Ive been thinking about this for a while now, but would you guys like a thing after a match where it shows a video of how everyone played. It would be like the game EVOLVE where the survivors would be different color blips on the map and the killer as it's own color.
The map would show the paths everyone took through the match just sped up. Like how EVOLVE did after their matches.
I think this could also help with cheaters too cause then the DEVS could look at the end game results and see if anything was fishy after the game so reporting someone would be more simplified.
And how to tell all the killers and survivors apart would be that they are their own color, like how when you chat in the after game. So for example player 1 would be orange, 2 yellow, 3 green, 4 blue, and killer white. Like how your username is in the chat box.
AFTER GAME VIDEO!!!!! 9 votes
Yes, blips go bzzz
I love this idea
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Yes, blips go bzzz
Would be nice but apparently engine limitations or what not I would assume... Same with why we cannot have a replay mode...
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Other ideas (comment)
The fact that this game still does not have replays nearly 8 years after release is ridiculous.
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Yes, blips go bzzz
im glad you know of that beautiful game EVOLVE wraith main for EVOLVE hbu