PC - Broken Lobby Animation on Jane

bashfulboog Member Posts: 7
edited April 24 in Bug Reporting

As the title says, Jane's lobby animation doesn't work. I have only seen it when she's in the position next to my character, and was Jane before I joined or joined as Jane. If someone swaps to Jane in lobby, her animations work just fine! It could also just be tied to the spot, and not Jane herself. <3 AND I HAD A VIDEO FOR THIS RIGHT??? My computer deleted it from existence and now I'm stuck here like :0

I was queue'd as Thalita, and it's happened a few times with Jane. I don't believe the other characters have been stuck like that.

2 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review


  • bashfulboog
    bashfulboog Member Posts: 7

    Sorry about the lack of evidence again I tried trimming the clip and it's just gone 😭??

  • poinepp
    poinepp Member Posts: 119

  • poinepp
    poinepp Member Posts: 119

    Every survivors lobby animations are weird now some of them hold items too far away from their body and have missing idle animations