Healing Exploit at Gates Allowing Free Escapes

I want to preface by saying that I'm open to having my mind changed! This is just where I stand on the issue currently.
The video shows a game I recently played in which 2 survivors used the healing feature in the game as an exploit to allow their downed teammate to escape unscathed. It feels very similar to the exploit also under debate where Killers can instant drop after pickup to cancel a DS deployment.
In my opinion, both of these should not be possible. If survivors want to heal, they should be able to heal. If they want to crawl out and escape, they should be able to. But they shouldn't be able to do both, abuse Killer cooldowns, and get free escapes.
As for my recommended solution, Killers should be able to pickup downed survivors no matter their current state. In this case, Killers should be able to bypass survivors' healing animations by instantly picking up the downed survivor, thereby avoiding the abuse of animation exploits and Killer cooldowns.
Thoughts on this?
Deserves to be fixed 100%
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Ah yes, the heal tech.
Since this is certainly tech-hunting season, I imagine this one will be squashed at some point as well.
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It is super annoying when this happens and has no real counter play.
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I personally don't have a problem with it since it's not that common to run into and normally only happens if you've already lost.
That said I do think killer should have action priority; in the same vein you can kick a pallet that's being Any Means'd.
So yes, I think it should be changed but not because I personally have a problem with it but because killer actions should generally override survivor ones to be consistent.
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i’ll be honest, you have a perk equipped that directly counters any kind of body blocking… had you saved your STBFL stacks you would have managed to avoid this.
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Thats a proper skill issue on the killer side... The counterplay is fairly easy.. You wait until they finish the heal and hit them, they backflip and get further away from the exit... And you repeat that until you can either down someone else and pick them up or get the pickup on the already downed survivor.
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They don’t always backflip and that’s not a real counter to be fair.
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They most often do... In my nearly 3k hours they backflipped in like 90% of cases..
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And most often people don't fully heal anyway but for some reason stop midway... And then you can just pick up, it is just that most killers get impatient and hit the wrong guys.
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must be nice. In my 2.5k hours of play they don’t.
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Tough luck buddy.
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Not really. I don’t run into this issue very often.
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The way to partially deal with this is to stand in front of the heal techer and hit them into the map instead of towards the exit. This also.means you're standing ON the crawling survivor when your animation finishes.
You can also partially deal with it by body blocking as well, it is definitely a scramble though. If everyone is full HP though and noone makes a mistake... yeah you're kinda stuffed...
Not sure the scenario happens enough really to call it a problem. Either you have them comfortably, or you lose them... it's rare the heal tech is what makes the difference.
It feels like this takes a lot of coordination and perfect timing for the survivors to pull off without someone dying... so I don't think I'd call the escape "free".
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Picked survivor can just emote tech to avoid backflipping.
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I don't think you can do that fast enough tbh... But generally yes... It takes some time though between getting picked and being able to point.
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Having counterplay doesn't mean anything, hugtech was mostly counterable too
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And hug tech is fine and I would not want it removed, especially with the current downside of deleting sliding.
Where is the issue with the mechanic if you can outplay it easily? Just adds another layer of skill expression?
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So what you say here is that there is a broken mechanic in the game, but it is fine because one perk should be able to counter it
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Yeah, Healing from out of sight to prevent the Killer picking up a person is incredibly exploitable.
The Easy Fix is for bHVR to make the Killer take priority even if the Survivor is being healed.A better fix would be sacrifice, meaning any player who tries to heal a downed survivor the Killer is trying to pick up will get hit with an m1 attack, like how generator grab validation works some times.
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I mean it is not broken to begin with, as already explained... But saying the perk is the solution is not a good argument anyway.
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Because hitting the survivor when he got picked up is way too hard... How about we remove all techs that allow for outplaying the other side xD
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they can emote tech to avoid getting knocked back.
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Not if you hit them immediately... Takes some time after getting picked up to do so...
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I don't know why it's called Healtech instead of Autoaim Exploit.
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Because it has absolutely nothing to do with autoaim?
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Where exactly do you see the connection? Those two things have nothing to do with each other.
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So you agree, they dint always backflip.
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Are you expecting a you 100% win all of the time by the first try? It is highly unlikely that one will get out by doing this whole thing... And even if they did everything above 50% is fine by me. You can do something and the other side as well... Wouldnt it be quite bad if at the end one side 100% of cases comes out on top in these kind of scenarios?
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If I want to grab the survivor I can't because the game decides to aim on the healer instead the crawling survivor.
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On the flip side the killer shown would have a 0K to a 1K if they were able to pick up. Is it a free escape or a pity kill?
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I do like the idea of more skill expression in the game or simply the knowledge of "techs" you can do to your advantage, my only issue is the lack of counter play. If there was realistic counter play to this I'd be totally fine with it.
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Or they would come back to try to save that one, so it can be 2-3-4K instead of one "pity kill". Everything below 4 in endgame is a pity?
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That makes no sense because you cannot hit a downed survivor...
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He's talking about when they get healed and stand up.
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It's a dumb mechanic, but it looks like bhvr is out to remove any bug/weird interaction they can so goodbye in a year
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Except that's not even true as they don't even need to heal. I had this done to me by just standing on top of the downed survivor, preventing me from grabbing him.
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I don't know, that has never been an issue for me? That is just about positioning yourself properly I think?
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I have never seen that and don't think the hit ox is big enough for that and even if, they lose collision when you hit them once and another survivor can't be there fast enough to block the slug again...
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let us grab the healing survivor
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Just as they are not fast enough for another one to keep healing the survivor while the 2.7 seconds of cooldown are in effect, right?
Either way, there is no reason for this to be a thing. Simple as that.
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During that cooldown your are able to move and block their prompt as well aren't you?
I dont know, I don't mind these kinds of interactions as they add another layer of gameplay. I don't necessarily like that gameplay, but the idea of it. And labeling every little tech as an exploit is kind of ridiculous.
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During that cooldown your are able to move and block their prompt as well aren't you?
No, you can't. Have you not seen the gif OP posted? Even if you are standing on top of them, they can still prevent you from grabbing the downed survivor.
And labeling every little tech as an exploit is kind of ridiculous
It is not when it is literally a mechanic exploit. And even if it wasn't, again, there is no reason for this to be the way it is right now.
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"Having counterplay doesn't mean anything" lol, yes it does actually and you cannot compare hug to heal tech, hug tech guarantees hits in almost every tile if Blight is experienced and knows about V1, heal teach on the other hand happens very rare and has sort of counter play.
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I cannot really see him trying from just that gif... If a survivor can block the killers prompt by simply being there this should work the other way around as well.
Also how'd you know it is an exploit? Might as well be intended for all we know.
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I cannot really see him trying from just that gif... If a survivor can block the killers prompt by simply being there this should work the other way around as well.
You can literally see not only that he is on top of the Iron Maiden shirt survivor most of the time, but how the "Pick up" prompt disappears when the Ada starts healing him.
So no, it doesn't work the other way around.
Also how'd you know it is an exploit? Might as well be intended for all we know.
Because even if for some unknown reason they coded that the killer can't grab a downed survivor if he is getting healed on purpose, survivors are using that game mechanic to get saves when they should not. Ergo, exploiting and it should be fixed. And if not, then there is no reason for it to work like it does so survivors can abuse it, so there is no reason to not fix it.
However you want to look at it, it should be fixed.
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It seems to me that you just don't know how to counter it and pretending counter doesn't exist
You are missing the point as no one complaining about getting 4 man out itself, he is complaining about getting 4 man out through unintended abuse of certain mechanics
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I see two flashlights so not picking up was probably the best idea.
That aside though, in my eyes this scenario is just the survivor side equivalent of camping a hook in endgame to secure a kill…
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Yeah when she starts healing, a. Does not prove the possibility to block by using your hotbox and b. Does not prove he tried to block that...
It has been in then game for ages, if they wanted to fix it they would have, especially if they considered it an exploit... And I would assume you cannot accidentally program it like that and then not fix it after years of seeing it is a thing... So the assumption would be it is intended and not an exploit.
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I would strongly disagree, while sure camping a hook is bad yea that is still a lose for a killer, while on the other hand helping a survivor to escape will be a win for that specific survivor. Also think about that what you want you basically say you want that you can disturb the healing of a downed survivor. That will be misused on the other hand as well like when you slug someone someone want to pick him up and you just need to pick him up yourself and all is over.
Survivors need to work as a time and while it sure is annoying to face that it is a way to help a survivor when the killer let them do it. Why should it be changed when it already would most likely would not give you a win? I mean even if you would have down all of them there by the time you would bring away the one survivor the others would leave. So you would only have just one overall. Only if you would have pick them up all an place them back in the map so you have more time but would that not be unfair again? Like a exploit you use to get more than just one?
I can understand that you are frustrated here, but pls try to think more of what you could have done better in that situation okay? And not like OH THEY NEED TO CHANGE THAT.
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Yeah when she starts healing, a. Does not prove the possibility to block by using your hotbox and b. Does not prove he tried to block that...
So, the "Pick up" prompt disappearing, which literally means he was on top of that survivor and was able to grab him for half a second before someone started healing even with him there, does not prove that it is impossible to block it by being on top of the survivor. Just because you don't see it with the first person view in a gif. Alright…
What about this one, in a 720p - 30 fps video from the survivor's perspective? Was that Ghostface on top of the survivor before anybody started healing him, and the other one still negated the possibility of picking him up by doing the healing action regardless, yes or no?
It has been in then game for ages
I had never seen survivors abuse it like this in all the time I have been playing this game, only recently. So, you are assuming too much, starting with BHVR knowing that it is being abused this way.
But again, either way and no matter how you look at it, exploit or not, it should be fixed.