We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

DC Penalties... should be removed

So the original reason for the DC penalties being implemented was because the team would be down a player whenever someone DC'd. It was basically like hook suiciding, except minus the extra steps, just a straight up "Poof" player gone.

Now though, the player that DCs is replaced by a bot that can arguably, often times play better than a good chunk of the player base.

Honestly, I think the DC penalty system needs to be removed for a couple of reasons.

It does nothing, if a player doesn't want to play and they don't want to take the penalty, they will either A.) AFK in the match or B.) Throw themselves at the killer and kill themselves on hook to expedite the process to get to the next match faster. Yes, you encourage the player not to leave… but if they don't want to play, whether its because they don't like the killer they're going up against, or they don't like a certain perk the killer is running, or the map isn't one they enjoy, or hell it could even be that their rando teammates play like easy mode bots. There are plenty of reasons a player will not want to participate in a match, and holding them effectively at gun point with a DC penalty just incentivizes them to off themselves on hook, rather then eat the penalty.

This has another, alternative, negative side effect. The MMR system, or.. how the game decides to match you against other players of less, equal, or greater skill level. Generally its going to try to find you a relatively balanced matchup. However, if you have a player who is offing themselves on hook, it lowers their MMR. These players can be good players, they don't have to be bad to not want to continue matches. The trouble is, these relatively high MMR players are gonna start falling into matches with completely new killers and will absolutely steam roll them. I have friends who have thrown matches to get into easier matches against lower skill killers. You can actually abuse the MMR system to get easier matches and thing is, you don't even have to obviously throw as a survivor. You can play normally until the exit gates are open and let yourself get killed by the entity or get hooked or mori'd and it still all counts. But the MMR system is another issue entirely.

Put simply, DC Penalties in DBD or hell any game really, do nothing. If a person really doesn't want to play, they won't play, and that is a detriment to the team. It would be better if they could leave, get replaced by a bot that will actually participate in trying to win, and allow the team to actually have a better chance at succeeding rather than being down a player at the start.

Often times this puts pressure on a killer too, I know when I've seen someone kill themselves on hook at the start of the match, I feel kinda scummy hunting down the rest for the 4k. I mean it isn't my fault or theirs, but the player clearly didn't want to be in this match anymore, better that they get replaced by a bot instead, which still kinda sucks for the survivors, but hey a bot is better than a hook suicide.

It also takes away fun from the killer when a survivor just lets themself be hooked so they can kill themselves on hook. Since I alternate between survivor and killer, I know how it feels in both sets of shoes. If you have a survivor that just gives up, it takes away a good part of the fun of being the killer, its the chase and eventual "I gotcha" that every killer main enjoys, but having someone just go "Here, down me, put me on hook." its not really fun.

If you have any argument that can justify the existence of the DC/Leaver Penalty, by all means let me hear it. I guarantee you, it's not really something you can defend.


  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209
    edited April 9

    No self unhook needs to stay no one want to suffer a 3 gen boring merchant or some very try hard killer that acting like they is winning a million dollar prize or some team mate who's just opening chest/doing totems or urbaning all over the map not doing anything.

    I love how people (not saying you) how distortion people are always hiding when it tends to be a total opposite for me, its the ones with no distortion be hiding cause the distortion ones will sit on gens since bbq wont let some high mobility killer like annoying spirits chase them off gens. Also there is an achievement or trophy(if your on psn) to unhook your self 100times I believe.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 749

    I agree, even if DC penalty are removed; there will be a flood of players quiting for any minor and pathetic reasons like "I hate this killer or teammates". If Rage quiting happens so much, then it has the potionial to create a brand new problem. Longer Queue times for example, if you have a match in which all 4 survivors leave, the killer would be stuck with bots survivors the survivors would be stuck in long queue sessions in trying to find "the perfect match" for them, and be disappointed no matter what…

    Killers could do the same, and end up in lower rank lobbies because of the previous unfair lobbies that forced them to rage quit. It would simply not end well for either sides. The DC Penalty needs to stay, for this consists of rewarding players whom stay and play the match until the very end and punish those whom consists be a poor sport and ruin the match for everyone, despite the fact the bots got that covered.

    Some toxic or sour players need to learn to "Take a chill pill" and take a break from DBD and come back with a positive attitude and understand why they should rage quit in the first place, unless it is absolutely necessary.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,116
    edited April 9

    DC penalty should stay.

    Griefing by spamming unhook on a player in struggle phase should also stay, as its primary use is to force a SoH player to DC.

    Its simple really, if you DC or SOH because you can't be bothered to play, you throw the rest of the team under the bus. It's extremely selfish to give up on a game that YOU joined and requires YOU to play.

    If you don't wanna play? Fine. Don't queue. If you queue, commit to the game and don't ruin it for everyone else.

  • FilthyLegionRevival
    FilthyLegionRevival Member Posts: 313

    Nah imagine a license that allows you to dc without a penalty in only the worst of circumstances. Like you gotta put in a compilation to support and super duper pinkie promise to only use it in those situations where you're held hostage or being left on the floor next to a hook.

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    Lobby waiting simulator sounds fun…

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 231

    I agree that it should be removed. I don’t want to have to sit through a match that my friend got tunneled out of or camp someone. The game isn’t healthy enough to punish people for leaving a toxic match

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    I have no argument that will justify it for YOU (simply because you seem to believe what you say and you will probably go down on this hill), but for me it's a problem that will never be fixed:

    Even if they would leave quit time and give me a bot, this match would be probably over and just be weird to play out, the only change would be that they now instantly can play another one. I WILL NOT, give them the chance to play instanly another round for free after they ruined my match. call me evil, stupid or childish whatever you want, but I want them to suffer for just being weak mentally, in my 2k hours I always played the match until the end without quitting even if it was horrible so I want them to do the same.

    If you ask me they should make it stricter and remove suicides, after that you add an punishment for being afk and you are set. This won't fix suicides by running to the killer, but the killer could make them suffer for the survivors instead (I wouldn't kill you so easily in my matches, you would wait until the end just for justice).