Can The General News Section Start Being Updated Again?


I've noticed this section of the forums has gone completely neglected since September of last year. This is kinda a bummer to me, since that was always was a really convenient way to see the latest updates. When a new patch would drop I could just go there and click the link and see what was new. Now whenever patch notes drop my process of finding them is closer to "Ok, those get posted to the dev blog right? Can I get there through the forums? Which of these search results for 'dev blog' is the right one? I don't know, hopefully someone will provide a link eventually."

This process is a lot more frustrating than going to the section where news is posted.

On a similar topic, the twitter/X side bar hasn't been updated since summer of last year. That was also a cool, convenient way to learn about smaller updates and cosmetic packs and such. Can we get these things up and going again?
