if the survivor I got was hard as nails to catch. I don't want to go through that again, thank you very much. And finally...for a ritual. If I have a ritual to sacrifice two people, especially with how many survivors DC once they get downed, or even hit, I'm going to sit on you until you die. Reason? Getting a few extra thousand bloodpoints for doing other things like chasing and hitting other survivors is nothing compared to the 30k I get for ensuring you, and one other person, die.
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@Crazewtboy said:
@HexRedWolf said:
@Michael_Myers said:
Camping is definitely a big problem on console. I don't get it... camp all survivors, get a 4 kill, but walk out with barely 10k points. Just stupid. On the survivor side of things, looping is an even bigger problem than killers camping. High rank killers usually aren't dumb enough to camp, but with high rank survivors all you see is them running in a circle. Both do need to be addressed though. As a killer I don't camp, and as a survivor I don't loop. It's just not fun.I can't play Killer anymore on Console because of all the toxic survivors on Xbox. Plus a lot of the survivors that lose to you report you instantly on the Reputation status making your rep go down rather rapidly to the point it gets to the Avoid Me Status and you can't play any other online game at all because of it.
Come try it on PS4 man. You think Xbox is bad? Well PS4 is the worst. Getting salt after every match win or lose being told to kill youself and that you need to get a life because you are trash for outplaying someone. Worst part about console is that since we don't have an end game chat like PC, people have to DM us to give us hate mail. Don't know about you guys, but I find it hard to kill when my inbox gets blown up
My god, that last bit. Here I remember specifically seeking out peoples profiles to say GG because they played well in games like halo and dead rising 2 (this was the 360 days).
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Lol @ anyone who keeps commenting on this dead thread. (Excluding me because I'm laughing at you.)0 -
I know that there's actually some people that like camping.
Whether they're in the minority or not doesn't matter, what matters is that, since not everyone thinks camping's not fun, it becomes subjective.
But the devs also can't just appeal to the majority all the time, cause then Survivors will get buffed more and more and then Killers'll run out, resulting in a dead game.It's a PvP game (and asymmetrical to boot), meaning there IS going to be stuff you won't like to face.
Here's one GREAT way to keep yourself from having a bad time: Realize that it's a videogame.2 -
Laakeri said:
So after chasing the toxic DS teabagger that uses the semi-infinite and gets instaheals from his SWF buddies to keep me occupied for 5 gens and after I finally catch him I should get punished?
Sth drastic needs to happen or devs won't gt their lazy ass up and start balancing1 -
@Michael_Myers said:
Camping is definitely a big problem on console. I don't get it... camp all survivors, get a 4 kill, but walk out with barely 10k points. Just stupid. On the survivor side of things, looping is an even bigger problem than killers camping. High rank killers usually aren't dumb enough to camp, but with high rank survivors all you see is them running in a circle. Both do need to be addressed though. As a killer I don't camp, and as a survivor I don't loop. It's just not fun.I finally found someone like me! I applaud people like you for trying to make sure everyone has a good time in the game. I don't camp or loop either and I constantly argue with my friends because I tell them, "do you know how to do anything other than run around a pallet?" They tell me looping is essential to survive and I tell them then> @Chrona said:
@Crazewtboy said:
@HexRedWolf said:
@Michael_Myers said:
Camping is definitely a big problem on console. I don't get it... camp all survivors, get a 4 kill, but walk out with barely 10k points. Just stupid. On the survivor side of things, looping is an even bigger problem than killers camping. High rank killers usually aren't dumb enough to camp, but with high rank survivors all you see is them running in a circle. Both do need to be addressed though. As a killer I don't camp, and as a survivor I don't loop. It's just not fun.I can't play Killer anymore on Console because of all the toxic survivors on Xbox. Plus a lot of the survivors that lose to you report you instantly on the Reputation status making your rep go down rather rapidly to the point it gets to the Avoid Me Status and you can't play any other online game at all because of it.
Come try it on PS4 man. You think Xbox is bad? Well PS4 is the worst. Getting salt after every match win or lose being told to kill youself and that you need to get a life because you are trash for outplaying someone. Worst part about console is that since we don't have an end game chat like PC, people have to DM us to give us hate mail. Don't know about you guys, but I find it hard to kill when my inbox gets blown up
My god, that last bit. Here I remember specifically seeking out peoples profiles to say GG because they played well in games like halo and dead rising 2 (this was the 360 days).
Right. You know it has gotten bad too when people instantly assume they are getting salt when they have seen they were added to a message group. Coming across someone who says GG on console is so rare.
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How about fix looping0
@Demonsouls1993 said:
How about fix loopingNah that would be unfair
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Claudette_Baguette said:
The game's priority should be to have fun. Camping, especially facecamping is one thing in this game that is absolutely no fun at all.
You can get dowened at the start of a game and then camped until you are dead and you have no counterplay you can make. And no, genrushing in no counter because you still die and don't have fun. Also, it's a core game mechanic that you get saved my teammates so theres that.
I'd suggest that if the killer spends too much time in a specific radius around the hook, the killer starts getting a debuff similar to exhaustion, mangled, etc. The closer and longer the killer is next to the hook the faster the debuff starts to fill up. Once the debuff circle is full, the killer could either get stunned (he can't do anything and is rooted in place) and loses vision for x seconds so that survivors can safely unhook the survivor and run away (easy fix). The killer would only get the debuff if the is not in a chase of course and the circle would only start to fill after 5 seconds of hooking a survivor.
Another option would be that the killer gets teleported to a random spot on the map that is at least 48 meters away from the hook so survivors can unhook safely as well.
Camping isn't fun and has been a core problem since release and it should be fixed.
What do you think?
Do you think getting Looped is Fun for the Killer?
Do you think getting hit by a Pallet is fun for the Killer?
Do you think getting Gen-Rushed is fun for the Killer?
Do you think Camping is fun for the Killer or is it just boring but the only way of securing their Victory
Do you think getting Decisive-Striked is fun for the Killer Especially if you only got looped the entire match and the exit gates are open?
Do you think getting blinded is fun for the Killer?
Do you think getting your devour Hope destroyed is fun for the Killer?
Do you think getting Teabagged in the Exit Gates is fun for the Killer?
Do you think almost hitting a Survivor but then he/she sprint-burts away is fun for the Killer?
Do you think getting ######### said to you like ######### because of wanting to win a round in a videogame is fun for the Killer?
No And I‘m sure that you haven’t even thought of that
You are an egotistical Survivor Main when you only think about yourself!
Btw they won‘t just look:
Dead by Daylight - Camping is Part of The Game
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I have a question for everyone:
If a survivor is consistently body blocking with 2 people and a dying survivor struggles away because of it, would that be a just situation for a face camp?
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another cry thread about something that's not going to be punished cuz they just want to abuse the punishment.
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do the generators. thats it. camping got nerfed multiple times so hard, it only pays off if you are stupid enough to be overaltruistic and go for the save right infront of the killer.
PS: facecamping does not exist anymore.
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How is this still being commented on.... dear lord "rolls eyes"1
You can block the unhook prompt, i get a couple of them daily "ummm russsians". I don't have a video proof and no time to do it really, but i am not the only one aware of that..
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No video proof, then it never happened.
Guess those russians have been cheating because I am not able to bodyblock away from unhookign anymore1