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SWFs are inherently impossible to balance and thus bad for the games overall health

Zaydin Member Posts: 275
edited April 25 in Feedback and Suggestions

How do I know this? Everytime survivor balance is brought up, there are inevitably a cascade of survivor mains declaring that you can't nerf SWFs and instead just need to buff solo q to SWF levels. Funnily enough, they never follow up with a suggestion as to how to buff Killers to compensate for said survivor buffs.


  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    If SoloQ wasn't a hot mess every match would feel like a SWF and the people playing killer wouldn't become so complacent to the easy games SoloQ gives.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    TThe problem isnt swf. solo and swf are the same. Theres no difference ingame. (Choosing to play with "better" players isnt a game balance problem in itself)

    The problem starts with swf being more likely to use comms. And good players using those comms effectively.

    The average joe in "solo hell" (no comms random team) then sees the better performance by better players who play with better teams with better comms usage and demands that to be made basekit.

    AArguably its technically possible that 4 competent players make the survivor role overperform but i dont wanna start shitstorm of a discussion.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    with good killer updates, swf is possible to balance. buffing weaker killers and improving killer perk variety is how you balance swf.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    Playing in SWF gives you an inherent advantage, so maybe it should give you a disadvantage as well, to even things out. Just not sure what the disadvantage should be.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 25

    I’m down for bringing solos to swf level and then buffing killers to swf level, but as mentioned, no one ever mentions the later part. They don’t want killers brought to swf level, just survivor buffs. We can generally see balance changes following this cycle as well. We’ve had changes bringing solo closer to swf with very little to bring killers to swf.

    I generally dislike the phrasing that most swf are just friends hanging out casually. Even if that’s true, it’s extremely downplaying how much advantage just hanging out with friends casually gives. Even in casual friend play they are still getting ridiculous levels of extra information fed between each other that highly impacts the games balance. “Casual friends chilling” is not just a minor advantage.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,011

    You can't make solos play on swf level no matter what tools you give them. Map wide bond wouldn't make nea stop urban evading around the map; people do what makes sense to them and not you.

    Like another poster wisely pointed out, comms is only part of the strength of swf. The real strength is in being able to filter out bad players. Competent solo lobbies exist and prove this.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,962

    Still feel a soloQ bloodpoints bonus would be cool. Like an inherent extra 25%.

    People have said before "You're punishing SWFs", but I still don't see how giving a bonus to players who naturally have a tougher game can be deemed as a punishment for the players playing with friends.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Oh I totally agree. The main advantage of swf is the guarantee of good teammates more than it is the coms.

    The main issues with solo queue have nothing to do with balance, it’s matchmaking and just players being bad.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,011

    Oh ok. We're in agreement. I just get defensive because seeing someone being reasonable is vanishingly rare.