how am i suppose to hook if i cant pick up against flashbang and background player?

i face a wall and they still pull it off how is that fair!?
i cant belive i have to run lightborn just for this
this game gives me white hairs
You run lightborn like 90% of killers do of lately.
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i hate that i have to run a perk for exploit
14 -
The only real answer is stop playing until it get fixed
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As said by many wise Survivor Mains, "it's just a tech, not exploit" /s
Well seriously for now only Lightborn can counter this, no other way sadly :(
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If it’s very common, stick to the killer you do best with and just slug and bleed them out. They’re asking for it so repay them in kind.
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killer have exploits too they use and we are told to run x perk as well.
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So survivors knows the feeling as well? nice
0 -
Whatever everything will always be a complaint to killers, until survivors start the trial with 2 hooks each and injured by the hook killers will complain even among the pettiest of things, imagine getting mad at survivors doing what things are designed for such as saving a team mate.
Oh I hate having to run off the record to avoid being tunneled or if am not its a wasted perk( I do not run it btw) but this us vs them is just outrageous. Do not tell survivors to run x this and that when you killers hate hearing it yourself, as the saying goes pot calling the kettle black.
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A semi slug playstyle is starting to look more and more viable against Background Player apart from running Lightborn.
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This whole discussion is pointless really. I mean when you already take lightborn with you are clearly the one who is not able to learn how to play against it without lightborn. Sry. Throwing a flashbang is not that easy.
And do you want it so the survivors have just more things taken away only cause YOU have problems with survivors who flash you? Like all the other killers do which are refuse to learn to acutally prevent it on their own? I mean really think about practise to outplay it and as soon as you have no issue with that whatsoever you will see how much of a non really problem it is you now complain about.
See I get it when you have trouble with it now, but look what it is on the survivor side we have so little things we can do as soon as you as a killer pick up a survivor, also it is not like that happen in every single game sry. I would say it is not even 50% that people take the grenade with. And most of the times almost 100% when a survivor manage to flash you with it it sure is a higher ranked survivor, which is not the majority of players, and yet you want to have a change only cause you have trouble with it? Especially when you already take a perk with for it? Sure it is a wasted slot for your perks, but is your only answer to it to want it to be changed so you have it even easier? Or do you maybe can consider to train to play against it to overcome your weakness there so you can take out lightborn? I know it can be frustrating, but when you actually try to train it it will be much more rewarding than have the DEVS again change something only cause you did not even think of overcome this weakness on your own.
Seriously would more killer think about actually train and learn instead of cry and complain, because they face more and more the high ranked survivors which destroy them the game would be much more chill. But because most killers in high rank are there not because there are acutally good but they are bad and got points to high rank for free (When got 4K through dirty playstyle or because survivors killed themselves because of toxic behaviour) Sry to say it like that but yea many killers in high ranked did not really earned that rank, they got it as a gift, while you as a survivor only can reach that through actual skill, because you need to escape out of the gate to raise your rank as a survivor which is pretty tough and only the really good survivors will do that more often to reach high rank, so when you face them, because you maybe reached a higher rank you will naturally have no chance since the way you came there and they got there is a whole different story. (That is not especially you here, but all killers who cry about this hardcore survivors)
5 -
You could counter it by using Lightborn or via Infectious Fright, to know if someone is in your terror radius going for flashbang save.
Forced Hesitation slows nearby survivors down.
You can put one of these perks instead of 4 gen regression perks that carried you, you're welcome <3
1 -
Exactly, they got carried to high MMR in which they shouldn't be by constantly doing 4K's via using OP builds on killers and when they are facing "sweaty SWFs" instead of "silly-chill ones" they are demanding nerfs on forum 😂
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
Your reply just doesn't makes much sense, so much wrath for something I definitely didn't told about
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So far I have found 2 counters. Lightborn and Knock Out. If you really want to hook them, then Lightborn helps against flashbangs but they can still adapt and go down under pallets, so that a team mate with Background Player can save them.
Knock Out on the other hand can work, if you're trying to slug them all before picking up. The blindness will not do much against a SWF but the slower recovery and crawling speed still help. Do this on a killer that can get quick M1s (like Wraith or Doctor) and you can still slug all of them. Make sure the Unbreakables are out of the way before you pick them up and take self unhooks into account and it should work. I tried this a few times with Sloppy Butcherer, Nurse's Calling and Surge and it works much better than I anticipated.
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Yeah look I am all for fun perks etc but I feel BGP is quite broken and especially when used offensively in a SWF.
I admit I didn't realise how bad the problem is with this perk in a SWF all running Flashbangs and Flashlights. I don't want to run Lightborn either as I feel it is an unfun perk and at one point it was pretty much a wasted perk slot unless you saw a lobby with 4x flashlights. But once you experience this for yourself you will understand how broken it can be and how insane it is that this perk exists as it is.
Going against this as killer is absolute misery, it feels like the old lockers on Dead Dawg where SWF's would abuse locker flashlight saves until BHVR fixed that problem once and for all.
I do think this perk needs a nerf ASAP
4 -
This has nothing to do with "strong survivors". You could make a similar argument for range + recharge (aka Omega Blink) Nurse. Yes, they play good. But does that rectify a complete lack of counterplay? I don't think so. Because that would imply, that once they reach a certain level, they have earned the right to always win no matter how good their opponent.
The problem with flashbangs is that they have literally no counterplay due to a glitch and Background Player working the way it currently does. You can be on the other half of the map and still plant the flashbang under the killers feet during their animation. Staring at a wall does not work against this either because survivors can glitch themselves into the killer during the pick up animation and plant the flashbang.
I assume you didn't know about this because you're saying that killers should "git gud", when against this there are only 2 possible counters. Either you slug them ("dirty killer tactic") or you use Lightborn, which most survivors don't really like either because it makes their items and sometimes perks completely useless. Basically, the only 2 possible counters that I know off, will not be appreciated.
In the off chance you did actually know about the glitch, I would really like to know, how you propose op or any other killer player counter this.
So it's fine for survivors to glitch themselves into the killer during the pick up animation and plant a flashbang under their feet with 0 counterplay? Nah. That doesn't sound right. The only counterplay you have against flashbangs (facing a wall) doesn't work against this. So it is literally uncounterable without Lightborn and all because of an exploit.
Have you played as or against PTB Twins? Because they have just as much counterplay. For some reason I don't think any of us want that to go to live though.
Post edited by EQWashu on7 -
if someone flashbangs you, go after him.
That's my tactic and it is actually good counterplay - make them scared.
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No you should rethink while it is a perk we talking about which is not even that good as you stated it here.
Maybe this is a strong combination yes, but than let me ask you because of that do we as survivors will get any counter stuff for the insanely overpowered perks killers have? NO because it is not only perks which are important but also TO GET GOOD YES. I can tell you that I almost never see survivors which play flashlight and background player, because it is not just like as soon as you take it with you will automatically be capable of use it perfect. That is a combination only taken by these who are really good with it and played it so much to GET GOOD WITH IT. And now you guys come and cry about how unfair it is that there is no counter for that, well guess what as there are for almost all killer perks as well. So tell me why it should AGAIN changed because you killers who can not become good only when the game has to change again for your advantage? This game is not all about you killers and time has come that you and all the others learn that. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO CARE. And you have lightborn yea maybe you will have it in and can not take another perk with you BUT SURPRISE we survivors can not take more than 4 with us as well. And the Flashbang is not even that good when you consider. First you have to time it correctly if not the flashbang is useless. And most survivors who are good with it learned to use it right. How is it the problem of the survivor now, that you are to bad in this game to avoid it? Tell me? How? Right it is not. When you are not able to outplay it with lightborn take lightborn with if you are not happy with it it is okay then take it out and try to find a way to avoid it. And to be honest what even is the problem? Yea maybe the person you have on your should is free wow the short time blind will not take you the ability to run after him again. I mean seriously you killers have it so ridiculous easy in this game, but as soon as you face really pro survivors which destroy you all has to be changed so you feel happy again? You really do not get how selfish and egoistic that is?
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I do not believe background player change or flashbang "fix" (not nerf because pretty much nothing should guarantee a save) will matter to any casual players at all
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
You did read it's lated to backgroundplayer+flashbangs don't you? Flashbangs alone would be fair and have okayish counterplay, but backgroundplayer is really stupid to play against because they can ran over literally half the map and still get it xD
Besides that you know that flashtiming has gotten a "graceperiod" because many survivor weren't good enough to find a timing even me as killer-main can easily get? I wouldn't be so arrogant if I were you as it's now nearly impossible to NOT get it.
Oh and before I forget: Go and watch tournament-matches, you'll see that those tactics aren't dirty and can be countered if you are REALLY good, but you'll probably never reach that point. Have a nice day good sir!
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
So many heathens doubting our Lord and saviour Lightborn 😎
Embrace it's shady glory!
3 -
I run background player with sabo sometimes and even when killer bring painres, I still have little value from it because hooks are so close to each other.
BGP is also very situational, it's an exhaustion perk designed to do flashlight/flashbang/pallet saves.
BGP can't be used while being exhausted, flashbang requires doing 50% of generators.
Also BGP or Flashbang aren't even in top of the perklist :v
I don't care if someone is dramatic on forum because he got outplayed in High MMR. It seems he shouldn't be there, so just take some Ls and play in more chill way, maybe not 4 busted perks on busted killer?
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
You seem to ignore that there is currently a glitch, that makes this much stronger than it should be. I specifically asked for counterplay and your answer was that it's fine because not many people can do it.
If that argument actually worked, than we could justify Huntress instantly killing survivors as long as she threw the hatchet more than 30 metres far. Only very few players can actually hit these but somehow I reckon it would still be wrong to implement this.
This would also apply to Omega Blink Nurse. Or Starstruck Nurse on Midwich. Why did we nerf her again? Ahhh, yes. Counterplay. Or the lack of which for that matter.
It doesn't matter how good you are, there should always be the possibility for someone to play better. Otherwise you can become completely unbeatable. Does that sound fair to you? That's why counterplay is important. If staring at a wall actually worked, I'd be mostly fine with flashbangs (although sound occlusion for flashbangs should be fixed as well).
Also, cool it with the us vs. them. It's not that deep and it makes it seem like you play survivor only, which means, you don't know the full the picture. I play more killer than survivor but when I see an issue with killers or killer perks, I want it to be fixed too. Like for example Knock Out. I consider this one of the most unhealthy perks in the game. It completely destroys solo survivors and it promotes the most disgusting play style (hardcore slugging until all 4 are down at the same time). But it's 1 of the 2 counters to this issue, so we can't really rework it either, can we?
I am willing to ignore the thinly veiled passive aggressiveness in that last 3rd as long as you cool it with the attitude. I'm pretty sure this is against forum rules too. The problem with a flashbang save is not that you will never down that person again. It's that all the progress you made in the last 45 seconds (chase time the devs balance for) is negated. When you already play the role that has less time. This is undisputable. The game is balanced around slowdown perks for killers because it is completely unrealistic to win chases quicker than the gens pop.
Coming back to your point; you get blinded and stunned, now the survivor with Background Player is gone (they still have time left to get out of there) and the other has made enough distance to last 20 seconds more at the very least. If that happens once per game, who cares. You can still beat that, if you play good enough. What if this happens multiple times? Or what if there is even a thread for this to happen multiple times? Then you need to counter it. Even if you had 4 × Pop Goes The Weasel, it wouldn't matter. Because it doesn't work without a hook. That's how strong a flashlight save is.
Now, we're back to the same question: How do you counter this? Lightborn? Solid. Now, I need to equip Lightborn every single game? Really? We already had such a situation with BT and it was included into the survivor's base kit for that exact reason. Base kit Lightborn however would remove the entire blind mechanic, which is not a good idea. So that's not an option. Now the killer has 3 perks and Lightborn just so that they can counter blinds. Then the pickrate of flashbangs will go down, which makes the perk useless again but the killer still can't use something else because there is a chance that it's in the game and without Lightborn the game can be lost in the lobby already. This is the same as with tunneling, which many of us have argued needs to be addressed on a base kit level again.
I have played the game for long enough to see both extremes. Times when the game was horrible for survivors and times when the game was horrible for killers. If you want an example, just ask. So my goal is not to remove fun or strength from the survivor role but to make this whole thing fair. Which currently it isn't. I prefer my queue times low, so if you don't believe me that I play survivor enough to care about the role, then you can still believe, I do not want to wait 20+ minutes for a game. Btw, this had already happened for survivor queue times in 2021. So this is not even an overexaggeration.
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
Not sure why you got so triggered to go on a huge rant but the gameplay pattern in DBD is not chase > hook and repeat, sometimes a slug can turn the pressure over to the Killer's favor, knowing when to do so is actually part of Killer macroplay.If I down a Survivor in the open and I know someone else is lurking about with a flashlight, I'm not obligated to pick up the downed Survivor. Similarly if a Survivor leads me away from the gens and comp corner, I'm not obliged to hook them either and lose a gen as well.
To you, your ideal of a "good killer" is someone who plays with certain self imposed rules, if you meet players like that, good for you. I'm not obliged to play by your rulebook. The devs has a set of rules and I play by that because I agreed to those rules when I loaded in a lobby, not rules another player made up. I don't have to prove that I'm a "good killer" to you nor do I see any benefit in doing so.Instead of directing your anger at other players, perhaps you should channel your energy to the devs. They are the game masters and have the power to effect change, if they share the view that slugging is "unhealthy", they can make it a bannable offense and I will gladly oblige by their rules.
4 -
I think the flashlight/flashbang timer to make a save should be reverted to what it used to be, either that or Background Player needs a rework.
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I’m not going to respond to everything in your wall of text because you immediately make baseless assumptions about me and it’s really just a biased rant.
I’d just like for you to link to any of my comments that show me complaining or stating that the game is unfair to me. Also, do the same with any comments that proves I’m a Killer main.
And for the record, Slugging is a legitimate tactic and is not toxic or vile or bad. It’s easily countered by splitting up and knowing how to loop. It’s just bad Survivors would rather complain and get the Devs to hold their hands.
Finally, the only time Slugging is toxic is when the killer does it with the intention to make Survivors miserable, such as slugging all four and letting them bleed out when they can actually hook them.3 -
All fine. No worries. Do not feel spoken to if you are not like that. Also yes I did not know there is a issue with the flashbangs itself, which cause that problem you mention. I am the least person who would say that a real issue should not be fixed.
All I say is to stop complaining about things which are not currently glitchy or so, but learn to counterplay it in actually become better. Of course I do not say become better when the issue you face is a real problem cause of some Updates which has been made which overpower a certain perk to a point where you can do nothing against it.
Since the person who start the post here did not mention ANY glitch or stuff. The only reason this post was made was because he face often times people who use it. If there is a issue causing from the system itself it is a whole different story. But I saw it way to often that it all is just excuses in the end now.
So yea I will calm but also try to think how a post like this look like when first the only issue is that there are survivors he can not keep up to without mentioning any real glitch been used, and now you come with a glitch to been acknowledged. I fully agree that glitches or certain issues which become to overpowered will be worked on to get it done right, but I do not agree some complains only cause most killers who can not keep up anymore. Hope that is somewhat clear.
Anyway I also do not talk to you in person I keep it more general. I just want that there is a change in mindset for most killers. Cause why should the devs change everything in their favor when they do not even play anywhere fair or even normal anymore? Like the most killers play like absolut … and still want everything to go their way?
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Yea but did you not get why it is annoying? When you face such survivors it maybe is bad for you when it happens all the time, but that is the game. Should they add that you will face only once a person with that perks in in 10 matches? It makes just no sense. I mean how often did I read here in the forum that you have to take some perks with because it is a meta build. Maybe it is yea but not all want to do that. Like not all want to take lightborn with, yet it is part of the game to save people with flashlights or flashbangs. But since it is pretty rare, I never really see anyone use flashbangs and even flashlights are most of the times a mess.
so I have to say, still these survivors who run these perks are not so often as it would need a fix on a perk. (Exception of course if it really can blind you through walls and so on.)
And I think even you have to admit that most of these "changes" which are wanted are only because of the refuse of try to counterplay it properly. It is way to often that I see that they demand changes because they can not keep up anymore. And all the changes made will automatically made the game more unfun
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I don't care if someone is dramatic on forum because he got outplayed in High MMR. It seems he shouldn't be there, so just take some Ls and play in more chill way, maybe not 4 busted perks on busted killer?
This. Its a lot more common for players to get into a higher MMR than they should be due to how effective tunneling is from the bottom up. And as was prophesized, they are starting to come out when they get destroyed. Anyone here with issues concerning flashbangs are showing how correct this theory is. Unless, of course, you can submit a valid reason that it is, indeed, an exploit. Ugh..
Also leave @Huge_Bush alone, they made me brownies one time. So stoppit. :P
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Let's remember to keep the discussion civil and constructive, please. Also, a reminder that perks in the game are not "exploits", nor are things such as tunneling, slugging, and camping, which are also not reportable. More information on what is (and is not) reportable, or an exploit, can be found here in the Game Rules.
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“omg why do i have to run perks to counter the opposing teams perks !!!”
1 -
People are claiming the game recently started having a collision bug, and that survivors are exploiting that bug to drop flashbangs from within the killer’s model.
The claimed issue is that flashbangs dropped directly within the killer’s model will successfully work against a killer, even if the killer is directly next to and facing a wall.8 -
Immediately assuming that OP just got carried by op killer perks because they complain about Background Player is pretty sad to be honest. I also find it kind of ironic that you call perks on the killers side op while simultaneously defending Backgroundplayer.
Not to mention OP didn't even complain about "sweaty SWF's", just about Backgroundplayer being uncounterable. Something one can definitely disagree with, but maybe not in such a petty way.
7 -
OP just complained about Backgroundplayer, that's it. Nobody wants survivors to start the trial with 2 hooks each and injured, that is just so ridiculously exaggerated.
Also pretty damn ironic that you call this us vs them outrageous when you just accused killers of wanting free wins. You are just part of the problem lmao.
You realise also there are different people that play killer with different opinions. Or is that already too much for you to understand?
3 -
I don't care if you think that something is sad or not.
If someone is in High MMR (in which sweaty SWFs are) then it means that he got a lot of 4K's to be higher.
If someone has skill to do so, he wouldn't complain on forum and demand nerfs to mediocre and situational perks like BGP.
OP got outplayed and is just mad, that's it.
Also If you think that BGP is busted, then maybe you have the same, skill-realted issues as OP.
1 -
There is nothing "high ranked" about a background player save. Flashlight/flashbang saves were made baby mode with the removal of locker saves as well. There is nothing to train or learn if they have background player you're just hoping for them to mess up. You shouldn't have to make builds around denying a lose lose situation because someone across the map gets there with 5s 200% SB.
5 -
Oooh.. this is getting good…
Time to shut it down lol0 -
but i was looking at a wall, it wasnt a flashlight save, a flashbang save. i did the correct thing and got stunned. i dont think thats intended. and if its a skill issue the play is to slug and go for someone else, kinda bull i might say. btw what do you play more of killer or survivor?
0 -
OP just complain about background player, please see the list of everything else killers have complained about like they always do. I give you an A for attempt E for effort and big f for fail. What is there to understand, you have nothing that makes sense to understand lol.
1 -
Seems you get me wrong I do not say that you can not go after a survivor who try to flashlight save another survivor, when he is really close and you know he is there it is nothing wrong in try to get him. But when you let the one you downed lie the whole time, not to avoid a flashlight, but because you are more like you want anyone else to that is just bad.
Maybe you should think next time what I mean with that. Slugging is not when you down a survivor and go after another one you just saw and try to get him to, but it become slugging when you just leave him till you get the other one as well NO MATTER how long that will last. You get me here?
So what you mentioned is a decent way to avoid being flashed by someone, what is a understandable way to play and not the problem at all.
Clearly you never played it before. It is not easy to really time it with the flashbang. Most people I saw throwing the flashbang way to soon or way to late. I never saw anyone really do it good. Or maybe one person out of over 100 matches. So IT IS A HIGH RANKED THING. Cause when I meet survivors who really can use the flashbang very good EVERY TIME they are most of the times not only on a high prestige but also so good that they for sure are in high MMR.
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background with flashbang is an actual problem that needs to be looked at .
1 -
Nah you can have skill in this game and still complain about perks like Backgroundplayer. Just because they do not like the perk doesn't mean they are bad at the game.
But please, would you share with us all the counters to Backgroundplayer? Especially when even looking towards a wall does nothing?
0 -
"Please see the list of everything else killers have complained about like they always do"
Thanks for proving my point. You complain about us vs them yet feed into it yourself. How can you not see that lmao? And again, different killer players have different opinions, killer players aren't all the same entitiy. How is that hard to understand? What an embarassment.
You saying big f for fail is so ironic as well. I feel sorry for you.
4 -
- Mindbreaker gives exhaustion and drastically reduces usage of exhaustion perks, also survivors need to walk a lot to remove exhaustion
- Infectious Fright when someone is close and usually other survivors are close to downed one.
- Lightborn, easy counter but situational.
3 perks that could counter BGP, from first two you can have more value but aren't easy as lightborn, you're welcome :)
0 -
So the only solutions you have are equipping certain perks. Fine, survivors arguably have to equip certain perks to counterplay tunneling as well. Personally I find both to be a problem but ok.
However, how on earth does this now correlate with OP's skill in any way? You say people who have trouble counterplaying Backgroundplayer are not that good and don't belong into high MMR, yet the only solutions you have are completely non skill based, because it's just about equipping a perk. It has nothing to do with any skillful play on the killers side.
See where your logic completely falls apart?
2 -
IF it would be completely impossible to avoid a flashbang, devs would have killswitched it long time ago. Also its quite amusing that people just now start complaining about something that hasnt changed in a long time. Also we have a great example of killer doublestandards here: while killers shouldnt run perks to counter other perks, its fine if survivors even have to run perks to counter basic gameplay.
And how many skill issue threads do you plan to open? Its like the third in a single day.
3 -
How long is a long time? Being able to blind a killer facing a wall with a flashbang came around Chucky update.
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Yeah, so this would be 6 month ago. And nothing was changed about flashbang, at least not officially. And it was never approved to be a bug, was it?
0 -
so, being able to force yourself inside killer model isn't a bug?…