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Survivors suicide on hook needs some form of punishment

CasualCosta Member Posts: 6
edited April 12 in Feedback and Suggestions

And I say this as a survivor main!

Three matches in a row there was someone who just tried to jump three times into hook stage two then failed all tests to die. If this was a 2 survivors left situation where one kills himself to give the other a chance at finding the hatch, that would be fine, but those were the first or the second hook of the match and we had already finished a gen, so it's not like it was unwinnable.

There needs to be a stricter punishment for doing this kind of thing. I played DotA for years and there would often be DCs after the first death. This behavior pattern only ever changed after Valve set a low priority queue for people with multiple DCs and reports in a month. I suggest BHVR does the same: allow survivors to report other survivors into low priority games for this kind of nonsense. And let these guys rot down in low priority match finding until they escape X amount of matches.

Now, I know this kind of thing can be abused and players can use that to report, say, someone who plays a style they don't like. So one thing I suggest to copy from Valve: parties only get a single vote. This should prevent SWF from mass reporting someone they don't like. There should also be a minimum amount before getting sent to low prio and this number should reset every X amount of days, like a month. To counter-balance report abuse, commends could decrease the counter as well. However, SWF shouldn't be able to get any benefit from commending within their group, obviously.

Or really any other kind of thing to stop early hook suicides. I've played for an hour and didn't even get a match that felt playable because of this kind of thing. I'm not asking much, I just want to play proper matches. And yes, I do report them, but I don't think that does anything, really.

I'm going to try and play one last match before calling it a night. I don't even mind dying, I just want a proper game.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,628

    I mean the counter measure should not be necessary if they are able to have a look into the match data... Which I hope is a thing otherwise how can they just ban people based on text without proof xD

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 431

    Punishment unneeded, just make it impossible

    It's not even hard to remove this mechanics, I don't understand why it exists

  • CasualCosta
    CasualCosta Member Posts: 6

    I'm assuming that by they you mean BHVR's team here. The system I'm proposing runs on not requiring a team member checking every match to deal with this kind of thing, which might be a lot of matches. Also, what are they going to do if a survivor suicides on hook? Ban them? Too harsh. Low prio punishes impatience and forces the stealth DC player to stick around as a corrective measure.

    There are definitely fair uses of hook suicide, like the aforementioned hatch giving when you know the match is hopeless. But I think you might be on to something here. Maybe disabling skill checks on hook until at least one survivor is dead might make players reconsider.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 431

    If we has to sacrifice a chance for hatch for something important like this, it's no brainer because hatch is meaningless anyways

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,136

    4% just shouldn't exist at all as a mechanic. Quite a few perks/offerings that are wasted on gambling.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,628

    I don't think killing yourself on hook should be bannable to begin with, however I don't like a system that bans you without a human looking over it.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 95

    I have long said you should only get the chance to unhook yourself when

    • You have a perk like Deliverance, Slippery Meat, Up the Ante, or Wicked
    • 3 survivors are dead, dying, or hooked (this allows for someone to speed up dying so a teammate can get hatch, or if the killer has all of your teammates slugged/hooked while you're on hook)
    • the anti-facecamp meter is full
    • 5 seconds before you go into second stage (for when you have those teammates that can't/won't rescue you)

  • opxtreme
    opxtreme Member Posts: 56

    Same here, though I feel it isnt always just the survivors fault for wanting to quit. Some killer designs cough Skull Merchant, Knight, Nurse and even some perk combos are quite boring to playing against. I would understand them wanting to quit because of that but if its for stupid stuff like going down quick but your still winning, theres no point in giving up and pissing off your teammates. I agree w/ u, people need to be punished for doing this.

  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 83

    I hate it in both my matches as a surv or killer.
    Most people who does this are certainly damn kids that can't handle any hardship life throws at them and give up without trying in any situation.

    "I got the first hook, so it's 100% sure I'm not escaping. Let's die and go to the next match".

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 451

    This would be the best solution.

    I would probably make it so instead of speeding up your death timer, every time you attempt to unhook gives you some sort of penalty, whether it be something like - 2% gen repair speed, heal speed, for a duration dependent on how many attempts you made.

    That way we can still have the self unhook interaction, but it no longer makes you leave the match faster.

    For second stage, we could do the same thing, where every missed struggle just reduces either gen speed, heel speed etc.

    The goal here is to minimise the damage that entitled players can do. If they don't want to play, then fine they don't need to play and can go AFK, but at least this way they won't immediately screw over their teammates, and maybe they will actually stick the rest of the match out if they have to hang there anyway.

  • ZamasuManzon
    ZamasuManzon Member Posts: 83

    They should simply remove the ability to try to unhook yourself if it's not by Deliverance, Sable's perk or the anti camping mechanic.

    Also which mechanic the killer has that has a % chance of doing something good for him/her besides skill checks?

  • weareweebs
    weareweebs Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 10

    No until slugging all 4 survivors and hooking only a single survivor for entire game is bannable. If you haven't noticed already, but almost every rule in this game goes against survivors whilst killers are able to do anything they want without punishment, even though it's clear unsportsmanship or playing against how the game was intended. Tunelling and slugging is a mechanic that isn't punishable, so attempting to unhook yourself shouldn't be as well by that logic. I also want a proper match too without killers making it unplayable. If this is punishable but the other things haven't be addressed, say goodbye to a large chunk of survivors mains playing this game. And I don't want to stay in a match where other players aren't doing generators whilst I'm taking chase for over 2 minutes.

    Only solution is to decrease the time to do generators by each sacrificed player, whether it's by 5 or 10 seconds. Survivors get punished enough.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,136

    Is it not possible for 4% & slugging to bleed out to both be bad features of the game?