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8th anniversary - wishlist, what's yours?

Member Posts: 237

my wishlist for this year anniversary

  • day/afternoon/night map variations, i really miss the old coldwind farm darker version
  • loading screens to obtain via store/rift/loguin reward
  • offerings total rework: offering that make the maps darker/other visual changes to maps (this offering would be good for stealth killers on open maps) - complete rework of useless offerings
  • new screen after the endgame just like dbd mobile has: showing the total progress on the match, time on generator, time on chase, survivors healed times, etc, more info and a new end game screen too (this hasnt been changed since when the game launched) - a background image with the entity would be really cool
  • new gamemodes that the objetive is other than do generators, gamemodes should be about new stuff ignoring the main objetive of the main game
  • new chase music for killers who still dont have it: bubba, pig, plague, wraith, trapper, freddy (the last chase music was for Nurse almost 2 years ago)
  • Medusa visceral skin for PLAGUE for the Greek Collection and her mori is her turning survivors into a stone!
  • New Resident Evil Collection Skins: Jill Battlesuit, Ada RE4 Remake outfit, Leon Re6 outfit, Wesker shirtless final boss fight re5, Classic Nemesis Skin
  • fragments obtainable via rift
  • bloodpoints increased for 80k, this would incetivize people to do more challenges and play with other killers, and a tab for survivors daily rituals too

send your wishlist for the 8th year dbd anniversary

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  • Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2024

    Serana from Skyrim as Survivor and her dad as Killer. Or Vecna from Stranger Things as Killer and older Dustin as Survivor. Or Patrick Bateman as Killer and Paul Allen as Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    A Medusa skin would be awesome I love Medusa.

    A thing i would absolutly love to see but probably wont ever see is a killer that does not chase himself but places traps and commands npcs ro hubt survivors

  • Member Posts: 2,191

    New chase music for sure. Slightly louder ambient noises. Higher bloodpoint cap.

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    I want J. Jonah Jameson as a killer. Picture him running after you and laughing the entire time. Then when you drop a pallet on him, he just looks at you and asks: "You serious?"

  • Member Posts: 864

    Uhhhhhh maybe some Dungeons & Dragons…uhhhhhhh possibly a vampire from something like Castlevania…uhhhhhhhhhhh Stranger Things giving us Vecna…uhhhhhhhhhhh that's about all I can think of that I "want"..

  • Member Posts: 498

    freddy rework, myers rework, p100 rewards, license cosmetics and banners, buffs to garbage perks on both sides, legendary skin getting their own portraits in the menu

  • Member Posts: 14,889

    Medusa visceral skin for PLAGUE for the Greek Collection and her mori is her turning survivors into a stone!

    that would be awesome! Have her crush the stone statue as well at the end (though that was literally the Mori I imagined for an ice killer)

    I am hoping for the already mentioned new survivor items! And offerings being reworked as well as luck being reworked with that.

    Day/nighttime lighting for all (non-licensed) maps would be great too!

  • Member Posts: 678

    I would love to see some changes for Cannibal. His Power is very outdated & bugged. He needs changes - not rework, but fixing his bugs & buff his Add-Ons and base kit would be great.

    I hope we'll see The Shape & The Nightmare Rework.

    New Gamemode 2v8.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I am hoping for some more information about Freddy's upcoming change (hopefully a dework). Maybe some QoL improvements for Knight, if possible.

    Also the 2v8 modifier, of course.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2024
    • a luck/chest update
    • Survivor ability‘s or cool perks like that
    • Springtrap from fnaf or carnage from venom/spiderman
    • cross progression
    • Onryo with 1.0 mechanics and the buffs from the reworks
    • More perks visible for teammates
    • Soloq improvements
    • A return to the old darker Dbd atmosphere, so that this game is scarier
    • Your teams perks visible in the pause menu
    • Different Daytimes and weather
    • Survivor item update and buffs that makes them more useful
    • A pig buff, that‘s not a nerf
    • New Content outside of new perks and killers/survivors
    • Cool new gamemodes
    • More ways to escape/hatch update
    • New offerings
  • Member Posts: 7,053

    How is the Pig buff in anyway a nerf??

    Also Sadako got her old identity back while remaining a pretty decent killer, so idk what youre on about there

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    I didn‘t say pig didn‘t get a buff. I said a pig buff without a nerf.

    Let‘s just say Sadako gets hard countered and has no power most of the time or stombs people, who don‘t know what to do.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2024

    I hope, that you finally get your feddy changes and that you will like them.

    Post edited by jonifire on
  • Member Posts: 968

    I'd quite like Jeeper's Creeper's, though i doubt it's popular enough for an annanniversary, any other chapter sure.

    Might possibly be Evil Within related i would think.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Thank you for the support, my friend <3

    This struggle doesn't end until I get my killer back.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    while i too like the jeepers creepers movies and the monster we hopefully wont ever see it in dbd or anywhere else. the jeepers creepers guy is a real life monster and im firmly against supporting this thing

  • Member Posts: 820

    Either news on a Freddy rework, or Freddy Fazbear. I am ready for Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 1,058

    World peace. That's my pageant answer.

  • Member Posts: 645

    Freddy getting buffed would be nice.

    Hell, it would be EXTRMELY HYPED, if BHVR rework him with Robert Englund's Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 3,573

    ~ Anniversary cosmetic for Demogorgon (kind of like what they did for Ghostface)… or just new cosmetics in general.

    ~ That's about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,419
    1. Misfits skin update like what we got with Iron Maiden
    2. Let us change our lobby screen (BHVR have made a million alternate lobbies never to be used again)
    3. Visual update focused on horror atmosphere
    4. Alternate moris
  • Member Posts: 169

    50% kill rates and communication between survivors (Text chat, ping wheel, voice chat, more emotes, literally anything that let's us communicate).

  • Member Posts: 3,092
    edited April 2024

    The return of the removed Survivor turning locomotion of the updated Survivor movement from the 4.5.0 ptb

    The return of Xeno's ptb chase music and a QOL update to it's power that gives it an addon which allows it to wall crawl.

    A second Alan Wake chapter.

    Further removal of techs from both sides.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Anything that gives me so many of bloodpoint

  • Member Posts: 2,361

    I'm just hoping for some fun new mechanics. The void portals , party pallets, and instant break pallet was all super interesting. i want behavior to give us something on that level of fun

  • Member Posts: 173

    More bloodpoint events. And remove map offerings from the game, that’s all i can think of

  • Member Posts: 822

    pyramid head addon pass

    Second silent hill chapter

  • Member Posts: 237

    Plague Medusa visceral skin i'm buying on day 1, forgot to mention that i want more Pig cosmetics based on Saw X movie

  • Member Posts: 237

    i wish they add that siren sound of silent hill to pyramid head chase music

  • Member Posts: 237

    yeah, i would love to have an option to customize lobby screen and also survivor portraits without having nightlight

  • Member Posts: 822


    I’d personally love a rework to his chase theme to include maybe more of the 2000s silent hill aesthetic music

    Akira Yamaoka was rlly a wasted potential of an artist for pheads chase music

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    I just want a real new new mechanic. Not like boons or invocations or that one perk type the lyras had which are a new type of perk and are barely even used. Something thatll actually shift up the gameplay loop a bit in every match.

  • Member Posts: 5,952

    Swamp Realm Beyond update.

    It's been, what, over a year since the last installment?

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    • Recently started playing Path of titans and its gotten me away from dbd. It has opened my eyes as to how far behind the game engineis in regards to map graphics, atmospheric features such as rain and actual thick fog (like in battlefield 1)

    So hoping for a big fog rework and some night variants for the cold wind realm which has been somewhat spoiled by the sheer brightness of it. Would be cool if the map started light and git darker as the game goes on or vice versa (Dark to light)

    Would love a Jurrasic Park chapter tbh

    Haven't enjoyed a killer since Knight, so something intimidating and badass for me to main would be brilliant

    Would like to see Backwater swamp get the final update, just hoping it keeps it dark eery atmosphere.

  • Member Posts: 2,923
    1. Swamp Rework
    2. Background Player nerf
    3. FTP/Buckle Up nerf
    4. Weaving Spiders buff
    5. Pyramid Head and Nemesis Addon buffs
    6. The Twins Rework getting reverted
    7. Full Monster Hunter chapter, Malzeno being added right after a event all about blood would be peak
  • Member Posts: 367
    1. More QOL and optimization
    2. Godzilla collab
    3. Freddy rework
    4. Killer bots announcement of any kind.
  • Member Posts: 2,267

    The old Coldwind realm was my favourite, it had such a vibe and I was absolutely horrified when I saw the new versions were set in the day.

    I would love to see them return to a night time setting!

    Lots of other stuff I would like to see but yeah every time someone brings up old Coldwind the nostalgia hits me hard :(

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024
    • A very large amount of buffs to bad perks
    • Now that we have the gen kick limit most the nerfs to the gen kick perks are unnecessary. Buff them back.
    • Post match letting us see swf
    • Letting us see at least our own mmr
    • Mmr monthly resets
    • “Actual” individual killer mmr, not affected by other killers.
    • Mmr rank rewards
    • Many more map rebalances and shrinks to sizes
    • Many killers need addon passes
    • Many killers have addons that feel required to play them that need to be built into base kit. Dredge, Knight and Singularity being big offenders of this but there’s many others.
    • Background Player rework, it’s unhealthy for the game.
    • Buckle Up/For the People nerfed
    • End game collapse for the beginning of the game, like a built in Corrupt to slow the start down
    • People unhooked given zero collision instead of endurance so they’re even harder to be tunneled and also can’t abuse it to body block
    • Base kit mechanic changes that reward killers for not tunneling
    • More loops being mind game able when the pallet is thrown and not forced breaks. Many feel like they’re balanced around killers with anti loop and not around the m1 killers.
    • Sadako needs significant buffs after her last changes, she’s currently been left in a pitiful state and abandoned.
    • Trickster rework has been disliked by most his player base , he needs some improvements.
    • Revert the Pig aura box change. It destroyed her macro game play that made her fun.
    • Remove the STBFL nerf that makes m2 hits still lose you stacks. You can keep the number nerf but this change killed it on many of the weaker killers that needed it. It wasn’t overtuned.
    • Allow customization of colors on auras. Many people have visual disabilities and being able to change the colors would help them.
    • Revert the Sloppy nerf, no one asked for or wanted this. Unnecessary. This nerf like stbfl is just making people stack more gen slow down perks instead.
    • Daily quest rewards are extremely outdated. Their rewards are so low that they aren’t even worth doing. The rewards on those need to be at least triple their current amount for people to care about them.
    • I wish they’d explore more into the creature type of killers and be less stuck on humanoids. Feels like lots of untapped potential.
    • Option to turn off the chat filter for ourselves. It’s so annoying.
    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Member Posts: 4,641

    Chase and lobby music for Pig.

    Rework for Freddy

    Rework for knock out.

  • Member Posts: 854
    edited April 2024

    My wish is to change way of how survs are sacrifice, it could be done as a gamemode for now and look how it works:

    - survs cannot be sacrifices during a trial.

    - hooking surv means he cannot do objectives.

    - after xx seconds being not unhooked, surv is removed from the hook by the Entity at least 34m away of killer, floors are counted.

    - mories remove surv for longer than hooks with no way of returning before set time ends (something like a ghost mode).

    - trial has time limit counting through night to dawn (all maps are night).

    - if survs manage to do their objectives before dawn, Entity is punishing the killer.

    -if survs fail to do their objectives, all are sacrifice by daylight.

    - perks, power and objectives balance through testing.

    My another wish is to overhaul perks and make that every character brings only one but not useless perk. I just dont want the situation when devs are out od ideas for perks and game dies.

  • Member Posts: 3,479
    edited April 2024

    Medkits with the number 8 on them. Flashlights that shows a bright "8" on walls and floor. Also I want to win 8 games in a row 8 times in 8 days and I want 8 minutes matchmaking ban for players forgetting to use a cake.

  • Member Posts: 3,005

    Biggest want is cross progression.

    Updates to The Shape and The Nightmare.

    That's it for me really.

  • Member Posts: 5,449
    1. Power Rangers Chapter- Tommy and Kimberly as Survivors, Rita as killer with Lord Zed as a Legendary Cosmetic. Their Mori is making themselves grow and smooshing the survivor.
    2. Bush Cosmetic for Claudette
    3. Claudette’s blending powers get unsealed and she becomes master of stealth once more and strikes terror into the hearts of all Killers and Survivors alike.
    4. Lobby Removal. The cons outweigh the pros. Just load up the match the moment 4 survivors are grouped.
    5. Frog Onesie cosmetic for Claudette.
    6. Myers model update with a better mask, shirtless cosmetic, “Drape Ghost with Glasses” cosmetic from the original film and improved add-ons. Delete Tombstone and allow Myers to killer survivors on death hook, not before. Slightly buff Scratched Mirrors movement speed.
    7. Overhaul to cosmetics. More cosmetic slots, no more linked sets, more customization.
    8. Trapper buffs. Faster movement speed for 10 seconds after setting a trap when not in chase. Updated character model that represents how he looks in hooked on you. More muscles please, many more muscles.
    9. Can’t think of anything else at the moment.
  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited April 2024

    1.An option to change the color of scratch marks and auras

    2. An expansion on custom lobbies to include the event modes as options

    3. Another event game mode

    4.profile icons & banners for all the killers and survivors as prestige rewards

    5. Shop code to get all the crowns and masks from previous years

    6. Give twins the ability to give Victor a tiny hat

    7. A Change how much bloody party streamers pop up in the blood web because for a green rarity item you rarely see the things in killer bloodwebs and are more likely to see double era's

    8. The ability to trade addons for another of the same rarity

    9. A change to the map offerings or add a different variation that does the opposite and make it to where you can have some randomization while cutting out a realm you don't like for eg swamp and borgo

    10. A rework to the left For dead achievement to allow for it to be obtained outside of having to rely on a generous killer that wont close the hatch and lets you completethe last gen(like idk reduce the gen requirement to one or have a special generator that could be repaired and is treated like a final generator that appears in egc only if the hatch gets closed)

  • Member Posts: 11,763

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