Being Trolled and Griefed for Running Invocation
I view using Invocation as the equivalent of sandbagging your team on purpose. That said, no one should outright insult you for it but I think it’s fair when it’s “can’t believe this guy brought this perk in, maybe I should express my issue with it as it’s clearly the reason it threw our game.”
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When I run invocation and complete it early my team almost always escapes with a win. Hint: I run my own proprietary build which greatly increases my success rate while injured. Coupled with invocation, it is probably one of my most successful builds of all time. The few times I lose are actually when another injured survivor intentionally throws the game by running the killer directly to me in the basement while I am performing the invocation. Or like I mention in the original post where a survivor targets me by hopping in and out of the locker repeatedly. (Also, contrary to many there is almost no reason to perform the invocation late in the game. Its power is literally reduced by many multiples.)
I have 3k+ hours on pc, and 2k+ on mobile and console. I take each game very seriously and keep a journal of what works and what doesn't. What surprises me is how many people think it's okay for other survivors to grief people running invocation or to decide they know best. Many are clearly not aware of the proper use of invocation. It is also a quirky new perk that leaves you vulnerable to unscrupulous teammates while you are performing the invocation. And it is an intriguing perk which is fun perk to use, and it provides its user with a completely new almost metaphysical experience. Many people simply do not want you to have fun. In my opinion, the perks true power lies in its ability to actually reveal the true character of my fellow survivors.2 -
The problem is you can't say that they're throwing just for bringing the perk. Yes, it's an awful perk that usually will do more harm than good, but like it or not it's a perk in the game that people are allowed to bring and try and get use out of. Most people who play the game don't look at videos or streamers or forums about it and some people may genuinely not know it's a bad perk, and may genuinely be trying to make it work. Even if someone legitimately IS bringing it knowing it's a bad perk, that's STILL no reason to just outright sabotage the game.
You go into this game knowing that the survivors and killer may bring any perks, addons, items, offerings that are part of the game.
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Well like I said I wouldn't have went to those extremes but I definitely understand the mindset they have, and yes that perk specifically is throwing there's no other way to put it, you can't sit here and pretend to care about winning with that perk in your build
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I suspect you were trolled by a middle schooler, or at the very least- an adult with the mindset of a middle schooler.
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The problem with the way invocations work is that with the steep cost, the pay-off required would immediately feel unfair to killers.
The entire perk needs to be redesigned, and probably killswitched until that redesign is through. My personal suggestion is a 30 second invocation that essentially gives you a pocket BNP to install on one gen, and have the broken status dissipate once the BNP effect is in.
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I agree that kill switching until redesigned would remove situations like the original poster's. People won't feel like their perk choice isn't being respected and their teammates won't feel like their time/investment isn't being respected.
I like your idea but I would put the broken after BNP is used to give it more of an endgame payoff/risk nudge.
Or remove the broken status altogether and instead give the Killer a way to regress it until used, so it becomes a battle to get the BNP off, lol.
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"It doesn't hurt me if it goes off anyway"
That's the main problem, people are spending all that time in the basement and even if it goes off it doesn't hurt you and you're sitting here saying openly you would be willing to allow them to do it which shouldn't be a thing
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But there are survivors who literally don't know it's a bad perk, so no, those people aren't throwing.
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all these post make me want to run the perk and record every match and het a lot of bratty survivors banned.
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But they are (unintentionally) throwing, even if they don't have the reading comprehension and game knowledge to grasp how insanely bad the invocation is.
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I don't think intentional trolling with the intent to get people banned is the answer here. Fixing the perk that is leading to all of this drama (or kill switching that perk) needs to happen soon.
Although, letting survivors see each others loadouts is an even better fix. Then people who take issue with the perk can get back in the queue and those who don't mind the perk can know to get to the basement and help speed Invocation up.
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"Unintentionally throwing" doesn't make sense, since the entire concept of throwing a game requires that you're doing it on purpose.
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Those survivors must not know how to read then because it's blatantly obvious
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well I'm sorry but people like that should be banned people don't have the right to Troll and Grief someone for perks they bring how they play or anything.
same go's for the “police” other teammates who kobe/SoH
not the players place to punish other players for anything that's the dev job
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But you are literally talking about trolling and griefing others, as you scold them for trolling and griefing. Are you a Dev in disguise?
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no I'm am not,the different is what I'm doing is not breaking any rules if no one does anything to me no harm but I'm be doing it to make a point.
point being we all paid for this game so we all can play how we want that means we can bring whatever perks we want bad/good/meta who cares.
we also can play how we want by doing totems/checking chest another thing people get grief for it needs to stop.
in the end of the day remember this is a video game and people take it to seriously
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I think we come into dangerous territory with that diskusion.
Wich perk is the next where its "understandable" to rage and troll over? Urban? Self-care? Is it OK when someone heals against legion?
And let's be real when people say it's "understandable" what they really mean is that's they think it's okey with they don't want to admit that they think online bullying for not play hoe you want is ok
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Even then it would not be worth it if you added all those buffs.
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People will say "its okay use that F- killer perk if you want to 🥺🥺🥺" then get mad when survivors 4% their way out of the game.
Makes no sense.
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What I'm getting at is we all have things about this game that frustrates us (especially in soloQ). But at the end of the day, we need to be considerate of the others we are playing with (killer and survivor). But we've gotten into this toxic frame of mind that "my fun is all that matters". While this may work well for killers (until endgame chat or an SWF bully squad comes along), survivors have to be more mindful of not ruining the game for the other survivors.
Just because you are within the rules while being inconsiderate, doesn't make it any less inconsiderate. These people are the same ones that come running back to the forums complaining about having to finish the game with 3 bots.
I have played this game since Jan 2017 (off and on), and I think this is the most selfish I've seen the community. Entering a multiplayer game thinking you have no obligations to the other four players...this explains why we have so many DCs and hook suicides.
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It's very saddening to hear some individuals feel so entitled and whiney that they believe others should play the way they want to, otherwise throw a game by being twats.
Regardless how strong or weak a perk is, there's no excuse for being a bad team mate and selling them out like that guy did. Hopefully - and with a chat log, very likely - that guy will get banned.
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Invocation is one of the worst perks in the game. Every perk is in the game for being used if the player please but I can understand some people getting angry when someone is using a perk which is detrimental for the team. Invocation is like No Mither but worse, you are practically useless until you finish the invocation and after that you are a No Mither user but without the bonuses very susceptible for tunneling and getting killed pretty early.
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say what you want been play since 2018 and I can say this
this game can and will bring the worst out of people.
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So your intent here, is to grief people on purpose with this perk, but it won't be "actually" griefing since you're "just using a perk as intended" and then report people who grief you back for it. Basically baiting or entrapping people into grief scenarios.
Interesting that you would admit to this on the forums especially after everything you read on the thread, but, good luck with that I suppose, doing your part in justifying the lamentations for solo q these days I guess.5 -
I ran it on swf few times and we just stayed hidden early match and went all to basement to complete the ritual. Killer had corrupt too which he didn't get value. That match it worked good but the ritual should be shorter though.
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Does it work through the gens under Corrupt? I know there were complaints that gens blocked with Grim Embrace wouldn't lose the 10 charges once the Invocation was complete
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I don't know I should mentioned the perk is currently bugged and in one match we did the ritual and not single gen lost those charges. Killer downed someone so it might just been grim embrace which caused it. Corrupt ran out just before we did the ritual in earlier match but it might do just same when active.
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It really isn't though. A lot of the time you can't know how a perk will actually perform in-game just from reading the description and the numbers the perk has. Plenty of times content creators with thousands of hours in the game have either claimed a new perk will be OP or a new perk will be terrible based on the description, but then when it's actually used in-game it's a different story. Normal players have even less chance to actually know how good perks will be without actually trying them across multiple games themselves.
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you know I may not do it tho I change my perks a lot anyway
I just hate people taking matters into they own hands you know what they call people like that in real life vigilantes.
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Definitely was on OP's side when I first read this but yesterday, had a match where all 4 of us got f ed up 3 minutes in because of someone using Invocation. Gotta say, that match really had me switching my tune real quick.
At the end of the day though, it's bad game design on the fault of the developers.
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Great perk. Got a triple hit with unknown.
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So you're advocating for Invocation AND you don't like Batman?
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It doesn't work on blocked generators, Mandy explained that in a different thread so potentially you could be down there all that time and under the right circumstances it literally would be for nothing depending on what perks are being ran by the killer and what's happening out of the basement
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The users team probably all die and the Invocation user comes out of the basement all Vincent Vega like, so it's probably balanced just like OoO was.
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I hate the perk yet that is not cool at all, as I would not go that low to kill a team mate running it or no mither. The sad thing I think like no mither other survivors see it as a perk that your just going to be a easy 1 down instead of 2 health stealth for the killer and they think you sure will be the first to be tunneled or ofc is that your throwing the game. These two perks may really need to a look at and its sad that if you want to have a fun with something your being harassed by rude team mates.
I do not run them myself but I understand it for those who wish to experiment with something. Honestly though no mither was not bad in one way is that it would be able to work with DH anytime when DH was unlimited. So they did indirectly nerf no mither more lol.Heck even sometimes I who run flashbang and inner healing has that person who open the locker(thinking am hiding and its so grating. Perks like those your best bet as much as I hate to say it is have a group of friends who ofc wont troll you for running them. May your games be much more pleasant friend and do not let a few rotten apples ruin your experience.☺️
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the best killer perk BHVR ever made, serving survivors up on a silver platter in the killers lair
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Peak surv perk design. You can really feel the love and care that went into it.
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I think it’s worth mentioning that Invocation Perks are likely cornerstones in BHVR’s attempts to change how Survivors play the game, so it is unlikely we will see them reworked until 3 or 4 have been released.
I could be way off base here, but all signs point towards BHVR pushing Survivors down the path of stealth and evasion.If that was the meta, Invocation-users could depend on first chase starting as late as 1-2 minutes into a trial—making the perk strong enough to have Killers entertaining a visit to basement every so often.
Invocation is only considered weak right now because Survivors seldom take measures to avoid being detected by the Killer.
If evasive playstyles were to rise in popularity, the time between Survivors being hooked would theoretically increase, allowing more time for lengthy side objectives like starting a cult in the basement.
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I also do not stream and rarely have video proof. But here is how to address it with DbD.
You have to report them in game at the end. Then also long form report it but submitting a ticket w/ DbD support. You need their profile info so this is only effective with PC players because you can't get to console info (although you can still report but penalties are iffy at best).
Use f12 to take screen shots of the BM-ing so you have some proof and screen shots of the end game chat especially if they admit what they were doing. Upload the screen shots with your ticket.
I have also used my cell phone to video my screen if the abuse goes on long enough for me to get my phone and open it, etc.
Recently got a Nemisis penalized for BMing a Jane and then myself at the end of a match. He was simulating $eggs with both and kept picking her up and then putting her down, or letting her wiggle off to just down her immediately and hump her some more. Her death took about 10 minutes. The complaint worked and I got several correspondence back from DbD support office but it is a time consuming process. I only do it if the griefing is pretty egregious.
Sorry your team mate was unfair to you. Trash team mates are far worse than trash killers because they should be on your side. And it is real hard to fight both a killer and your own team mate. Hope you have better matches.
P.S. I do not run Invocation but have no issue with people running whatever perk build they want. They are in the game to be used.
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Like i get that weaving spiders alone takes 120 seconds to complete, but i feel like the fact it goes faster when multiple survivors do it is usually overlooked.
Instead of griefing, those survivors could have just joined in.
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your cute.
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I feel like the day Sable launched, everyone had already decided it wasn't cool to weave spiders before I even got to do it once. I went into it thinking, "Cool — we're all going to go to the basement and do this, right? Because it's the first new thing we've had in forever? We're all gonna do it, right?" And then nobody did it, and then I got griefed when I tried.
I've stopped using it because it's boring to sit there by myself and not do anything, but when I was using it, if I organized my whole build around it, I still did all right. I don't think it's as horrible as people say.
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Killer main detected