

Is The Plague overpowered?

Member Posts: 194

I swear it's impossible to survive against a good Plague on an open map. Once you're infected you're literally exposed but also groan and cough, making it so easy for her to find you. If you cleanse yourself you just make her power stronger. If the entire team is infected, then one person decides to cleanse themselves, then either all infected survivors have to cleanse themselves, giving her a lot of corrupt pools, or risk her finding them whilst they're exposed and she has corrupt purge ready. So, do you think she's overpowered?

Is The Plague overpowered? 33 votes

4 votes
29 votes

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  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Her iridescent addons are a little too strong but other than that she is completely fine.

  • Member Posts: 3,378

    Not at all

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    Kinda tricky to say but I think I'll go with no if we're talking about just base-kit Plague. Now as was pointed out already, some of her add-ons ARE busted. If you factor some of those add-ons into the equation then I would argue that she actually is a bit too strong. Ideally, they might be addressed someday, although I'm not sure if Plague is popular enough to really warrant that in the Devs' eyes. Nonetheless the Plague herself is more or less fine. In truth, you kinda just have to get comfortable with being injured and not being able to heal. I know that it can feel very vulnerable, but its better than feeding her a bunch of corrupt fountains since doing so at the wrong time can be a game-losing mistake. Plus remember that without her red puke, she is basically just an M1 killer so she can be looped reasonably well with a bit of practice. So yeah, with her best add-ons, she's kind of overtuned. Without them though, I'd say she's fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,071

    She's pretty middling. Not great, but not garbage either.
    Far from overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    She’s fine. Even her really good addons are fine most of the time. I’d say her ultra rares are even a good example of what most killers ultra rares should be, most are terrible.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    She is strong and that's fine. I haven't seen her much anymore either there are many stronger killers which players use now instead.

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    She's strong, but not because her numbers or anything are insane she just requires good survivor macro/decision making. Nerf her iris though please they do way too much.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    Plague is a strong Killer, but definitely not overpowered. I think there are issues involving her learning curve for both sides though since her macro gameplay has more going on with it than people expect.

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    No way 🙂‍↔️

  • Member Posts: 359

    shes a $%^&* to play against but is pretty balanced.

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