Remove depipping
I really wish de pipping would be removed from the game. It would make the game so much more fun because it would remove the load of stress the game sometimes has on you.
You know the Grade has zero impact on the game itself, right?
All getting higher Grades does is reward you with more BP at the 13th of the month.
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who plays this game with pips on their mind outside of doing some sort of challenge???
just play the game and try to have a good match
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I agree, it's time for de-pipping to go away. grades have no bearing on MMR and it's an unnecessary punishment which disproportionately punishes solo-q survivors and newer player. More than ever now we need the extra BP reward we get at grade reset due to the sheer number of characters and growing number of items in the Bloodweb which is itself designed to be punishing and a huge BP drain, making it more difficult to prestige new characters as more and more are introduced and more perks and map offering are added to the game and therefore the bloodweb.
To those that keep saying "stop complaining about pips just shut up and play the game" this is a suggestion forum, let people posts suggestions, if you don't agree move on, coming here just to say "you're wrong because I disagree" is not doing anything for you or the community.
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I agree, de-pipping needs to go. It made sense when grades were ranks and used for matchmaking, but that's long gone. Grades are just for a monthly reward, and losing progress towards the reward sucks.
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Agreed it needs to go ruins the game for me.
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Give people fifty pips every game. Who cares?
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If it helps you can just skip past the pip thing and it'll have a near zero impact on your game. I have never looked at or cared about the pip or emblem screen. Just skip straight to the interesting part: seeing what your opponent was running.
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It's still does not change how frustating mechanics it is. All for literally nothing as grades don't affect matchmaking like ranks so the mechanic is not needed. Grades are supposed to show playtime not how much you sweat.
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Although i know im late. Yes i have to not care about it yes and it makes the game more fun and its pretty simple i know that. Just saying its a stupid mechanic to de pip when its just rewards. But anyways they havet announced that it is going.
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They said they're removing depipping, so your wish came true.