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Dev Update: April 2024 PTB Changes; Thoughts?

Member Posts: 21,270
edited April 2024 in General Discussions
Developer Update | April 2024 PTB

As the 7.7.0 Update approaches, we’ve prepared some adjustments after going through the feedback we’ve collected during the Public Test Build (PTB).

  • [REVERTED] Victor no longer latches onto Survivors who are put into the dying state.
  • [REVERTED] Victor once again latches onto Survivors who are injured by his pounce.
  • [REVERTED] Charlotte no longer gains Haste when Victor is latched onto a Survivor.

Dev note: We have received a lot of comments about The Twins’ strength during the PTB. We have made the decision to revert the changes to Victor’s pounce and keep the various quality of life improvements (faster switching between Charlotte and Victor, ability to recall Victor, and Add-on adjustments & base kit inclusion). We may revisit The Twins in a future update, if necessary, but these smaller tweaks will make The Twins feel better to play for the time being.

  • [CHANGED] Summoning Stone Addon – this will increase the initial rush duration by 0.5s (was 1s)
  • [CHANGED] Soul Chemical Addon – this increases the initial Rush speed by 5% down from 10% on the PTB

Dev note: Feedback around The Blight often centered on the two addons and his improved collision detection. We made some adjustments to the addons to slightly lower their strength whilst still maintaining their usefulness. The Blight’s collision detection will remain as it was on the PTB, and we will continue with our ongoing efforts to improve this collision across all maps.

  • [REMOVED] Decisive Strike no longer has a new animation.

Dev note: This PTB featured a new animation for Decisive Strike in which the Survivor would stab the Killer to free themselves. This animation had too much of an effect on the Perk’s expected behaviour (adding a delay before the Survivor wiggled free). We have decided to remove the animation for Decisive Strike before the update is released. The stun time for the Perk will remain at 5 seconds for the time being.

Note: The following changes will be part of a future update. The Perk will remain as it was on the PTB in the meantime.

  • [REVERTED] Affected Survivors will once again scream instead of having their aura revealed.
  • [CHANGE] Now affects Survivors within 32m of the locker (previously inside the Killer’s Terror Radius).

Dev note: We received some mixed feedback during the PTB; while the Perk was less appealing for some Killers, it remained a strong choice for Killers with high mobility. To make its strength a little more even across more Killers, we’ve changed Ultimate Weapon to be based on the locker’s position rather than the Killer’s. This way Killers without traversal abilities or with a smaller Terror Radius can take advantage of the Perk more consistently without it being excessive on highly mobile Killers.
With this in mind, we have also brought back the scream to allow it to synergize with other Perks once again.

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  • Member Posts: 21,270

    It took me like five minutes to even find this on here lol

  • Member Posts: 7,290

    They made the right decision to revert Twins. There was no fixing that broken rework.

    Ultimate Weapon seems kinda bad now.

    I’m disappointed they are reworking Soul Chemical and Summoning Stone, the old versions weren’t that strong but they were unique and fun. Now they are boring.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Not worst but so empty. For mid chapters where there is usualy no new content = more time for changes, this is quite dissapointing.

    Like all we got is very few perk changes and Twins QoL buff and Blight prob nerf. And Haddofield small rework. Nothing exciting or super big.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Disappointing to say the least. Twins was atrocious on the PTB, but i expected some kind of rework after that.

  • Member Posts: 2,654

    So we waited years for a Twins rework and didn't even get the rework part (the ptb version was stupid I just wish they were reworked differntly)

  • Member Posts: 3,468

    It’s extremely disappointing. Years of waiting from people and she got some new numbers change and 1 new function…..

    Sadako….3 reworks and 2 Addon passes and she still is garbage along with her addons….ugh.

    I don’t get why we are not thinking through this when devs map out changes for killers. It’s disappointing..

  • Member Posts: 585

    God don’t even remind me of how horrible that map change is. The fact that they didn’t revert any of that means we have another horrible map to play on now.

  • Member Posts: 862

    Well. If the team plans accordingly, they can still help you out for a quick escape. You keep the speed boost at least when they rescue you. So everyone needs to make sure to take hits for each other

  • Member Posts: 1,536

    Idk I wouldnt say the twins changes are disapointing, ghe people who like current twins keep their killer and survivors dont get another killer to hate. Billy rework showed people only like variety or seeing rare killer if they are not good, because if they are it becomes unfun, and while yes ptb twins was an abomiation, even if they released a watered down version of it just the fact that they become better will make people dislike facing them.

    Both side are happy, people who like twins got QoL, and no new killer to complain about, everybody won.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I argue this is one of the worst patches if you consider how much dev time was wasted on a fail rework. We been waiting for two years for a twins rework only for it be a complete failure and huge mess. Thanks to that all that time used was reduced to few QoL changes that could had been done years ago and killers who actually need the help have to wait even longer. This patch is both completely empty and a failure thanks to the mess that was the twins rework.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I don’t think you’ll see many high level blights anymore sad

  • Member Posts: 16,775

    Charlotte did even less with PTB-Twins. With PTB-Twins Charlotte was really only there to carry Survivors to a Hook, she was basically the same like Chuckys Ghost which spawns when you pick up a Survivor.

    It is only empty because they did so many wrong things on the PTB. They failed quite hard on some things and reverted them back (which is a good thing). But if you miss the mark in so many points on the PTB and then correct it, it just becomes empty.


    Twins —> Good. I think QoL-changes are fine for now, will see how they are played. I dont like that they will still resolve around slugging, but the PTB-version of Twins was even worse. Glad they went back on this.

    DS —> Also good, great to be honest. I dont think that DS is that good now and it is kinda boring because it took them so long to just add 2 seconds to the stun. But again, better than the PTB-version where it was not really a buff but a compensation for the animation. Yet, I would have loved to see more Anti-Tunneling put into DS, but it is what it is. I dont think it will have such a big impact, because if a Killer does not respect it, it will not help too much (and I doubt Killers will respect it).

    Ultimate Weapon —> Perfect IMO. I always said the lingering effect should go and thats what they did. Screaming is also better than Aura Read (since Calm Spirit is less popular than Distortion), so overall I would say that Ultiamte Weapon is better than the PTB-version.

    Sad that they did not include Adrenaline (too overnerfed) or Haddonfield (really horrible rework) into it.

    In general, quite a lot of things got reworked, they really need to test things better before bringing them to PTBs because it really does not make sense for them to throw in stuff without testing them (I highly doubt they tested PTB-Twins internally that much, nobody can create this and think it is good and should be in the game… Same with the DS-Animation), just to revert it later. Because in the end, people waited for years for DS to just have 2 extra seconds and for Twins to have some QoL-changes which could have done way sooner.

  • Member Posts: 585

    wait you still keep the endurance speed off hook but just don’t heal anymore? If that’s the case then I think it’s fine then but my understanding was that you now don’t heal or get the endurance off hook from it.

  • Member Posts: 110

    yea old ds meta is back.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    The only good thing is that you didn‘t rework the twins and the buffs for them were also good, but everything else was bad.

  • Member Posts: 3,987
    edited April 2024

    To be fair, they did try something different, and it didn't work, which they have reverted to go back to the drawing board. Seems like a good outcome for Twins.

    All other changes are good ammendments to the PTB state.

    Ultimate weapon could go back to its old cooldown of 60 with this change. Glad to see it losing strength on Scream Pig and the insane mobility killers. I like this change cause it serves as a locker based version of Nowhere to Hide, and could find usage on Doctor and Wesker.

    Decisive Strike animation removal was smart for now. I'm not against the idea of an animation but it needs to be way smoother and be made to look much better. Rather than a slow lift and stab, it needs to be integrated properly. The skill check needs to trigger immediately on pick up, and on success blend the pick animation with a vastly improved and much faster/forceful stab animation.

    All in all, a good update in relation to the PTB changes.

    EDIT: Oh wait… unhook lock is staying… damn… that one is a blunder for sure….

  • Member Posts: 7,290

    You’ll still get the endurance and speed from base BT, but you won’t get the adrenaline speedboost or heal. Basically, if you are on hook or being carried when the exits are powered, your Adrenaline is gone.

  • Member Posts: 3,468
  • Member Posts: 3,468
    edited April 2024

    it is scary 🫣 but it is a horror game 👻

    I agree 💯 though.

  • Member Posts: 342

    An A-tier killer? Sorry but i have to disappoint you. Without his tech, which was never intentional and had nothing to do with skill, he will become a B-tier killer. Time will tell for sure.

    As far as the Twins are concerned, I can only agree. Too bad, I would have expected more

    DS has never been great and never will be. It's a terribly designed perk. Imagine this after the patch: In almost every game a combination of DS, DH or DS, OTR .... it's going to be a terrible meta, I promise you that. It was like that then and it will be like that again.

    I was never interested in UW because I play with Calm Spirit. So I don't care about this change

    and the only thing that worked at the PTB was the store. It's always the same when it comes to all the skin stuff. I'd like to see one less chapter, but more quality of life improvements

  • Member Posts: 2,972

    nah 5.5.0 is the worst of all time.
    after such a good midchapter we got only a couple addon changes and god awful nerfs nobody asked for. The only good thing was pinheads voice returning and nurse getting fixed

  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited April 2024

    Overall this patch now feels kinda empty, but it’s better than releasing Twins in a broken state.

    Shame we waited so long for Twins changes just for it to be some QoL changes but still better than the broken version, and it’s nice to see them listen and not go through with it.

    Blight - glad that he didn’t get another compensation buff. Will have to wait and see how strong he is now.

    DS - amazing. Glad they removed the animation. The perk is going to be great now and will see more use outside of top level play.

    Ultimate Weapon - it will still have its uses but overall I think it’s a pretty bad perk now. The only killer I can see using this is Wesker due to his huge terror radius, otherwise it doesn’t seem great. Better than keeping its live version though so I guess it’s still a positive.

    Glad they kept the Adrenaline changes. I think the perk is still going to be pretty good and think it was a good way to nerf it.

    Overall, seems like an okay patch. Nothing amazing, but still decent, especially for survivors. Although it is a little disappointing that this is all we get given how long it takes to get balance changes.

  • Member Posts: 585

    YES This needed to be reverted badly. This has now taken away any ability for survivors to mind game and strategize unhooks.

  • Member Posts: 7,290
    edited April 2024

    The terror radius doesn’t matter at all for UW anymore so it’s not any better on Wesker than the other killers. It’s just 32m around the locker regardless of killer. It’s actually usable on stealth killers now.

    I agree it doesn’t seem good anymore though.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Well, if they didn't revert cd after kicking Victor, it's more nerf to Twins than buff. 2 years of promising Twins rework and it reverted, lol.
    DS 5 seconds without animation means that we will back to stupidest gameplay where whole SWF force you to eat it with bodyblocking. It was unenjoyable as hack days.
    Haddonfield seems like still very killer sided from PTB. Braindead windows are nerfed, thanks to it, but map is unfair for survivors now.
    My second main Blight is dead in terms of fun. And 2 awful reworked addons were NERFED lmao.
    Unhooking change is not reverted, but literally everyone asked not to bring it to live.
    UW is dead perk now, but i don't care too much. Sad we push killer's perk variety even deeper in swamp.
    BIg L update for me, literally nothing good here.

  • Member Posts: 5,991

    Yeah, super great when they take away skill expression that really only effects the high level and overall dumbs the game down. I guess people like going against nurse every game?

  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited April 2024

    Oh whoops I misread that. Thanks for the correction!

    That does seem better than being terror radius based since as you said stealth killers can use it now. (And the perk isn’t completely unusable on Freddy anymore).

    Still not a good perk though and I don’t think anyone is going to run it anymore outside of Adept Xeno.

    They should at least have reverted the cool down nerf as well.

  • Member Posts: 56

    I think it's best not to revert this change.

    [REVERTED] Victor no longer latches onto Survivors who are put into the dying state.

    This feature prevents all survivors from going down.
    Twins with buffed standard stats are no longer too strong.

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