I think this game should hard remove tunneling

There is much of difference in utilizing tunneling and not utilizing it, I think removing tunneling altogether would help this game immensely by showing true kill rate of 12 hooking
And how exactly do you propose we accomplish this? Also should we also remove the ability for more than 1 Survivor to work on a gen at a time?
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We can do literally anything to accomplish this, I don't care how
And I'm pretty sure removing the ability to cooperatively work on a gen is basically a buff for survivors
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I'm pretty sure they mean only one survivor at a time on any gen, with three others unable to touch a gen.
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That's a buff for more than 80% of situations, sticking together is what killer want survs to do
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acomplishing that is on paper pretty easy. all they need to do is making the survivor lose all colision. and now tunneling is gone for ever. ofcourse that effect needs conditions and rules.
give the survivor 3 minutes where nothing can harm them that way no killer will wait it out cause they will just loose the game. the survivor ofcourse looses that effect the second they do anything that progresses the game like doing a gen a totem stuff like that.
now we come to the more tricky part. now that tunneling is gone what needs to happen to keep the game balanced cause im pretty sure with tunneling gone kill rates will make a drop. do gens now need to take longer? wich killer need buffs now? do chases need to shorter? thos are all important question that i ofcourse cant answer right now thats all stuff that needs to be monitored on the go and that absolutly means that the game will feel wierd and unbalanced for a while until bhvr gets everything right.
overall getting rid of tunneling is quite hard in reallity but im 100% sure its worth to do that work since i dont think tunneling like it is right now is good for the game and just throwing perks at every problem in the hope something sticks inst going to work forever
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"all they need to do is making the survivor lose all colision. and now tunneling is gone for ever" Along with any possibility of survivors getting punished for any of their mistakes. It was an awful idea the first time someone suggested it, even more now with all the systems in place that already provide survivors with artificial safety for many things, including hard tunneling (Basekit BT + having enough game sense to do all those things that would either prevent or solve it, like not unhooking near the killer or body blocking him).
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Tunneling can't be removed because Survivors loop. Survivors loop and troll you into the earth and yet whine about tunneling? Then stop looping.
But I'm fairly certain these people don't watch horror movies. Good luck asking Michael Myers to stop tunneling through Laurie Strode's life. I'm sure he'll oblige. Or Chucky. Or Pinhead. Or Bubba. Or any other killer with an agenda for that matter. Or anyone whose actively trying to accomplish the games objective by hunting down, which means tunnelling in essence, and killing, the survivor.
Survivor mains must live in the ocean to be this salty I swear.
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But when tunneling is removed, you don't care about survivor looping or trolling, as you'd have enough time to deal with them
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Not necessarily, no. The thing with tunnelling becomes the chicken or the egg scenario. If you wanted to remove tunnelling, you have to replace the current system of generator repairing, hiding and playstyle of every single gameplay detail to make room for something different. Do you see why that's not easy? You're essentially flipping the game on its head.
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Yes yes, exactly what I want, the flipping of entire game
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How do you do this effectively though without either making killer extremely weak or compensating in a way that makes survivor gameplay worse (shorter potential surv chases/longer gen times). If other stuff is changed why not just slug instead of tunnel with longer gen times/shorter chases?
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It's a survivor troll post. Just ignore it.
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Feel free to write any ideas how to achieve this and I will tell you why it won't work, or how I would abuse it.
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Then maybe go play something else
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Yes please. I cant count how many times survivors hop on my gen. GTFO and do another one fool!
This would be an awesome buff for survivors. So… not sure this is the 'gotcha' you think it is.
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base kit DS and increased unhook endurance should be a thing. I REFUSE to play survivor because every match is tunneling. Either I get tunneled and my fun is ruined or someone else gets tunneled so the only thing I can do is gen rush. All tunneling does is make the game unbearable to play and promote toxicity within the game.
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You sure you want this? Because you don't have to be a genius to understand that killers will get a giant buff after that. And big majority of survivors simply won't handle it and game will become boring for all with insta chases, like PTB Twins had.
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Why not? I'll just play killers and be happy to play them without worrying about hooks
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As I said earlier one way is remove hook notifications so these killers pay more attention to their hud and cause every unhook they hear they go back to it even if they fake pretend chasing someone else across the map(high mobility killers especially)only to come back.
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Because all killer's pressure will go into chase aspect of the game. And short chases no matter what are not fun for anyone, because this is the most fun part of the game. And literally whole skill expression is in chases.
We should give some alternate playstyle to killers, who don't want to tunnel and throw the game at the same time. But i don't think there is a realistic way to completely delete tunneling from the game without killing it.4 -
I don't feel there is much pressure beside kills anyway
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Do you have any suggestions, or even just the one? Are BHVR just meant to say "Tunneling is illegal now, as is crime"? How do you remove tunneling without massively empowering survivors' ability to force the killer to tunnel, or even just without kneecapping killer gameplay? Have you considered anything about what this even means?
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Tunneling is a thing since gens are that fast, since that many genrush perks. And mostly since ruin was changed from his old form. Earlier I never saw tunneling that often. Because you knew that you have plenty of time to play.
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What are you talking about? Being tunneled is not a mistake on the survivors side, this has nothing to do with removing any possibility of survivors getting punished for their mistakes. It has to do with addressing a strategy that is ridiculously unfun to go against.
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I fear there is no way to absolutely remove tunneling, but the strategy definitely needs to be nerfed.
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Contrary to what you believe the only 2 ways to remove tunneling completely are:
- Replace the killer player with a bot and make it go for 1 survivor with the least hook stages every time as long as they weren't the last person hooked. I don't think this will ever happen and if it did, then survivors would be about as happy playing against bots as killers are. It's pretty boring.
- Grant that survivor complete immunity to anything the killer does until they have hooked either one other survivor or all others, depending on how losely you define tunneling. This is not an option either because it would be very abusable.
Technically, tunneling includes going for the same survivor again even if they sit on a gen right next to you, so they would need to be protected too. Meaning, they are allowed to work on that gen with nothing the killer can do to avoid it. It would also enable them to linger around their team mate when they go down and get a guaranteed pallet / flashlight save, if we went with option 2. So basically, the killer could no longer progress the game once they hooked someone.
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I don't really care technicality, just wishes to NOT have to tunnel and win in reasonable manner
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Tunneling isn't a perk or power that can be nerfed and buffed on a whim, you're talking about how the killer uses their WASD and mouse, their free will as a player. It's a very heavy thing to touch.
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It's pretty much just a consecutive hooking thing, and ultimately problem in "kills" itself
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Forcing a 12-hook game means killer simply doesn't have time to win against high-level SWFs
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That's the short term results, ultimately it ends up with extremely oppressive killer powers
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Removing tunneling is not an option though.
More protection against extreme cases and incentives to actually spread hooks are possible though.
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I think there might be a solution to the tunneling problem.
1. Give the unhooked survivor invulnerability until the killer puts another survivor on a hook. To make this a little more fair on the killer, subsequent hits will put the survivor into a Deep Wound state, but it will never down the affected Survivor. Protection hits will count as a conspicous action, and remove the invulnerability. This will prevent survivor players from abusing it. Invulnerability is disabled once the killer has hooked all 4 survivors at least once.2. Invulnerability is not in effect during the End Game Collapse.
3. Killers who continues to tunnel one survivor despite invulnerability will suffer a permanent ramping Hindered effect, by 4% per hit.
- Yes, there need to be a punishment factor to encourage killers to not tunnel someone out as fast as possible.
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Protection hits will count as a conspicous action, and remove the invulnerability.
This can't work.
If you are rescued by an injured survivor, and the killer immediately hits you, or hits you at any time while another injured survivor is close to you, that counts as a protection hit.
This would encourage tunneling. It would force the killer to go for the unhooked survivor immediately to ensure they don't get unlimited invulnerability.