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Extreme Monetisation


I thought to myself today, "I like Soul Guard a lot, and Silent Hill's a badass franchise, might buy the DLC and then get James Sunderland"

Then I realized that one DLC and a skin costs more than the game


  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 98

    That's why I main base characters - those which I can get skins with shards.

    Prices are ridiculous and on top of that i feel like bhvr doesn't do good enough job for me to buy skins.

    Who knows? Maybe I will drop dbd for other games soon? Being survivior main hurts.
    With that in mind there is no money coming in from me.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,143

    Oh, did we get a report somewhere on how much is payed out to the license holders for each transaction as part of the contractual obligations that allow those IPs to be in the game at all?

    We of course wouldn't be claiming it's too expensive without finding out/accounting for/having any consideration of the costs incurred acquiring those licenses would we? Surely not. I would be fascinated in seeing those numbers if you'd be so kind as to supply them.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 98

    You are missing my point tbh. I would love to spend money on skins if i felt real enjoyment out of games.