Do you think any killers should be completely reworked?



  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 225

    Definitely SM (because obviously) and probably Pinhead too. He's OP against solo queue and easily beatable with SWF - he needs a power than doesn't heavily depend on whether you can communicate with your team on comms. I can see the argument for Freddy rework too. For all other killers, not complete rework, just buffing useless powers/add-ons and getting rid of ridiculously OP add-ons like Tombstone for Myers.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,053

    I don't think any killer should be ground-up reworked, I think that was problematic when it happened to Freddy and it takes some pretty serious circumstances before it's appropriate.

    It's not impossible, I'd say the previous version of Skull Merchant to the current one was mooooostly justifiable, even if I think it wasn't strictly necessary to do such a dramatic overhaul. I've also seen people highlight Spirit, and while I don't know for sure if a ground-up rework is required to fix her, the accessibility angle is one of those things where it might be.

    Beyond that, definitely nobody right now. Some killers need reworks in the same vein as BHVR have been doing recently, and I'd say top of that list - now that they're tackling Twins, at least - is Myers and Freddy. Both killers need a pretty hefty fresh coat of paint, they're pretty outdated and flawed these days.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,065
    edited April 18

    Pig the weakest killer in the game? Not by a country mile.


    Twins i'd say are fair game at the moment seeing as they're reportedly stronger than nurse in PTB which leaves a ? on where they will end up

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 378

    Myers 100%. Perma Tier One and Perma Tier Three aren't fun, slightly memey but they're also annoying. Perma Tier Three just feels like its meant to abuse the unaware, which it can and when the game released the power made sense. While it does take time to build up and even pull off, you can still effectively punish survivors for something they didn't do. Even if you, as a survivor, did feed Myers a tiny bit of stalk, it still won't matter, he'll still be able to mori you after getting Tier three off someone else.

    I saw someone suggest that Myers could still mori someone with Tombstone and Fragrant Tuft, but only after he's drained that person completely of stalk. So that way, the person who fed Myers gets punished instead of someone who just got caught in the crossfire. Sure it might make getting Evil Within a little more challenging than it already is, but it would feel a bit more fair for the survivor. With that said, Evil Within could probably be tweaked a little to make it an easier achievement to obtain for Myers.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 74

    Nurse because she's broken and we all know it.
    Spirit because she's the literal definition of an accessibility issue.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,238

    There are 3 killers I believe that need reworks, just to make them make more sense in terms of who they are.

    Merchant needs a rework that plays more into the "Apex Predator" kind of style. She should be more of a stealth killer, utilizing her drones for reconnaissance but to also amplifly her stealth. What I had in mind is giving her a "Hunter Stance" which effectively works as a crouch, but more like Pig instead of Ghost Face. From this stance she'd be able to leap forward to deal 1 health state of damage. Her drones would also be stealthier and can be remotely controlled. Looking at a Survivor builds up lock on similarly to Ghost Face or Myers stalk. When a Survivor is fully locked on they are revealed on her radar, and a successful leap instantly puts Survivors into the dying state. Disabling a drone removes it from her inventory for some time, but gives the Survivor a claw trap which reveals them on her radar, and they cant disable any drones before the claw trap is taken off. A claw trap is automatically removed after some time.

    Freddy definitely needs to be like his old self but his power should be amplified the more Survivors fear him, and the Dream World should be something to fear. Survivors will have 3 states: Awake, Micro-sleep, Asleep. Survivors passively enter Micro-sleep, but are immediately put into it if hit. A Survivor who suffers from Micro-sleep can be pulled into the Dream World, leaving their body behind in the real world. (similar to the Haunted by Daylight event, but a husk of the Survivor is left behind). In the Dream World Survivor perks are disabled, Freddy's abilities in the Dream World, are Dream Snares and Dream Doorways. A snare will latch onto a Survivor if stepped on, making them bound to the area for a short time and limiting their movement. A Doorway allows the Nightmare to walk through it and pass through the wall its placed at. The more Survivors suffer from Sleepiness, as well how many hook states Survivors have, the more Doorways and Snares there are in the Dream World. A Survivor will automatically exit the Dream World after a while, a fellow Survivor can pull them out early by waking them up, or the Survivor can find an Alarm Clock to exit the Dream World. Failing skill checks will put a Survivor into the "Awake" state, as well as using an Alarm Clock. Survivors who are put into the Dying State while in the Dream World on their last hook state can be killed by Freddys own hand.

    Myers I feel like he could be more in line with the rest of the cast since he's pretty outdatted, and he should have some his of frustrating aspects looked at. First we'll start with tier 1, but were gonna rename it to "Stalker" for now. for now. He should be given a normal lunge just to make him a little more useful while in this mode, since he's gonna be spending a bit more time in it. After stalking for long enough, he'll have the option to go into Tier 2, or "Standard Mode" or Tier 2. This remains the exact same as before, but his ability to stalk is removed. This is now replaced with being able to go back into Stalker mode after some time. Once again, after he's reached enough stalk and in he's in Standard Mode, he can then go into Tier 3, or "Unstoppable Mode". While in this mode his action speeds are increased by 10% (with vaulting remaining at 30%), and he is given a new ability: "Killer's Intuition" where he may reveal any Survivor within a short range of him with Killer Instinct. Additionally if he gets his hands on a Survivor on their final hook state, he may kill them by his own hand. Unstoppable mode has a duration of 80 seconds, after which he is automatically brought back to Standard. To be able to keep track of things as Survivor the current sounds of Myers for tiering up/down remain the same, with the addition of returning back to Stalker mode (unused tier up tune), as well as a "Killer's Intuition" reveal (old tier up imminent).

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,748

    skull merchant had capacity to be permanent undetectable killer. Her low powered mode add-on got nerfed. In some sense, she already is stealth killer. She just got nerfed.

    on side note, The two killer that i think need most changes is Dredge and Nemesis. These two killer are pre-buffed Clown-tier. Almost everything about them is under-tuned and could massively be buffed.

    Myer & Freddy could also use reworks but they should be good reworks, Not twin-level QOL changes.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695

    Skull Merchant and Onryo

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,917

    I think complete reworks don't accomplish anything valuable. All it does is remove a killer that some people enjoyed and not even guaranteed to fix whatever problem people had.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 577

    I mean shes basically an M1 killer with no chase power. As long as a survivor can keep her occupied for 5 gens then she has no pressure and each chase she gets is almost definitely going to cost her a gen because again, M1 killer with no form of game delay until she downs someone

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,408

    Ambush is fine in loops against most Survivors. It's a perfectly serviceable tool.

    Her real issue is lack of map pressure.

    Her Traps are actually extremely good game-delay tools. Barring Pinhead, they're probably 2nd best.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,130

    Nurse. Her time is coming.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,341

    Freddy, imo.

    He's just… "eh?". An M1 killer with a jack-of-all-trades power that, while perfectly functional, is just "eh?".

    I'll never understand why they opted to make him weaker as the game goes on by removing teleport locations,. Especially when his whole deal was being at his strongest at the game's climax.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,065
    edited April 19

    This post makes me scratch my head. Her ambush dash can shut down most loops, check positions that guarantee a hit lands, and can cut chases short. If you're concerned about getting slowdown online early in the game she has an add-on that circumvents needing a down, so I don't get where you get she has no game delay until a down because that's not entirely true. Her recent buff made her crouch speed, transition, and add-ons like grease, JMF, and last will even better, so ambush and crouch speed is not an issue. I'm also pretty sure any killer getting ran for 5 gens will have no pressure, but if you're getting ran for 5 gens that's a skill issue no matter who you're playing.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 126

    None really. I'd like to say SM but I think she's a lost cause that would just further waste BHVR's resources and time.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 250

    #disagree - she's overall the most miserable dbd experience. its an instant k0 myself on hook against her. Give me a blight, bubba, heck even nurse over her anyday.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 193

    Well, that's what I'm talking about anyway, really. People refuse to figure out what they're doing against her, so they throw every game and act like it's the killer's fault.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 250
    edited April 20

    That's your opinion @arcaneGospel . Sorry you feel let down by survivors who have purchased the game and choose to k0 themselves against her. She isn't enjoyable for some, myself included. :) I have almost ten thousand hours in the game and believe me, I know how she operates.

    its a lack of fun issue. But that's my opinion, no offence :)

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,053

    What actually makes her miserable, though? She can't hold games hostage anymore, so she's just a normal killer. Worst I could possibly say is that the "drop thing at loop, force survivor to run away" thing is kind of annoying to face, but she's not even the worst killer at doing that so I'd hesitate to suggest that's what you mean.