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Dev Update: April 2024 PTB Changes; Thoughts?



  • Member Posts: 531

    Here is the thing a lot of ppl including Twin mains like Lynix said that this rework was going to be bad for Twin the second they saw the dev blog about it. If so many ppl could see the issues with the rework before they even tested than why didn't the devs see this? Someone on the dev team at some point doing the planning of this rework had to relieve how strong it was going to make twins and how much it would completely change how twins would play. This is why I said it was a failure bc the version of the rework we got should never made it to the ptb to begin with. In fact, a lot of twin mains have been saying they never really wanted a rework they just wanted QoL changes, these changes could been done two years ago instead of wasting so much dev time on a rework that was clearly going to fail. That dev time could been used on so many other killers who needed the help and now they have waited for their turn for no reason since all they waiting has been reduced to a few QoL changes.

    Don't get me wrong I'm all for the devs to take risks and try things but I think it dumb that these changes took two years just for it to fail so badly that they had to walk every single one of them back. I will praise them for listening to feedback and realizing their mistakes but I will not praise them on this update. The update is a failure in my opinion bc it should never gotten to this point in the first place. There is nothing in this update that is exciting or to look forward to. Twin mains getting their QoL change sure but it took two years, UW imo is dead and I don't see any reason to run it, and the time on the new animation for DS was wasted bc they had to remove it as well. Hopefully, the anniversary update is going to be juicy to make up for the fact this update is so empty and is huge disappointment. I really don't see a reason to come back to dbd right now since there is nothing new or fun in this update. I might as well just stay on OW2.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    How so?

    It’s still got the increased cool down which makes it kind of meh in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I personally always thought protection hits should deactivate ds waaay before conspicuous action

  • Member Posts: 323

    Such a pity waiting all this time for the Twins rework and almost everything is reverted. Couldn't they find a middle ground between live twins and their PTB version?

    Like letting Victor latch onto downed survivors as an OPTION while giving Charlotte haste for a couple of seconds.

  • Member Posts: 4,209

    Will survivors still be able to hold Victor hostage?

    One of the absolute worst parts about current Twins is that if Victor latches onto a survivor, and that survivor refuses to crush Victor, then Charlotte needs to wait 30 seconds before being able to recall Victor.

  • Member Posts: 3,468

    I’ll be running sloppy and knockout. 🙏🏼

  • Member Posts: 4,209

    Tunneling is literally the counter play to weaponized DS. It’s so damaging for the killer, for a healthy survivor to aggressively body block with OTR + DS + DH, that it’s better to just tunnel everyone off the hook, to prevent that combo from happening.

    And it’s not a threat. It’s what I literally ended up doing every game, before the DS nerf, because I had so many survivors weaponize DS against me.

  • Member Posts: 5,962

    That's what concerns me too. If I don't have a choice, then I'll tunnel them, get through their DS and kill them anyway. I don't care, if I lose the match in the process. That person is going to die. It's the same way I deal with people that use No Mither and make themselves unhookable.

  • Member Posts: 1,846

    The thing is we don't WANT that to be an option. Most of us who have this issue play the game as fair as possible. Not to mention, how long until survivors get sick of killers doing this to counter the combo? We also have survivors who take a hit and then hide in a locker to save their DS for when you grab them, or stay alive if you leave. On top of it, there's always the current Buckle up+FTP combo that makes it a moot point.

    There was a better way to balance DS: Disable the killer's power for x seconds and allow the survivor to move immediately after hitting the DS skillcheck so they get the full stun duration.

  • Member Posts: 3,468

    That’s why I mentioned sloppy and knockout will be our best friend :)

  • Member Posts: 5,991
    edited April 2024

    It'll have the same cooldown it has now even at 60 seconds. People keep thinking that current UW has a 30 second cooldown, but it does not, it has a 60 second cooldown in practice.

    Basically, the way the current version works is, you open the locker and then for 30 seconds it activates, making survivors scream. But then AFTER that 30 seconds, it starts its 30 second cooldown. This means that you get to use it once per minute, effectively having a 60 second cooldown.

    The new one, is tied to lockers, meaning that, when you open a locker, it is extremely unlikely that all 4 survivors don't just immediately scream. 32 meters is a terror radius, that is a massive distance. Its probably not possible to be more than 32 meters from a locker save for a handful of maps that just have terrible locker placement (RIP dredge). So what that will mean is. You open a locker, all the survivors are pretty much gonna scream, and then 60 seconds later you can do it again.

    What this results in, is that the perk is still usable about once a minute, and you get to know where everyone is, it still gives blindness, and now its not tied to YOUR terror radius, so its actually better now on killers like huntress and stealth killers, while technically being slightly worse for wesker (although i'd still argue better because you can see screams from across the map), but its a situational thing, a nerf one way a buff another. Depends on how you use it.

  • Member Posts: 1,384
    edited April 2024

    I was always optimistic that they'd eventually realize how busted Blight is and give him a proper nerf. It's still crazy to see that he was actually nerfed by a significant amount. That alone makes this an amazing update. Now we can focus on finally putting the Nurse to rest.

  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited April 2024

    Unless I’m misreading it, it’s only tied to the locker you open. It’s not 32 metres from every locker, it’s 32 metres from the locker you open. Which isn’t a very useful effect especially on a 60 second cool down.

  • Member Posts: 585

    Thought they ate and left no crumbs. Like nah B we been here before 🤣

  • Member Posts: 4,209

    It’s mathematically better to just pick up survivors, and risk the chance of DS. Slugging a survivor that doesn’t have DS is a lot of wasted time, and you might need to do this twice per survivor. Even if a survivor does have DS, it’s much faster to just eat the DS, than it would be to leave the survivor slugged and wander around the map looking for someone else.

  • Member Posts: 159

    as usual.
    Devs: we will do this, this and this for this, this and this, and then never mind.... lol
    I haven't played dbd for a year now, I'll be back from time to time but not because of these "changes".

  • Member Posts: 58

    How are you wandering around the map looking for someone else when the player who weaponized DS did it do bodyblock for their teammate presumably? You were already chasing that teammate of theirs.

    And if the DS user ran into you while you weren't chasing anyone, then, take your free pressure with them following you around for nothing?

  • Member Posts: 4,209

    Or I could just skip all that, and tunnel people off the hook, so I don’t need to deal with weaponized DS.

  • Member Posts: 16,775
    edited April 2024

    100% agreed. It is quite obvious that it was not really tested through. Things which end up on the PTB should be in a very refined state and just finetuning should be happening from PTB to Live where the Players can give their input so that the Devs can see how they missed something.

    But it cannot have been tested that much if basically everyone after playing one game of Twins knows that the changes were not good for the game.

    IMO some players (maybe Supertesters which are under NDA) should have access to the newest changes and should give feedback on them. Players from all MMR-Brackets. And those should test those things before they even hit the PTB.

    (For example in World of Tanks there are Supertesters who get access to new tanks before they are in the game. Those are picked from every Skill Bracket, so you have very good players, but also players who are way below average. And they get to test the Tanks on the Live Servers and give feedback about them afterwards. Obviously testing things on the Live-version of the game is not possible in DBD, but it should be possible on special Test Builds for those testers which are only available for a certain amount of time)

  • Member Posts: 531

    I agree they need ppl to test this stuff before it hits a ptb for the public to test it. I believe OW also does things like inviting streamers and others who play the game a lot to test changes before they hit live. I remember hearing back when Sombra had her rework ppl coming out and saying that the devs tested a lot of different ideas with her before they decided on what became the final rework version. If only BHVR did this with twins we would had a much better update for them than what we getting now, a 2 year QoL update.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Happy to hear that Twins won't be the next Skull Merchant.

    DS animation removal is fantastic.

    UW is still going to be incredibly annoying to play against, I'm hoping all the content creators dunk on it and people will not equip it due to herd mentality.

  • Member Posts: 4,209

    The killer doesn’t know if a survivor has DS, so unless a very large percentage of players are using DS, then the killer is better of just picking players up and risking DS.

    The only way DS could actually be a tunneling deterrent, is if the killer knows which people have an active DS, so they 100% know if they could be punished if they picked up a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 605
    edited April 2024

    If you think about these changes for 5minutes you know that it would go that way. So they wasted 2 years (!) for nothing. Havent they seen that this would happen? If no, then bruh, sad. If yes, why wasting time doing this.

  • Member Posts: 979

    Nothing on Haddonfield? Wasn't it something that had something bad for both sides to something bad completely for one side?

  • Member Posts: 16,775

    Yeah, something like that. I dont know how it is dealt in Overwatch, but it should not be streamed. Because "Work in progress" in DBD always translates to "The Devs promised", which is really not the case. So if people test stuff before the actual PTB, they should do it in private and not be able to leak it or show it.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Oh no the streamers dont stream what they get to play or test. They are under an NDA and are just invited to try changes out and give feedback. Its not all streamers either i believe, I think the OW devs invite others who have a background in playing the game. At least this the impression I get since few streamer I watch talk about what they tested after their NDA ran out and the update has already went public.

  • Member Posts: 3,489

    [REVERTED] 7.7.0 Patch

  • Member Posts: 2

    Viktor can be used for a short period of time (40 secs).

    When the control on Viktor, everything the same with Charlotte, but Viktor cant be damaged, cant be countered by lockers (will down injured survs)

    Viktor dies when the control going back to Charlotte, or when the time has ended.

    Cooldown for ability 30 secs for example. Timings still in progress.

    As a result - slug gaming solved, disgusting playstyle with lockers solved.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    If you guys want to address the unhooking spam, just keep the option for the hooked survivor to unhook themselves (first hook) even if a teammate is spamming the action, and leave the skill checks (2nd hook) running even if the unhook action is taking place. So even with the spamming unhook by the trolling teammate, you could just not hit the skill checks

  • Member Posts: 968

    Or just make Victor kickable within a 3 second window after a successful pounce by other surivors and not the survivor that was just hit and keep the other changes, Charlotte getting Haste and Victor Pinning down a survivor on a knockdown.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    People seem to be forgetting that we're also getting an engine update to Unreal 5 (unless that's also been reverted?). That's pretty significant in my view, especially if it improves performance for the older platforms (but I guess we'll see about that). It also seems like the engine upgrade caused a lot of new bugs, which probably didn't help with other things this patch if they had to devote more resources towards fixing them.

    I don't have much else to say except that I actually don't think UW nerf is all that bad. Still seems decently strong to me and it's not at all a dead perk. I stopped equipping it on my Huntress. Eventually I just felt guilty running it as some Survivors seem to absolutely hate this perk in its current form and would give up early. With the nerf, hopefully I won't have that problem anymore.

    Although it's a bit sad that the Twins rework hasn't been a success, I'm glad the QoL changes will still go through. That's all I really wanted from a Twins update anyway.

  • Member Posts: 13,681
    edited April 2024

    Feels really, really small for an entire mid chapter update. Hopefully we still have the “recall Victor at any time”, meaning no longer can Victor be taken hostage. As well as the reduced stun on downing a survivor with them. If we have all that as well Twins should feel much better for newer players wanting to try them. Unfortunately just jumping in a locker will still be a thing though.

  • Member Posts: 473

    I'm gonna be honest, this is not gonna change anything, Twins players will still be the same. DS can be good now yeah but it feels like an underwhelming patch.

  • Member Posts: 521

    It should be extremely concerning that we're going into the 8th anniversary of this game and having almost an entire midchapter patch reverted from PTB. I don't know how you work on a game for 8 years and still can't do things like match an animation to not interfere with the actual perk duration or not realize massively buffing victor in that way was a mistake. This comes after blood moon needing to be adjusted which is certainly not the first time an event has had to be adjusted, I believe it was last anni they had to massively lower the community challenge numbers? Might have been the one before I don't fully remember.

    My main point is if this midchapter was an isolated incident that would be one thing but over and over we're seeing botched PTBs and events and I think we're way past the point where BHVR has any excuse to not be including and listening to the 5k+ hour players when they first plan these perk and killer changes.

    You know it's bad that one the best things to come out of this year was a billy rework that's literally just reverting an overheat mechanic nobody wanted in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 824

    pyramid head counters DS

    Can’t bodyblock with DS if they can’t use it in the first place

  • Member Posts: 1,536

    Kid named plot twist, you go down with DS, so either they slug and you get healed to full back or they pick you up and get DS, nice counter mate.

    However in that case the correct option is to eat the DS, and if Im being honest this change doesnt do much, why? Because you should normally tunnel the weak link, and pub warriors are so bad at the game even if they got a DS at a jungle gym they will go down in less than a minute.

    This change is incredibly unbalance for good survivors but since they are as rare as twins players for soloq its ok.

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