Being Trolled and Griefed for Running Invocation

I just had one of the worst matches in my well over 3000 plus hours. I was running invocation, and I went into the basement at the start of the match. When I was about halfway done with the invocation, another survivor ran into the basement and proceeded to fast exit the locker dozens of times to alert the killer to come into the basement. When the killer came into the basement he ran over to me and the killer downed me.
In the end comments I asked why they were grieving and trolling me and hopping in and out of a locker dozens of times to get the killer to come down and catch me. They told me if I don't like what they did, then I should stop running invocation. Basically ordering me not to run a valid perk. I was just participating in normal gameplay. Actually getting the invocation done very early in the match is quite powerful. They just kept repeating over and over for me to stop running invocation. Why should I have to be harassed for running a perk that the developers created. Not only was it extremely unpleasant it was also very loud since I was wearing headphones.
I reported them, and I hope something is done about it. I am not a streamer so I do not video tape matches. But they admitted what they did in the end game chat. This kind of action from this survivor to harass another survivor who is participating in normal gameplay should not be allowed. You should not be able to target someone just for running and using a perk and then attempting to humiliate them. I really enjoy using invocation, but will think twice about using it after this experience. I hope the developers take this kind of thing seriously. It was a very unpleasant experience.
Running invocation and actually completing it is an automatic lose unless your going against a baby killer and in which case… well you were going to win anyway.
Post edited by Rizzo on40 -
Even though the Invocation is a weaker version of No Mither, no one should shame you for using it.
I wish you teammates that respect your perk choice and hope that those annoying ones will get punished.
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As far as I'm aware, when you report someone, the chatlog is sent along with the report. They harassed you and admitted it, so it should be an easy ban/suspension.
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Yeah I hope action is taken against them for that. You should be allowed to run a perk without being sandbagged and harassed. People act this way with no mither trying to get the survivor running it killed. I at least as a killer have a bit of a moral compass to go after the troll if I can tell that's what's happening. And normally If I find someone doing a invocation I let them do it anyway. It doesn't hurt me that much If it goes off.
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Teammates trolled and griefed by running that awful invocation
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I'm sorry you had to experience something like that. Some people in this community really go out of their way to do something like this over a video game. I go through it at times with just using no mither. Now unfortunately, I don't think the devs will do anything without video proof being sent. They really do stress over doing an ingame report then sending a ticket with video proof in order to fully analyze the situation. But I do wish you the best and hope you continue to use any perks in the game that fits your playstyle and that you like to use
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Even though Invocation might be a bad perk, this gives nobody the right to troll and grief players that use this perk in order to ruin their gameplay experience. It is sad to see players that think this was okay. This should never be okay since it's just childish. Just finish the match normally it takes very little to not be a bad teammate who is the reason why SoloQ is sometimes miserable.
Anyway, I really hope you will never ever get an experience like this again and keep playing what you want and what makes fun to you. I also hope your next teammate will respect your choices and know how to play the game.
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Run whatever perks you think work best, that's your right. If other players don't like your choice they don't have any right to sabotage the game.
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
Report them for communication abuse since they admitted it in post game chat. Gameplay abuse rarely gets punished and is almost impossible to prove.
Sables Invocation is so bad that it is actively detrimental, but that still doesn't justify throwing the game to troll the Invocation user because of it. Keep trying it for as long as you'd like. Though you'll probably find it's not worth running.
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- the problem with the "invocation" is that it puts the whole team in a difficult game, not just the player who use it
- invocation eliminates a player from the game for 120 seconds.
- invocation makes a player very vulnerable throughout the game.
- invocation has a "weak" effect due to all the effort it requires.
Now, if the killer is a novice it's great, but if the killer is a normal/expert player, this perk is an absolute disaster...You are right to report and complain about these players, but try to understand the reason for this behavior. this perk should never have passed the company's "control quality", especially with all SoloQ problems.
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Hope you clicked that report button.
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I have bad news…
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hey bud look at my above message
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going start running invocation in every match now and record it every time maybe I get few people banned who shouldn't be playing this game anyway.
btw the perk is bad dev need to change it but no one got the right to treat people this way for running a perk the dev made.
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It sounds like you encountered your typical garden variety SWF. They're a lot of fun aren't they? I don't even play solo queue if the other 3 survivors are on the same platform, it's not worth it.
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Reading these comments it's no wonder DBD is in the state it's in.
And this is also why survivors can't have things like knowing your team's build before the match.
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Actually, seeing the team's build would fix the issue. As survivors would know and accept what they were in for beforehand. If they are that opposed, they can just leave the lobby, lol.
This is actually bad game design though. A perk shouldn't be so horrible that it pits two players on the same side against each other. It would be like creating a grenade in COD that's colorful and makes cool sounds, but that lowers your teammate's damage output. Yeah you have a right to use it, but your right is negatively impacting your teammates success.
This is the equivalent of someone searching and opening chests for 120+ seconds or booning for 120+ seconds. That person would probably get flamed for not doing gens in endgame chat.
But make no mistake the core issue here is the horrible game design that pits survivors against each other instead of nudging them to work together.
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What you've described is the classic phenomena known as the Prisoners Dilemma. Sable's invocation creates that exact situation within a team by pitting teammates against each other by how their time is best spent trying to escape the trial. Hit the nail on the head.
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so are you going to get that player a friendly reliable swf? no then stop spouting nonesense.
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Don't mind folks on their high horses. All you'll get is more pearl clutching. You provided your valid and realistic view on the perk and the dilemma within teams it creates.
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free pressure? for use that perk? the one trolling and-griefing is giving free pressure to the killer because not only can the killer get the one using invocation but also the one tell where the survivor is to the killer
now that two on hook in basement now who to blame?
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Exactly, players always asking to see builds or which killer or addons, ugh it'd be the last game you ever played that wasn't preceded by an endless stream of lobby dodgers.
The arrogance, entitlement and unrealistic expectations of other players is the biggest turn off to online gaming.
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Normally I'm all about off-meta picks and the like, but there's really no two ways about it: Running and actually trying to complete Weaving Spiders IS griefing.
That doesn't give others the right to grief you in turn, but I would not be opposed to having the invocation itself be a bannable offense too.
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The current rendition of the perk is, simply put, a griefing perk, even if you don't really intend for it to be that way. Some people in solo q will decide to grief you back when they see you use this perk. If you really want to use the perk for some reason, I recommend getting in a SWF with people that are okay with having a 2 minute absent teammate that will come out permanently wounded later. Otherwise, you will continue having these experiences and will more lose more of your matches than if you didn't use this perk.
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It doesn’t bother me personally when people bring it.
Sucks that you’re getting griefed.Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on0 -
As others have already stated, bringing the invocation perk is basically throwing the game. It is a killer support perk and everyone who uses it is either genuinely unaware how terrible it truly is or a troll that is using it precisely because it is that terrible.
However, that doesn't mean griefing someone for using it is acceptable.
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While I agree that using this perk seems like it should be a bannable offense, I would be sooo mad to get banned for using a perk as intended, lol.
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- the funniest thing about this post are the people who say "don't worry honey, use Invocation as many times as you want"
I'm sure they are killer main🤣🤣🤣
(i'm joking of course)
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I don't think anybody is saying that you have the obligation to feel happy about someone bringing that perk. But griefing and harassing someone just because you are not happy with their perk choice is not justifiable in any way.
Post edited by Batusalen on4 -
I don't think they were right to grief you, but I find it difficult to blame them for being upset when they were probably trying to win the match.
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The most funny part for me is that if this post were about a killer tunneling and camping a survivor and saying in the end chat "You are running Distortion, you deserved it", suddenly everybody who is saying that what OP teammates did was "not ok, but understandable" would be offended that someone was treated that way just for using a perk and calling anyone who used the same argumentation they are giving "unsympathetic".
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If Distortion took me off of gens for 120+ seconds and injured you for the remainder of the trial, I would expect to get flamed for using it.
If I was using actual Distortion and stayed off gens for 120+ seconds, I would expect to get flamed.
If I spent 120+ cumulative seconds booning shadow step (which would be slightly useful) in a match, I would expect to get flamed.
Again, I blame game design more than anything. Invocation should never have been created without being useful. And creating a 3v1 for 2+ minutes is not useful. It's like those challenges that require you to throw games.
SoloQ is frustrating enough as in and any and all game additions should take that into account.
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For real though lol, "they're ruining my game!" While also sitting in the basement for half the match watching people take all the heat
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Invocation is a pretty garbage perk but that's no reason for a teammate to grief you over it. Same as if your teammate is running No Mither, or Self-Care, or boons, you're probably not gonna be happy, but you gotta make the most out of the teammates you get given. Throwing the game because someone is using a perk in the game is ludicrous and thankfully is bannable.
They literally could have helped you do the invocation faster and given your team an actual chance at winning instead of being the cause of the loss.
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I hope the developers take this kind of thing seriously.
I really hope they do, but in a slightly different form (completely redesigning the perk and pinning the current version on their wall as an example of what should never happen again), because it's IMHO all their fault for releasing this perk.
I personally hate the perk with a passion and don't want to see any teammates bring it into matches … exactly because of what you experience.
I personally feel griefed when a teammate tries an invocation - solo queue is bad enough, I expect everyone to play to win, Invocation is usually the easy 4k for the killer because most killers have some kind of aura/scream perk that reveals the Invocation user and it results in time wasted and basement hooks, or even worse the entire team is dying and the Invocation user is chilling in basement. Personally, I'm annoyed but I eat it up and wouldn't "grief back" or attack the one bringing it.
However, in the majority of the few games where someone brought an invocation, it went similar to what you experienced: others throwing themselves at the killer and giving up, disconnecting or leading the killer to the basement … I've seen Invocation users then DC-ing as well which really, really makes me sad, because I really do believe they find that invocation stuff cool and want to help the team, and then everything goes so bad that they DC because the rest of the team is throwing because they're wasting time sitting in basement for almost two minutes and still get no value because the killer interrupts them.
Again, IMHO it's the sole fault of the devs. Designing a survivor perk that turns survivors who are supposed to work together against each other, leaving the killer the only one in the match who has fun, may well be the worst thing they have ever done. It really ruins me emotionally when I'm in such a match.
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While no one deserves to be griefed for running any perk... please never run Invocation ever again.
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I don't think they had a right to grief but I will make a point you were talking about the team throwing , running this perk pretty much is throwing right from the start, I wouldn't have gone to that extreme of notifying the killer but I can see why some people would think "they're throwing so I am too, screw the match"
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Alright, from what this thread tells me, its the best perk in the game, im gonna run it on all my builds from now on.
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I hate to say it but I kind of agree with the troll on this one. That perk is a huge detriment to all survivors. It would be for the best if no one ever used it. With that said, I would never personally do this to another player. Like the old saying goes "two wrongs doesn't make a right".
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I'm sayin'! lol. There was a similar post a month ago by @Nos37 that basically goes through this. I will post it here to add to the amount of resources currently available on the topic of weaving spiders followed with a thoughtful PSA.
If you are going to run this perk, do so at your own risk. Know beforehand that you run the risk of inviting griefers in the DBD community to well…grief you. It's because it's a silly perk similar to how No Mither is a silly perk. We are already at a pretty volatile time of ~30% escape rates and many of us can confirm we are somewhere within that number. There are no comms outside of SWF, so please, consider your teammates and how your time is best spent escaping as a team in the trial.
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Bro you literally made me Google prisoner's dilemma ( I love learning new shiz). That's a crazy concept. Thanks fr. This has nothing to do with op but simply acknowledging the intelligence that might of been missed even if only be me.
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Sorry to hear about that.
Also, I'd like to see the escape rate for that perk. It has to be abysmal.
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So, what you are saying is that if you run perks like Distortion or Lithe, it is understandable and you should expect "getting flamed" by the killer, both in match and end chat, because he doesn't like them, disrupts his gameplay and is frustrating for him?…
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The greifing is not okay, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. However it is not news that this perk is extremely hated and basically handicaps your entire team. You are free to use the perks you want but keep in mind that people will react with what you bring and how you play with what you bring, even if the perk is valid. Similar to a proxy camp/tunneling killer, they are playing the game without breaking any rules, valid type of playstyle, but most aren't surprised and understand that people will be upset after the game because it's generally acknowledged to be very unfun.
I'm not saying you deserved it, because you didn't, but I'm surprised that you're surprised.
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That interpretation has to be the furthest from what I said.
Regardless of what perk you insert, spending 2 minutes not doing gens in essentially sandbagging your team. How do you turn a survivor perk efficiency discussion into an "us vs them". I would expect killer would be happy if a survivor spent 2+ minutes in the basement while he hunts down the remaining 3.
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It is not an "us vs them" or "perk efficiency" discussion. It is about not justifying griefing and harassing someone for any perk. Nobody is saying the perk is efficient, nobody is saying you can't be mad at someone bringing it, but saying that you should expect to get "flamed" for bringing a perk is insane and tells a lot about this community.
And yes, sorry, but I find pretty ironic that there are people here who literally called in other posts the toxicity and "lack of empathy for survivors" killers have when it was one doing it in similar situations, but in this case they are like "It is not ok, but I mean… you brought the perk dude. Totally understandable what they did to you".
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While I agree, and also find people using Invocation in solo queue frustrating af, I feel like voicing your displeasure by breaking game rules is a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face
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I don't condone the survivors childish conduct but I will say I view Invocation as throwing the game for your team… so I will sometimes join in rather than pack a tantrum. But only as I view the match as pretty much lost when a team mate uses this perk in solo queue, so I have nothing to lose by joining in
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Funny how some of these people are like:
„You should expect your teammates trying to get you killed just for DARING to try to get value out of this awful perk.“
„It's your fault. You used that perk“
Like, yes. The perk is very meh. But that doesn't give anyone the moral right to destroy the Invocation users game just for.. using the perk the way it is intended.
Solution: Just buff this perk so it's usable and people won't see it as a killer perk anymore.
• It regresses at a rate of 1 c/s or less instead of it regressing to 0 in few seconds.
• It gives 15 unregressable charges instead of 10.
• (Optional) The Invocation takes 90 seconds instead of 120.
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My original comment got erased for some reason.
Anyway, the Invocation sucks, but that doesn't give people a right to grief you.
Buff the Invocation please.