Hex Perks and their Totems


Just gonna be quick here:

Do you think Hex totems should spawn the closest to the killer at the start of the match?


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,473
    edited April 30

    No, it should be random. Otherwise survs know quite well where to go... Also incentives territorial play even more if they would.

    Post edited by Archol123 on
  • Feneroe
    Feneroe Member Posts: 203

    No. I think they should either be invisible for the first 30-60 seconds of the game or until their effect actually starts affecting things.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,433
    edited April 30

    Good on a case by case basis I feel.

    Hexes that gain a token or triggered by the killer might be a good way to do it when they are triggered/gain a token. e.g.

    • Hex: Devour Hope - First time a survivor is pulled off hook when the killer is >24m away and grants a token.
    • Hex: Huntress Lullaby - First time a survivor is hooked and grants a token.
    • Hex: Blood Favor - First time a survivor is hit.
    • Hex: Third Seal - First time a survivor is hit.

    Other hexes that turn themselves on are unchanged and illuminated immediately e.g.

    • Hex: Plaything
    • Hex: Pentimento
    • Hex: Face the Darkness
    • Hex: No One Escapes Death
    • Hex: Two Can Play

    Hexes that guard other hexes turn on when another hex is revealed, or after 60s e.g.

    • Hex: Undying
    • Hex: Haunted Ground
    • Hex: Retribution
    • Hex: Thrill of the Hunt

    Hexes that are triggered too easily by survivors turn on after 60s. e.g.

    • Hex: Ruin
    • Hex: Crowd Control

  • Krogund
    Krogund Member Posts: 8

    I was going to put up my own suggestion but I found this thread… so maybe I'll leave it here as a reply.

    I think a good way to give more play to the hex perks is the following:

    Survivors SHOULD NOT be able to interact with dull totems or hex totems unless they have the required perks. Perks that allow to interact with totem would be ANY boon perk or perks such as Small Game and Counterforce which are designed to find and cleanse totems or perks that required totem interaction to activate such as Inner Strength or Overzealous.

    The only exception to this rule would be Hex: Plaything. Everyone affected by plaything would be able to cleanse their OWN hex.

    Is this too much? I don't think so. It would be the same thing as boon perks, not all survivors can put up boons unless they have said perks or the same thing as Sabotage, not all survivors can sabotage a hook unless they have Saboteur or a toolbox.

    I guess the cleansing could be allowed if a survivor is carrying a map (which in my experience are barely seen).

  • VomitMommy
    VomitMommy Member Posts: 1,467

    I kinda like japanese tournament rule, where you simply can't cleanse hex before you finish first gen.

    Alternative would be actually hide totems, so totems are not visible from more than 3+ meters +/-.
    not put them in middle of nowhere, where I can see them from half of the map away, or exactly next to the gen…. Devs are just terrible at hide and seek.