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99ing the gates defeats the purpose of endgame collapse


the gates should begin regressing if left incomplete, or maybe start the endgame collapse after the 5th gen gets completed, i know this will make no way out too strong so either make the endgame collapse fixed 4 minutes like when a survivor is hooked, or reduce the blocked timer to 30 and activates instantly.

egc is where survivors should feel the most tensed up and have to make a choice of staying behind to help their teammate or dipping out of the there because of the risk.

currently killer is at a disadvantage in endgame if protecting a hook because of the 99 gate, and no egc, giving survivors all the time they need to reset, making the killer desperate. but if egc started right away there would be no point in 99 and opening the opportunity for perks such as bloodwarden to come into play.

in conclusion either activate egc after last gen with 4 minutes or make 99 the gates regress
