#BUFFLEGION | Legion should start Frenzy moving at 6m/s

Tatariu Member Posts: 2,967
edited April 30 in Feedback and Suggestions

5.2m/s is too slow and barely gets you any distance on running Survivors. The stack-able speed bonus barely helps since the starting speed is so slow. By the time you catch up and hit a Survivor within the cluster, the others have already made enough distance to outrun Frenzy.

Not only would a 6m/s starting speed resolve this issue, but it would also allow Legion to use Frenzy during chases; breaking a pallet then entering Frenzy would help you close the gap on a Survivor, effectively curbing the shift+w brainrot playstyle.

To make sure things don't get too crazy, the stack-able speed bonus for each hit in Frenzy should be halved; now granting +0.1m/s instead of the current +0.2m/s. Mural Sketch would also be proportionately changed; now granting a speed bonus of +0.15m/s, instead of +0.3m/s.

Never-Sleep Pills would need a slight rework so its not completely pointless; now the add-on increases the power's duration by +5 seconds (was +10 seconds) and causes your base Frenzy speed to start at the current 5.2m/s (rather than 4.6m/s).

Legion is too slow and needs more speed. If all Survivors are grouped up, let alone just a couple, Legion should be able to get the hits unless a well-timed stun is performed, or someone bodyblocks.

Here are other changes Legion needs to succeed:

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,166

    So he will be able to chain 5 hits pretty much always? S+++ tier killer literally without any counterplay, which will keep busy whole team and will have downs no matter what? If your idea is to make killer by far more hated than SM, then it's not bad suggestion. Not sure, that everyone else will like it.
    Legion needs Mischief List in a basekit, but with something more than this he will be soooo annoying to play against.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,166

    Math sadly works on a paper, but not in real matches. You can't run straight line against Legion every time, maps are not endless.
    And that's why i think additional speed is more important in many scenarios, than additional time in Frenzy.
    But if you want math, sure:
    If i want to catch running survivor in 20 meters away from me, you need 10 seconds as 6.0 Legion, and 16,66 as 5,2 Legion.
    So Mischief List won't even do a difference here. You are not competing with the survivor who will run further, you are trying to chain hits and speed is much more important here than the final distance in Frenzy.
    Two or three 5 chained hits per game already almost guarantee you a win, and with your suggestion, he will do it almost constantly and without any risk.
    And i don't hate Legion, survivors do. Last few months Legion is my second most played killer. If i remember it correctly, you are Legion main. If it's so, you should understand that you will play against bots every game, if your suggestion will goes live.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 2,967
    edited April 29

    You don't play Legion. Your opinion is not valued or backed by actual experience. Bye!

  • Mentally_Mechanical
    Mentally_Mechanical Member Posts: 58

    I'd like something like that as a buff. 130% initial sprint speed is just too slow on most maps, particularly the big and multi-leveled ones.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 442

    What S tier killer has their power turned off by a stun?

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    No absolutely not having to mend 500 times + is already annoying enough. Yes know bit of a exaggeration but they are fine and annoying enough as is. Also it depends, sure smart survivors (swf or high mmr survivors)who spread out legion may struggle but to me 90% of solo que potatoes always bunch up still on gens even when they hear a legion terror radius coming up.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,166

    Do you really believe you will be able stun at least 6,0 killer with huge lange every time? Even while standing in a pallet trying to react on his lunge, he will be on another side of the pallet in every second case. It's too easy to bait a pallet as Legion and good Legion very rarely should be stunned in Frenzy.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 442

    Not just high MMR players can counter legion. The counterplay is already optimal play in general, so even decent solos are problematic as legion. The whole "mending simulator" thing is so tired and overblown.

    It's insane to argue against legion buffs when huntress has fifty hatchets,faster reload, trickster got brought up to 115% and Billy got all of his negatives removed when legion is just languishing at the bottom of the barrel. I'd rather play vs a legion vs any of those killers, at least you can do stuff against a legion.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 442
    edited April 30

    Every time? No. Most of the time? Certainly. All you have to do is camp the farther side of the pallet and wait for them to hit you and stun. Ta dah! Chain ended.

    This change is pretty reasonable and comes with compensatory nerfs. I don't always agree with Tat but his legion ideas are well thought out.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,166

    Ta dah! You watching me running to the next survivor at 6,1 and wasted pallet, because my lunge get me far from pallet after hit. I know what you are talking about, it's still gambling and not guaranteed at all.
    Even in perfect world, where all survivors successfully stun me in Frenzy every time, in second part of the match all resources are gone and i'm unstoppable anyway.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,743

    you stand somewhat middle of the pallet. the m/s recovery is too slow to not get stunned. my thoughts is that chaining feral frenzy 4 hits is not suppose be a given. it is suppose to be opportunistic event. i.e punishing survivor for grouping together. The problem with current legion is you get no reward for 2 survivor or 3 survivor. only 4 or nothing. that is why i think that legion should be able to damage deep wound in feral frenzy based off the number chain-hits so he get rewards for 2 and 3 chain hits.

    I also do not like how legion cannot fail his ability. It makes his ability feel like passive ability to get injures rather then dynamic one. Plague is already killer that turns everyone broken passively. She already has the identity of gaining free injuries. Legion's design on injuries should be more dynamic with the possibility of failure. By adding possible failure, you can boost the reward of his ability so he has bigger gains when he uses the ability correctly but get punished if survivor outplay him/misuses the ability.

  • Mentally_Mechanical
    Mentally_Mechanical Member Posts: 58

    I'd like something like that, more effort needed for greater reward. Anything to make Legion more fun for both sides and, ideally, stronger overall.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,948

    He said Legion is his second most played killer what do you even mean by that?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,948

    Legion is one of the easiest killers in the game, and that should reflect on how strong he is.

    On the other side he is quite boring to play against because of all the mending, sure in the end he has to play m1, but that goes for many killers and they don't make you mend every minute...

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,354

    Closed as OP requested.

This discussion has been closed.