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I don't understand one of the QoL changes to Twins

JudasChrist Member Posts: 26

""Victor now glows red whenever he is vulnerable to being Crushed and white when he is invulnerable.

The latter also prevents Victor from being stunned by Pallets.""

Who's perspective is this talking about?? the survivors, charlotte, or victor??

Also how is victor invulnerable to being stunned by a pallet?? Whether you are controlling charlotte or victor, if a survivor slams a pallet when victor is near the pallet, doesn't he disintegrate??

Best Answer


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,357

    it’s talking about the pov for survivors so as surv you know if you should try to crush victor or not.

    Haven’t played as/against Twins yet but I would definitely assume that when Victor is glowing white a pallet drop would not disintegrate him and not stun him but should shove him to one side of the pallet