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PC - Crash when playing Huntress on Midwich (likely memory use)

This is an issue that used to happen on more maps when I had even just discord open but after the last update it happens even without having anything else open. I have reproduced it 3 times today with Huntress on Midwich.
Step 1 : Boot the game on an 8GB RAM computer
Step 2: Set the graphics to the lowest preset to avoid lag
Step 3: Play Huntress or a killer with props, bring a few hexes to make the render engine pop more, bringing yourself to midwich.
Step 4 : Play normally for a minute or two, if possible hook a survivor before 2 minutes pass.
Step 5: Move away from the hooked survivor to the other side of the map, preferrably reload your hatches to trigger UW.
Step 6: Notice the game crashes about 40 seconds after hooking a survivor, quicker if you move to a corner you haven't been to yet.
Additional information
- Huntress, using the japanese mask
- Ultimate Weapon, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Hex: Thrill of The Hunt, (A Nurse's Calling for the first 2, Tinkerer in the Third)
- Midwich, Silent Hill
- Three Times In a Row this morning, but it didn't happen yesterday. I was completely lag-free before the crashes. During Blood Moon event (extra polygons)
documents to add
- I have no ability to document images, but the first and third times it crashed on a black screen, and the second time it showed The Huntress on the campfire screen with the currency UI but no other panels open. Both times the audio continued to play normally until a stutter a few minutes in, and then silence once te crash handler popped up.
- Logs (PC only), and also the crash handler reported RenderThread failed to respond, and hex values.
I hope this helps! I would loathe to be unable to play DBD anymore due to bigger system requirements.
After days of this bug not reocurring, it just happened again with Trapper on WY. I had Spies, Agitation, Brutal and Sloppy. I was doing a basement strat with iri stone and trapper bag. The first time I went down to the basement, I had a 2 second halt while the game processed a Crow bubblue while I was carrying a survivor below. A minute and change later, about 3 minutes into the match, I had 2 people downed in a 4 trap basement and most of the other traps were far away. I applied Sloppy to Meg through endurance, picked up from the trap she stepped on afterwards and tried to hook her as my 5th(? curiously not the first one like before) hook, but midway through the hook animation, the game crashed just like the above bug, delayed audio and everything. Here's the extra log if you need it. I was also not experiencing any lag at at the moment, and the hex values in the crash report were different.