Things That Grind Your Gears

Xernoton Member Posts: 5,643

Hello there.

What are some things that grind your gears in DBD? I don't mean anything horribly unbalanced but more like some slight annoyances.

For me it's:

  • Dumb Techs with Lithe. Not a major problem or something that desperately has to be fixed but man does it feel bad when Dumb Techs are actually viable. 😂
  • Facing the same killer 3 times in a row. Yeah, I get it. You like Wesker. So does everyone else, apparently. But I wouldn't mind playing against 1 of the other 34 killers in the game for a change.
  • Auto Aim. It's not the greatest feeling when something that is supposed to help you actually works against you.
  • Pop + Pain Res. Definitely not my cup of tea. May I interest you in Huntress Lullaby?
  • Getting the same map more than 3 times in one session. We have enough maps for something like this not to happen.
  • Map offerings. Something about them just feels cheep.
  • Being 360ed. This doesn't happen very often to me but when it happens more than once, it starts to be a little of-putting.

None of these are major issues that absolutely have to be fixed right this instance in my opinion but things that when they happen make me roll my eyes.


  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,492

    How about 3 swf in a row with 3-4 Adrens/Resi and map offering? I wonder why I don't play 4 slowdown tunnel Nurse/ 4 aura Midwich Nurse after games like these. Same level of braindeadness.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,643

    Ouch. I get that.

    I mean, I'm happy for people having fun with their friends but after a while, that is not that nice to play against.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,856

    Ultimate Weapon, tunnelling, survivors who don't leave when the match is over and 3-4 slowdown builds.

    But at present Ultimate Weapon makes me rage, I know it is irrational in the big scheme of things but Ultimate Weapon irritates me no end

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,639

    Just a few:

    -Seeing Wesker

    -Randomly getting or being sent to Dead Dawg Saloon.

    -I agree with you on auto-aim and 360s.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,643

    I guess, it's somewhat similar to how I feel about DH. I do not consider this perk problematic anymore but I also never want to see it again.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,856


    Obviously DH is nowhere near the problem it was but yeah I admit it can be annoying as killer, I forget to play around it since it is far rarer than it was before.

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803
    edited April 9
    • being sent to swamp as survivor or killer I just don’t enjoy this map
    • Holding W gameplay personally I understand why survivors do it and why I sometimes do it but this playstyle is literally unfun for both sides
    • map offerings and white wards….it’s just whenever one side brings a ward it’s always some rare toolbox or a blight running double iri combo
    • The shrine switching to more bad perks…honestly idek what perks I’m missing but I’m hoping for something good to use once
    • Playing killer with the same 2 addons it’s just boring especially when the addons are just a minor buff to your kit meanwhile every other addon is garbage

    agreed… devs literally buffed 3 of blights addons this recent PTB and yet they still leave other killers like Freddy, Nemesis and Phead without that much viable addons to use

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803

    dude I would literally do anything for a silent hill 4 chapter with Walter Sullivan as killer

    He was a rlly cool character

  • OFM
    OFM Member Posts: 10

    It's not really a gripe with the game itself (though I suppose it ends up being so as the game doesn't have much to prevent such behavior) but I get really mad when people waste the time of everyone involved.

    I mean stuff like teabagging the whole 2 minutes at gates (Sure you can just push them out, but usually I just tab out and do other stuff while waiting for them to leave… So in a way I'm the one wasting their time :P), slugging an unhookable survivor instead of letting them wiggle off and "risk" them getting hatch, 4man slugs (skill issue etc), last 2 survivors hiding without touching gens… I'd say these are the main points that grind my gears.

    Mechanic wise, getting hit by Oni 180s 🤯 And Billy's whiff recovery time 🤮 Are two of my biggest annoyances

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,471

    When you're injured and on death hook, and see your team mate who hasn't even been hooked once and instead of running in to take a hit they run off. That's probably my biggest pet peeve in this game

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Map offerings is one of the worst things in the game for me too.

    Using map offerings for exploiting unbalanced maps. Also why should everyone go to a map because just one player want to? When a survivor put a map offering it is usually for a survivor sided maps but it doesn't mean that the rest of survivors want to play there. In my case for example, I hate playing in Gideon as survivor but I'm sent there often.

    One of the most healthy things which can be easily done for the game is removing the map offering entirely.

  • StereoGang
    StereoGang Member Posts: 93

    What annoy me the most :

    • Map offering (especially cold wind, autoheaven and Mcmillan when we already get these realm so often)
    • Ultimate Weapon...
    • When I whiff a feral frenzy attack with Legion.
    • Facing Ghostface and being marked despite the fact that I m staring at him since half an hour.

    And the last one : seing on forum/twitter how [survivor/killer] sided this game is, or how biaised devs are toward [survivor/killer], or how playing [survivor/killer] is so ez and free win. Ok game's balance isn't flawless, but anyone who play both roles knows that it's just not true.

  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    My biggest pet peeve in this game is survivor teammates who refuse to let you just go next.

    Mainly when I go next I have a very valid reason for it. Someone DC'd within the first 5 seconds because it's their 500th Wesker in a row or it's a sweaty tryhard Blight / Nurse or some other reason and there's no point in commiting to the game, or it's a skull merchant (I will never give a skull merchant player an actual match of DBD, you can sit loading in lobby again). Not to say I haven't gone next for stupid reasons, just saying that most of the time it is a real reason to just want to go to the next game.

    However, when I try to go next because the game is clearly already over, and it's abundantly clear I just wanna go next, and my teammate comes in and wastes my time because they feel the need to get their 1000 bloodpoints is very frustrating. At that point I just run to the killer to down me again. I'm not going to commit time to hiding in the corner for 10 minutes while I wait for my teammates to potentially die first so I can look for a hole in the ground.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    Before Nemesis came out with the zombie crew, I think on the forums I mentioned I'd love to see Walter use Ghosts against survivors, and even ressurect a Mori'd survivor as a ghost, which would have been so much fun!

    Not at all saying they got the idea from me (they categorically did not get the idea from me :D), but that's why I loved Nemesis and the zombie addition. Shame it wasn't Walter who gor it, but it was the first RE chapter so they wanted something special.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,830

    Nothing is more annoying then knowing you can get that 5th Frenzy hit with Legion but auto aim takes it away from you.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,577

    When players act ignorant towards each other. It’s so unnecessary.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    360s certainly cause I fall for them often, auto aim is always making me hit a car and not the Survivors.

    Main thing is when people complain about characters and perks on both sides. I could care less if Im against a SM tunning NOED amd Deadlock and Lethal and Ultimate Weapon, nor could I care if I go against a SWF running SB Unbreakable Boil Over etc. Feel to many take this vifeo game to seriously

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 9

    Background player/Flashlights - There is no realistic counterplay on most killers even if they don't have it you have to expect someone 1 mile away looking at you to get the save. Flashlights save are also baby mode easy to get making them way too lenient

    Map offerings - Either nasty midwich/game nurse builds or survivors sending you to maps your power doesn't function on that's strong for them

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415
    edited April 9

    Pretty much, it’s really just The Entity.

    Like, what a complete #########!

    Survivors are humans, living life or just existing, and out of nowhere they’re pulled into a nonstop (for the most part) continual relentless hard tunneling, pain, torture and death simulation, where every once in a while they’ll feel some form of satisfaction in avoiding the suffering amidst some all powerful being’s sinister treachery.

    Despite whatever they felt about their previous situations on earth; the atmosphere of the planet with sunrises/ sunsets, fresh air and freedom to go wherever they (most of them) wanted to or could go has been replaced by a monotonous, stale and dank-seeming, limited space in which to co-exist.

    Like, what if they all get cabin fever and want to kill each other? Do they just die and then reappear by the campfire again? None of it seems long-term fun for them.

    Actually, just really sucks for them, overall.

    Entity is pretty rude and inconsiderate, idk

    EDIT: changed typo ‘stimulation’ to the intended ‘simulation’

    …also, I said the ‘b’ word (like bizznitch) but I didn’t think it was considered excessive that it would get censored. Thought that was interesting.

    Post edited by Xyvielia on
  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,577

    Like, what a complete #########!


    Entity is pretty rude and inconsiderate, idk

    Major understatement.

  • OneNineTwoNine
    OneNineTwoNine Member Posts: 50

    Maybe this is a strange thing to get mad peeved over, but parts of the game's UI bother me a lot.

    • When you die or lose to 4 escapes, the game almost rubs it in by playing this horrible screeching noise at the end game screen when it displays the match result before the scoreboard to make sure you knew you lost.
    • Being sacrificed on a hook is way too slow, please just let me skip the animation so I can go next quicker, or spectate my friends.
    • The archives popover preventing me from chatting with the killer after a game because it MUST be displayed over the chat and has to finish playing the animation that I really do not care about for a good 5 seconds before I am allowed to access the chat.
    • The perk popovers (the information that shows when you hover over a perk) is not the same in the loadout as it is in the menu for editing bots as evident by the "smoke" animation underneath the title card. There's also no search when looking for perks for bots. This tells me that they implemented two different systems to do the same thing and didn't remove the old one. Ugh!
    • The UI is just..? It feels clunky, buggy, and janky. And it has been this way forever.

    Think that's all I can remember at the top of my head.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 720

    Map-offerings in general: I'm okay with killer- and survivor-sided maps, BUT ONLY if it's rng and you can't force it to be your side.

    Hiding Survivors on both sides: I get it sometimes it's better to hide, but it's super annoying as killer because nothing happens besides that you see your gens die slowly. As survivor I often see survivors hiding and then getting found and die instanly because they can't loop, that wouldn't even happen if you wouldn't hide in the first place.

    Bushes on garden of joy and (dead) bushes on eyrie of crows: it's just super annoying to play huntress and hit those things, and you ALWAYS hit them somehow.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 624

    • - When I play a funny/meme build to do something cool and the survivors play full meta with syringes, fat toolboxes, map offerings. Then when I play meta on a killer, my survivors are cute little funny guys. This feels so akward.
    • - map offerings on both side.
    • - server sided decision like leaning on Ghostface or puking/infection on plague.
    • - clumsiness on some killers like Pyramidhead or Alien.
    • - When a killer is bugged and nearly unplayable like Singularity with his soundbug.
    • - randoms that do nothing besides totems and chests when I'm in a chase.
    • - Distortion- and CalmSpirit-players when I play survivor.Year, just play with two perks and hide foreverin the corner.
  • Samatrain
    Samatrain Member Posts: 80

    Wesker's miss recovery time feels wayyy to forgiving but atleast its only 1 health state and not Billy's insta-down

  • Ekrizdis
    Ekrizdis Member Posts: 65

    Blast mine im usually chill or at least i try to be but my god does blast mine make me mad that perk is my arch enemy.

    The joker to my batman.

    The brethren moons to my Isaac Clarke

    The early nights sleep to my dbd player.

    You get the point

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Running in circles around the same rock.

    I doesn't really work, its not particularly interesting gameplay.

    Its often the only thing in a player's arsenal, the player who does it once usually keeps doing it. They wound easily and they die fast but they keep on doing it.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,595

    This. Being looped around a car is the most boring thing in the game. Especially since survivors slide off of the environment like butter but as killer everything is instead made out of glue. If I can't path perfectly around it, I can be stuck there for way too long. It's so dull. Especially on maps with wonky collision like Nostromo, or any map with those awful bushes like Garden of Joy. It's even worse on certain tiles, like the Swamp's awful logs with vault points.

    On another note, I dislike the UI's presentation of injured survivors. It just doesn't fit with the rest of the dark and gritty aesthetic. It's a cheery bright red with a white strike across it. I'd prefer if it was instead dark red with a black strike, maybe with droplets of blood slowly spattering around it.

    I also really hate BHVR's new favorite idea: slapping the Resident Evil yellow tape on every vault in the game. It looks ugly and unfitting on most maps, and most of the vaults it marks are already obvious and don't need the extra signposting.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    For me…

    Being called as Tunneler when I didn't Tunnel… but in that I do notice that I do have tunnel vision onto a Survivor (chase a Survivor for to long)

    MMR being what it is… I know that it's a shared and overused statement but it's true

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah the UI, the new UI with portraits just lost something. The old stripped down bare bones UI was unobtrusive and great.

    Also the portraits just, no disrespect to the artists, but… well maybe a lil disrespect, some are just terrible.

    Pinhead looks like Kryten from Red Dwarf.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 299
    • People. I really wish there was a mode where I could play with bots entirely.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,595

    There is but you can only play as killer beating up survivor bots.

  • dbdplayerabc123
    dbdplayerabc123 Member Posts: 70

    Nothing about the gameplay itself grinds my gears. Even if something does seem unbalanced, I just learn to deal with it. Lower your expectations, move on to the next game, and have fun. I always expect to lose in my games, so when I win it's nice.

    However, the progression in this game is insanely long. I've had to grind away unlocking perks for all my survivors on three seperate platforms since there's no cross progression. So that's one thing.

    Two, I wish there was a atleast one other gamemode at all times on rotation. I didn't get to play either of the two modes that came in the past. My Little Oni only lasted for three days, why so short of a window to play something new and exciting? That grinds my gears big time since I had to go to training for my job for those exact three days, and usually I always have free time.

    Three, the level of toxicity from survivors. The amount of people on DBD that can't take an L is staggering. After every match it's always, "tunnel bc bad," or "u proxy camped, L killer". I can't help to appear as a tunneler/camper if there's one gen left and ALL three survivors are by the hook trying to save. What do these entitled man children expect me to do? Run to the corner of the map and pretend to look for someone I know is not there? Also, even if I do happen to tunnel and they call me out, I don't even feel bad for them if they're not using the perks that survivors have to combat tunneling. If tunneling is such a pet peeve, then use OTR, DH or DS, or all three.

    One last thing, survivors that like to burn time by sitting at the exit gate. You won, dude, get over yourself. I call out my teammates after the game when they do that, too. Just let the killer move on to their next match.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,580

    People that feel the need to say “gg ez”.

    You can always have a laugh at sore losers, but sore winners are just

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,364
    edited April 11

    People who purposely get downed because their friend/SWF got hooked for a 3rd time. Takes the game from 4v1 to 2v1 before you even know ######### is going on.

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 299

    Unless I'm missing something, you can only play as a certain killer, in a tutorial mode.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,643

    You can go into a: "Kill Your Friends" lobby, select killer and add bots. Every killer is available that way.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    -I play mostly survivor these days, if a killer kicks a gen rather taking a free hit I lose a little bit more of my want to play this game. Tbf I haven't personally kicked a gen in coming up on two and a half years but it actually makes me angry.

    • Survivors not even trying to win off the get go for no reason in particular. Tomes, challenges and spending all game doing nothing.
    • Returning to unhook every time. Some people would call it macro (which takes almost no time to understand), I would call it lame in every way for both sides. Billys do this a lot and it's made me like him a lot less after his overdrive buffs.
    • The ability to give up on hook.

    That's all.

  • Bafugaboo
    Bafugaboo Member Posts: 406

    The lack of original good fun banter at the post game chat. If I get dunked on I want to see some good fun statements that show the excitement from the other side. This does not need to be overly aggressive, but at least some real actual human emotion rather than the fake ggs. It is a game that we are meant to feel from so it’d be nice for that to be more visible.

  • ImWinston
    ImWinston Member Posts: 224

    New Dead hard … not is nerf, but its strange inconsistency (but it remains my favorite perk)

    When I play survivor, play almost every game 3VS1 (for several reason you can imagine).

    Weaving spiders players (but only when I play survivor… when I play killer I love this perk)

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,643

    Respect. I usually play without slowdown, so I have to kick gens every now and then. It's the only regression I have after all.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Yeah I get that especially if the gen is 99'd. But when it's 20% and the killer chose a kick of a game changing injure it pains me.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 272

    People who wait out the full EGC timer at the exit gates. Yeah, I know you won (most of the time I even let you win because I have 8 hooks and/or am done with my challenge or daily). Why waste my time to rub in your "win"?

    People calling for distortion nerfs while the perk is fine as is.