Bubba tantrums
Simple feedback for BHVR - please reduce the length of tantrums when Bubba accidentally bumps on objects.
I love versing Bubba and I feel he is a fun killer to play but he also feels quite weak and I feel that the unnecessarily long penalty he has from bumping is outdated and needs to be cut down to 1/3 to even 1/4 of what it is now.
Interestingly, with his rework he got very potent add-ons for reducing the tantrum duration. But that add-ons were toned down heavily shortly after, for some unknown reason. The add-ons were never problematic, but made playing chase bubba so much more pleasant, served as a qol.
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Crazy… Poor Bubba really suffers in the current state of the game and it makes him very rare to see which is such a shame
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I looked at the add-ons, but they were actually not changed after the rework. Maybe Tantrum was bugged after the rework, or the base tantrum duration was increased, don't know, but I certainly remember the add-ons having a way bigger impact to the tantrum duration.
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Either way, needing an addon to reduce this is a feels bad anyway.
Bubba already feels quite addon dependent as it is :(
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Absolutely, the yellow chili and tantrum duration could safely be made base kit. His add-ons are overall not so nice, they tried something with the rework, but most of them are still way too situational or plain bad to use.
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Quite a few rework suggestions standarize the Tanturm to 5s across the board.
I think this is a perfectly reasonable change. Also the buffs of Knife Scratches and Chilli made basekit would be nice… maybe then Bubba might start considering other add-ons for fun instead of needing these just to function.
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Anything has to be an improvement over the current tantrum duration.
Bubba is such a fun killer but he is so rare as playing him is just so frustrating at present. I want to play him and I want to verse him but it is pretty painful playing him
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Bubbas tantrum should be long since he has no extra limits on his turns or anything. If he gets juked into a wall he deserves massive punishment.
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Tell me you never played Bubba or are a low MMR survivor without telling me you are… smh
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I mean are you saying bubbas sweep movement is as limited as billy or something? Its only limit is its charge time and acceleration, after that its a speed boost with an instadown. The only time a good bubba should be in tantrum is to counter the jump-in-a-locker strat while hes in sweep. even in that scenario the survivor, with proper timing, can get out unscathed because of the buffer between tantrum and base. Lowering his tantrum wouldnt do anything but punish bad bubbas less.
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Bro… if you think Bubba needs to be punished more than he already is just by design alone… I don't think there is any reasoning with you.
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We think it's fine as is. Its currently 5 seconds plus a second per token used. He gets a longish repeatable AOE insta down with mild punishment if he hits something.
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Well enjoy your Nurses, Blights and Spirits if you play survivor.
Things like this that unreasonably punish weaker killers give people no logical reason to even attempt to play these fun killers.
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We been getting veriety for the first times this year as survivor... kinda a non issue. As killer we been using a randomizer (sans 1 who's been on an unknown binge) to pick killers and still going well. Again a non issue.
And your definition of unreasonable is different from ours. We stayed a reason we think the tantrum time is fine.
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he doesnt need more im saying its fine as is. Also, on what other basis would we use other than game design.
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The cooldown increase per charge consumed needs to go, it should be 5 seconds at most. The fact that you have to deal with a whole 8 second cooldown while also having to wait out another 12 whole seconds just to fully get all your charges back is pretty ridiculous and far, far too unforgiving. It's no surprise to why he's so underplayed.
Bubba could really use some buffs, not just for the cooldown but for his chainsaw sweep movement speed and maybe even the yellow chili base-kit. I feel like his collision is pretty jank as well.
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Yeah it does feel very punishing for sure.
Crazy thing is, I was only saying he should not be punished so harshly for bumping but even that was too much for some here, which just blows my mind.
Like I said earlier, I hope these people like Nurse and Blight as there is less and less reason to actually play fun killers