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Slugging specially in the End Game or after 2 deaths of Survivor, Survivor new possibilty

Xrono Member Posts: 3
edited April 13 in Feedback and Suggestions

Can we please get an Oppurtinite to take us out of the Game, because this killers are always slugging when just 2 survs left. it costs me and all of the survs just time to wait or they had all downed and they just walking through the map. As suggestion after 90 seconds we can «kill ourself». I want to play and not be layned down for 4 minutes for killers fun. It happens in the most of the games. Reason: when you calculate the time together for an hour gameplay i could play one more game in that time


  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,032

    As I suggested in another post.

    Make it so survivors can give up after getting slugged for 1 minute (in a row). Doesn't have to be last two survivors. Then jsut replace that survivor with a bot.

    Killer can still get 4k, if they want and you won't need to wait till you bleed out, or something.

    1 minute should be enough for other survivors to save you, if possible.

    I wouldn't do it for killing, because it would make it bad idea to implement unless it is literaly two survivors left, but then it is kinda "DC for hatch".

  • Xrono
    Xrono Member Posts: 3

    There is no fun beeing downed 4 minutes, in a game after another game and one more and more time, and why are all killer so scared of the hatch? Giving the last survivor the oppurtinities to get out thats why the hatch is there. Its random generated. Its a 50/50 chance, May the killer get the hatch may the surv find it first. you can still get a 4k…. so? its not guaranteed that the surv will find first the hatch…

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,032

    why are all killer so scared of the hatch

    I have done it for adepts / challenges, but I am usually too lazy to do this…

    Its a 50/50 chance

    That's not really true.

    There is higher chance I am going to find hatch as a killer (I am faster), but then there is also gate game, where it depends on map. Some maps are impossible to escape by gate (I can see both gates with little movement), some are really easy (mostly indoor maps).

    Adepts are annoying for some killers (bad perks, or killer in general), I am not willing to "bet" on getting it, or not.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 431

    Why all survivors so scared of not getting hatch

    It doesn't matter in the end, not even for MMR difference

    And you know health state exists and it's more like 80/20 in favor of survivors

  • Xrono
    Xrono Member Posts: 3

    Not even, it's just a time waste for all surv which expierence that. The most of the killers doing that so you get a game after a game after game, which you just wait, where is the fun part? oh wait i played for 1 hour, but in this one you didnt really played for 20 minutes because of that. Waiting for nothing and nothing those killers wants just fu.. up the survs. its ok for challenges or somethins but also some of them let you on the ground on porpuse even all are downed, they just taking hostage. And in the most challenges doesnt count the hatch as an escape, the hatch can spawn under the survs oder directly next to killer. Its anyway over so it should be at least legal to leave the game and not losing bloodpoints or getting banned for minutes. You as killer have anyway higher chance…