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Which Killers you don't want to play without specific add-ons?

Which Killers for you have add-on(s) that are reguired for you to play them?


OR better have









  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    Bubba with Chili and Dredge with Haddie’s Calendar.

    I used to always run Combat Straps on Pig too but they made it basekit so not anymore.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    I refuse to play Wraith without Swift Hunt. I miss the extra .25 seconds for the uncloak speed boost.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,750

    The range add-ons for Pyramid Head are pretty much his best, and he's much less satisfying to play as without them. You're right the rest of his add-ons are kinda uninspiring.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,750

    I recall getting back to back to back indoors maps a while back as a surv, all rng. So I put up a Coldwinds offering to break that up. Turns out it was a Scratchy Myers wanting Lery's, and nope we're out in the corn. Poor Myers. 😕

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,474

    For Trapper, try using Fastening Tools and Coffee Grounds. You dont even need to place the trap at a pallet/window mid chase, just position yourself to zone a Survivor and commit to the trap placement. If they try to run to the next loop you can quickly cut them off thanks to coffee grounds, and now you have a trap there to potentially catch some one else who tries to use that loop.

    If they try to stay at the loop well the same thing happens, they now have to go around the trap and youre moving at mach speed which makes it so the majority of the time youre able to get the hit.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 251

    Oni without Splintered Hull/Wooden Oni mask.

    Singularity without Soma Family Photo (an addon that gives true power to this killer)

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,893
    edited April 19

    That 25% faster stalk is so nice. When ever they get around to updating Mikey they need to make this base kit.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,779

    Sadako and Distorted Photo.

    Seriously underrated addon if the survivors are careless or need to keep an eye on you during loops with tall walls. Sometimes even catch survivors screaming in bushes while swapping manifest states.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    All of them. I see an empty slot, and 5 trillion BP worth of a useless add-ons, I'm still plugging that empty slot with them.

    As far as some of my favorite's/most value per Killer.

    Trapper: Coffee Grounds (Y) + Fastening Tools (G), turns Trapper into a chase Killer, and it trips people up LOL.

    Wraith: Double Shadow Dance (P+G), it feels sooooo good having double kick speed.

    Billy: I haven't settled in to some of his new ones, but double Bump CD was hilarious before.

    Nurse: Double Meme Add-ons, she is so busted, I can still predominantly win with both of these.

    Myers: Dead Rabbit (Y), I love combining this with Monitor and Abuse for the dreaded 6m TR, sadly Macmillan and Autohaven maps make this and all TR reduction perks useless. Please delete those maps or include actual LOS blockers instead of 2ft tall junk piles.

    Hag: Battle Hag best Hag! Waterlogged Shoe (I) + Scarred Hand (P) are hilarious when chasing super fast and blocking chokepoints at the same time.

    Doctor: Double Calm (P+G), I love sneaking up on people and blasting the entire map to find everyone.

    Huntress: Double Haft (Y+B), I love machine gunning people, and windup messes with my muscle memory.

    Bubba: Speed Limiter (B) + Iri Flesh (I) is so fun to mow people down, they get confused for a second, then get mowed down again.

    Freddy: Double Skillcheck (G/Y/B) combined with the skillcheck perks is way more fun than skillcheck Doc. Significantly weaker after anti-3 gen mechanic, but that is for the best.

    Pig: Razor Wires (Y) + Interlocking Razor (B), better not heal before doing boxes or you might cut yourself, better not cut yourself anyways or you will have to start mending. I love the theme of actual making boxes more deadly.

    Clown: I always like to joke that a Clown's winrate is directly proportional to their Yellow bottle usage, so I love using Cigar Box (P) + Garish Make-Up Kit (P) to see people and zoom longer.

    Spirit: Gotta say, as someone with hearing damage, she just isn't fun to play as or against. Maybe if they put in sized subtitles based on distance for sounds, she'd be fine, but she isn't fun on either side for me atm.

    Legion: Etched Ruler (Y) + Stab Wounds Study (P) is super fun to stab people, run off, and de-power if they foolishly mend early. It also helps punish the people throwing, so Survivors don't hate their team (which IMO is the main reason people don't like Legion).

    Plague: Not a fun Killer for both sides. As Killer you can win by just 3-genning (even with the new system in place, so you win without skill, so there is no fun in playing her), both sides have false hits/misses with poor projectile coding, and for Survivor she deletes a basekit mechanic (healing). Poor design, add-ons can't even redeem her.

    Ghosty: 2 sets are super fun. 1: Olsen's Journal (Y) so Marked Survivors are Oblivious, combined with Outdoor Security Camera (I) to have an 'on-demand' Floods of Rage. You can Mark Surv A, Marked down and hook Surv B, then hit Surv A on cooldown at the last 10-15s when they don't expect it. 2: Drop-Leg Knife Sheathe (P) + Driver's License (P), so you can even mark other Survivors to get them off a gen while also getting a speed boost to down the person you are chasing.

    Demo: Vermilion Webcap (P) + Red Moss (I) to sneak up on people that aren't expecting it, with Leprose Lichen (I) being an alternative for the Purple since 3 extra seconds isn't enough to matter usually.

    Oni: Double Blood (P+G) combined with NOT slugging makes it so that you always have your power ready when you need it. So much better than the 'normal' slugging playstyle.

    Mr. Yeehaw: Double reload (G+B) just feels needed, although now you can manage with just the Brown and it doesn't feel too bad.

    Pyramid Head: Double Range (G+Y) just feels bad when you don't use it, so sadly I'm addicted to these. Hopefully they can basekit 1.5m and replace the Green or both the Yellow and Brown.

    Blight: Before the add-on pass I personally liked Shredded Notes (Y) + Adrenaline Vial (G) for a .67/charge recovery, or 4s max for all 6 tokens (back when they gave -1, +2). Now, I'm not really sure.

    Twins: They are ruining my favorite build sadly.

    Trickster: Double movement speed (Y+B) is fun, if non-interactive for Survivors, but that's just Trickster in general.

    Nemmy: Double Zombie Power Gain (G+Y), because it's fun to power fantasy as this beast that destroys everything in its path.

    Pinhead: Not a lot of fun found here sadly.

    Berd Lady: Honestly I really like Charcoal Stick (G) when you position it at a loop and a gen at the same time. Plus people just in general don't stare off in the distance when soloq or casual SWFing as much, so it can get a lot of value (except against the super tip top Survs).

    Onion Ring: I love my Rickety Pinwheel (G), people never expect the Oblivious when you have a lullaby, but you only have the lullaby when you are phasing. Easy sneaky mode.

    Dredge: It is best played when you provide pressure on everyone at all times, so Auras help the most. Worry Stone (G) + Lavalier Microphone (P) are so good, and you can tell a free win when people don't realize you have the Lav Mic from the locker slams.

    Wesker: I really like Bullhorn (Y) + Portable Safe (G). It forces a heal off hook and then you can chase the rescuer, or if they greed the gen b4 fren to spray before healing, it makes sneaking up on them all the easier. I don't like how well it plays into tunneling, but I do like punishing injured gen repairs.

    Knight: The wombo combo of Town Watch's Torch (G) and Blacksmith's Hammer (P) is great. You can either win chase (even against old MfT by reversing the benefit) much easier, or break off and get a hit on someone else. The Exhaustion lasts so long, that you can even get the free hit on Surv B and return to chase Surv A and it'll still be slowing them down.

    Missing Killer Slot

    Singularity: I personally really liked Live Wires (G) + Spent Oxygen Tank (G), as it was perfect for countering the prevalent old MfT. The wires also help with people screaming to tell you where they are if you get some extra spreads.

    Alien: Cereal Rations (B) are sooooo good. This is a self-report for every Survivor location, and you can either take out the turret immediately, or plan your route accordingly. It is such a disgusting lose-lose for Survivors, as they need to counter you with turrets, but that just snitches their own location out to you.

    Chucky+Unknown: I need more than 6 months to get a good feel for what are the most fun add-ons for sure. Sometimes I underrate something and just can't say for sure what my favorite add-on is when many are super fun.

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 303

    There's actually a few addons on this list that I would NEVER use simply because they are outclassed by other addons

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    You more or less can't play Knight without MotR. Insane that they have not made it basekit yet.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Every time I play Bubba without chili I regret it. There's a lot of tiles you can't mindgame without chili and end up being a pallet shredding zombie.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    Huntress feels awful without Shiny Pin tbh, there’s a reason it has an insane pick rate. Also getting used to oak haft is awful. Nothing worse then hitting a survivor and watching them run towards you and then through you and then take a window all while you are spamming M1 only to end up hitting the window because the cooldown without oak haft is insane.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Knight - CtA, MotR

    Dredge - Haddies Calendar, Boat Key

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 2,257

    I mean, there is not many killers I would want to play without addons…

    But most of them have many options. So need specific combination to be even remotely fun like Knight, Dredge etc.

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803

    I wouldn’t say he’s less satisfying to play without them cause I’ve played him addonless

    I think the real problem is that there’s no uniqueness in his addons especially when it’s a killer like phead who has quiet the kit (special hooks/cages, anti-loop)

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,330
    edited April 20



  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    nurse and matchbox.

    i love the whole style of nurse but i hate that i cant normaly chase. would love that to be a brown instead of a iri addon i dont see why it should be so rare

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,828

    I feel like Knight needs both Map of The Realm AND Call To Arms just to actually function.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 305

    Is this true about shiny pin even after the buff? I'm only asking because I'm currently 81/100 of a no addon and iron maiden only run. Since I haven't used any add-ons I was wondering which ones were necessary and which ones were just meh.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 305

    I agree here, when I do use add-ons I use spasmodic and matchbox to have some fun chases for a bit. I really wish they would re work her in some way where she had to gain her power in some way like collecting breaths or something and then get her teleport for a duration kind of like the Oni. It would be an overall nerf but she would still be interesting to play.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Pig: John's Medical File and Combat Straps… I just haven't given those up yet

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009

    knight feel unplayable without the map so I'll go with him

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,243

    The movement speed buffs she was supposed to get never went through. So she is back to being slower than Nurse/ Slowest killer in the game when holding a hatchet. But yes Shiny Pin is considered a god tier pick because being 85 instead of 77% helps out so much when it comes to high wall loops and smaller 50/50 loops. You can obviously still win without it so it’s not like it’s an absolute requirement but any good survivor will give you hell at certain loops when you are so slow, and they can force you to M1 far more often.

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    I'm Leatherface Main and I understand how people love Chilli Add-Ons, but for me Cannibal isn't viable without Beast's Marks. Beast's Marks is the best Add-On for Leatherface and he just needs it. I would love to see increased speed base kit on Bubba.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 305
  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    clown without bleach bottle, he does work, but without it his lethality will be reduced by like 50%

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 248

    I don't play too much killer to have everyone nailed down to the smallest detail, but for the ones I enjoy playing myself, these are my favorite add-on combos:


    • Spasmodic Breath (Green) + Matchbox (Iridescent). Walking/Bamboozle Nurse is a fun take on a strong killer. And survivors are often oblivious to the fact that I run these add-ons, so I often get many free hits this way.


    • Calm - Carter's Notes (Purple) + Iridescent King. A nice, well-rounded and strong add-on combo for the Doctor. The larger radius on his Static Blast combined with the effects from every other add-on type is a really nice buff for him.

    Michael Myers:

    • Scratched Mirror (Purple) + Boyfriend's Memo (Brown). Just a very fun build to run, seeing the survivors stop in their tracks while being scared the living daylights out of is just priceless fun. And getting their reactions afterwards is pure gold. Works best on indoor maps though.


    • Inky Egg (Purple) and whatever add-on that makes the crow swarm spread to grouped up survivors. - If you space the crows out correctly, you can do an initial hit, and get a free injure to boot (or several if angled right)

  • Mentally_Mechanical
    Mentally_Mechanical Member Posts: 58

    Clown with the Parade Gloves. I can't go back to the regular throwing angle after getting used to the gloves, they just feel perfect.