NOED is now..



  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited March 2019

    Noed is a mediocre perk, run by mediocre killers, complained about by mediocre survivors.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    Can’t people just cleanse? Seriously.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Remove totems half the time when I am running noed it doesn't actually pop because the survivors have already took all totems down. So take a a few minutes to wander round looking for totems you will be fine.

    Actually hang on you don't want to do that because you fear that if you do that then gen rush won't happen and you may miss out on your little teabag at the exit gate.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    For your information I dont rely on noed cos the the other half of the time I don't need to use noed so don't say we are all noed reliant. I have seen noed reliant killers but not all killers are.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Not yellow rank either, and I don't rely on NOED. I use it on, like, two killers, on the off-chance that we make it to the end-game. I'm not going to deprive myself of a possible advantage just because survivors believe they should be exempt from both countering a perk and dealing with its effects.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    every perk is a crutch by your definition then. Is bamboozle a crutch that I use to shut down the shack, Twalls and certain hard loops because I don't want to deal with them?

  • Koriandr
    Koriandr Member Posts: 16

    Bad killers use noed,bad survivors enables noed periodt.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    "Only bad players use things they have to try to get an advantage."

    10/10 logic.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I love when people say, "Wow, you had to use NOED on (currently using Freddy/Legion)," when they never even finished 5 Gens.

    Yeah, bro, game ended with less than 5 Gens done, and you lost to a trash tier killer running 3 perks.

    Got me.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Survivors sure are funny. I was accused of "camping at a distance" as the Doctor because I went to check generators, realized they weren't working on any generators, then came back to the hook (which is where they obviously were, since all the generators were at 0%). Apparently, they believed I was going to send out a shock from 40 m away and up a hill (because everyone knows the Doctor's shock therapy hits survivors on different floors), then switch to punishment, hit them instantly, and stop them from unhooking.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    NOED is now....


    Just cleanse, seriously— you can prevent it beforehand.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    We could take this a step further and still say that the majority of the player base uses comms "shrugs"..... either way imo solo needs the TLC to be brought up to SWF level of play so that the killers can recieve the TLC that they need to combat SWF

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149

    they should buff noed because i mean let's face it, every killer that needs to use this cripple perk is just trash and i love tbag the fck out of em while my ass is escaping through the gates

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278


  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171

    Still think NOED would be 100% fine on both sides if they just add a totem counter to the hud for both sides.

    Change my mind!

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767
    edited March 2019

    You cannot protect all the gens, just like you cant protect totems, if 4 survivors are physically there to do them.

    Its physically impossible to be everywhere.

    While doing all totems is possible, especially with only one killer to haunt survivors away.

    NOED is a crutch perk, you are right.

    It should be built in in the game and not in a perk.

    Doing 5 gens within 3-5 minutes is perfectly do-able, the only pressure the killer has, is the fear of NOED and the insta downs from NOED.

    2 extra minutes for the killer to actually do something, when the totem(s) needs to be cleansed.

    But if there were no adrenaline, no self care and no exhaustion perks, the removal of NOED would be okay for me.

    But as long as survivors have extremely overpowered second chance perks, NOED is needed to counter gen rush.

    NOED doesnt even come near to the power of self care or sprint burst, by the way.

    But now real talk, NOED on Nurse should not work.

    It should deactivate inside the power of killers, just like it is done for Legion.

  • Marvett
    Marvett Member Posts: 159


    As a solo survivor this addition would help me a lot. Sadly nobody cares about solo surv😪

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Add it to Small Game or Detective's Hunch and you've got yourself a deal.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2019

    A lot of killers cannot just protect gens and apply pressure to the entire map. Now don't get me wrong there are some killers that can apply really good pressure such as Nurse, Billy, Spirit, and somewhat Huntress but the Huntress relies on the map.

    The killer, as one person, cannot chase and protect 3 gens at the same time and before you say "just drop the chase", what will happen then? The survivor gets away for free and will INSTANTLY work on a generator and the cycle continues with chase off gens, move away to another gen and then the survivors just tap the generator again.

    On top of that, with the Adrenawin meta, if you injure survivors to apply pressure they will still run to safety nets on the map and will continue to do generators to get a free heal and sprint burst. Now I'm not saying don't run Adrenaline but with this new meta and the fact that most killers cannot chase and apply pressure to the entire map, NOED is needed for the weaker ones.

    if you commit to a chase with a killer who cannot apply that much pressure, then gens will just pop and like stated previously, if you drop the chase to kick a generator, the survivor who just escaped will just tap the generator again as soon as you leave.

    NOED is balanced and all you have to do is cleanse the totems, I don't get why there are so many posts about NOED when devs already stated that they have no intentions on changing NOED yet due to the perk having counters, yes you heard counters.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Speshul_Kitten Please leave the Crutch alone. BHVR does not have the money for the massive therapy bills if it gets nerfed.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    Honestly I'm not even opposed to this, will make some hardly used perks more useful.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I don't know what lobbies you people are getting but 90% of my games are with fellow solo players. We all load in one at a time and it's nearly a FFA, with hopefully someone helping you if needed, and occasionally one of those weird wall-huggers that crouch along the outer rim the entire match waiting for the exits to open while avoiding the crow debuff.

    Even if it weren't 4 solos, that doesn't mean it's a 4-stack. This happens in all ranks, so SWF is not the majority. Same in my killer matches. I get that 3 or 4 skilled players (not all SWF are any good) can bully a killer but it's still easy and far less stressful to play killer over survivor, especially since most of them are bitter and facecamp even people who go down in the first thirty seconds. What the heck did that guy do to you? Can you at least not stand in the stairs so we can go rescue?

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    NOED is fine, totems can be broken to nullify the effects of it and makes up for when survivors only ever want to do the generators and nothing else (no chests, no healing, no totems, nothing but generators) meaning the fault is all on you if it goes off.

    Granted, I would not advocate for running NOED on killers like Nurse, Hillbilly, Spirit, Huntress, Hag or Myers for instance as they can establish proper pressure but for other killers like Trapper, Clown, LF, Pig or Doctor there is little they can do against decent survivors either due to RNG or simply by the fact that their power does practically nothing and cannot establish pressure very well especially for players who only want to do 5 generators into adrenaline. For killers like those 5 (4 actually since LF already has an instadown) NOED can be excused.

    I personally do not find NOED as much of a threat as I stay injured for most of my matches anyways unless a teammate heals me and in some cases I'll even stay in the match knowing NOED is up.

    What I would not be opposed to is a buff to either small game or detective's hunch in some form of a way instead as a way to further assist solo survivors.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    NOED is fine.

    Cleanse totems. Simple. it has counterplay. It isn't active the entire match lol.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    Almost every single survivor is running Adrenaline now. Why shouldn't killers pack their own endgame perks?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited March 2019


    well, you are the one complaining about a, at best, mid tier perk here.

    there is plenty of counterplay to it and if you cant handle it, that means your gameplay needs to improve.

    and since you mentioned it in your OP, yes, cleansing 5 totems is one way to counter it. there are plenty of other options aswell, so dont act like that would be the one and only counter to NOED.

    "how about you just protect all the gens? Right back at ya’." is one of the most stupid things ive seen in this discussion by now btw, congrats ^^

    you gotta play some killer to understand that side or stop asking for unnecessary nerfs.

    PS: i am sorry for the late response, but since the notification system on this forum is currently not working, i did not see it. (write @Mister_xD if you want me to get a notification)

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    first of all, i love that pic xD

    made my day xD

    however, id like to know how you got to the conclusion i'd be a baby killer ^^

    is it because i am defending NOED? then here's the thing: currently, i am not running NOED on any of my killers, not even freddy, as i consider the perk to be simply bad. the perk has way too many downsides and counters to it than a exposed status effect could make up for.

    and since my opinion on the perk is like this, i am defending it, as i fundamentally do not believe that a "meh" tier perk should recieve, yet another, nerf. the opposite is the case. i personally would like to see it getting a little buff in order to be worth using again.

    NOED only works against survivors who fcked up their secondary objective, while also staying a dead perk throughout the entire game. and even then it can be taken care of, simply by cleansing the burning totem,s o it barely gives you more than one hit. imo, have the hex totem eigther be indestructable OR have all remaining totems light up would be a nice change to it. in the end, NOED completely relies on the survivors to activate in the first place, that should be enough of a reason for these buff suggestions.

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171

    Small game, and done.

    Let's call the devs and have them write it up.

    I believe the lawyers can handle it from here, really pleasure doing business with you :)

    There! Now was that so hard? XD

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Maybe you must put Small Game instead your Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Self Care or Decisive Strike of your current build.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    break totems

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246


    "I didn’t respond because the thread got consistently defensive with killer mains defending their last crutch. As far as it goes, NOED is still a crutch wether you believe so or not, facts from fiction if you don’t like it go back to killermain land where you belong."

    I didn’t respond because the thread got consistently defensive with killer mains defending their last crutch.

    You didn't respond because simple minded forum trolls like yourself make pointless/unsupported threads such as this, when confronted with factually supported information you simply have no way to respond.

    As far as it goes, NOED is still a crutch wether you believe so or not, facts from fiction if you don’t like it go back to killermain land where you belong.

    So you made a thread, to say what YOU feel/believe as if that makes it hold any value. And anyone saying otherwise is wrong.

    "wether you believe so or not"

    "facts from fiction if you don’t like it go back to killermain land"

    I made no comment in defense for NOED. Only factually stated how poor your argument was and how you refused to respond to actual facts presented by intelligent players that don't make crap up to 'support' their 'feelings'.

    fact is you are an ignorant moron

    Stay in survivor main land where you clearly reside.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Possible solutions:

    1. Break all the totems before gates are powered
    2. Don't get hit
    3. Break the hex after the gates are powered
    4. Don't get spotted
    5. Save DS until the end
    6. Have someone use BT on you
    7. Use a key to escape through the hatch
    8. Don't carelessly go for the gates as soon as they're powered
    9. Hide if the killer checks the gate you're at, if they search one gate the other gate is vulnerable
    10. Go for a gate while the killer is distracted

    They aren't all perfect or great or always doable and some may require sacrifice but there are still plenty of counters

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Aww baby survivors can't cleanse totoms sad panda.

    There there. Aari has got you covered


This discussion has been closed.