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A Fix For Dead Man's Switch


While I wouldn't go so far as to call DMS overpowered or too strong on its own, I do think the perk is unhealthy in a very specific way: It's a time bomb just waiting for a synergy that makes it obnoxious as hell to face. In the past (and currently, for some reason) it's been Pain Resonance, as well as Ultimate Weapon and synergy on the Doctor specifically, among others.

The throughline between these obnoxious synergies is obvious. They're all scream perks. How do we fix this? Simple: Make DMS a scream perk too.

Here's my proposal for what DMS should do:

  • After hooking a survivor, Dead Man's Switch activates for 30 seconds. During that time, if a survivor stops repairing a generator, they scream and reveal their aura for five seconds.

Now, while this does shift it away from being a slowdown perk and into being an information perk, I'd like to point out that on its own DMS has never been especially good at being a slowdown perk. You basically only ever run it alongside something to force its use, because a survivor letting go at the tail end of the timer was basically useless. The only use that had was information, you knew that gen was being worked on because it was highlighted in white.

So… cut out the middleman. Make DMS a useful info perk and prevent the obnoxious, unhealthy synergies from ever forming again.


  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 362

    Congratulations, you've made Bad BBQ. DMS is fine.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,040

    BBQ has a range requirement, DMS does not. BBQ has a more predictable activation requirement people can fool if they suspect it, but avoiding DMS that way would require either committing hard to the generator or not touching it at all for thirty seconds. BBQ is just an aura and can be weak to Distortion, DMS would have a scream component as well.

    DMS is also not fine. It's not even currently fine, it has one of its annoying synergies right now. I would like to see it changed so those obnoxious synergies aren't looming over it, that seems like the more appropriate response than playing whack-a-mole with whatever people are pairing DMS with this time.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 362

    Do you genuinely see anyone using this perk? Who is someone screaming on the other side of the map useful for? When survivors hear your terror radius, let go scream and pre run is it beneficial to hear the scream and see them sprint bursting away? Not for 80% of the cast. BBQ is better in every way even with the range requirement because survivors know this perk is in play immediately. Screaming from half the map away is not useful or actionable information.

    You want to nerf DMS because it has synergy with a soon-to-be-dead perk or because it's alright on doctor. On doctor. Come on. I've seen a full Gen block build twice, once on artist and once on my doctor. I promise you that I'd do better with the standard pain res pop combo and if you delete DMS that's what you're pushing me into. Why? Perk variety is good. "Annoying" means very little in regards to balance. Anything your opponent does in a PVP title to thwart you is going to be annoying.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,040
    edited April 30

    My goal with proposed balance changes is never to make a perk everyone will run. There are plenty of strong or just decent perks nobody runs, and the only things that are adopted by a large majority of players for either role tend to either fall into specific camps (like 'regression' for killer or 'chase' for survivor) or are just flat out broken.

    My goal is to make a perk you could use if you wanted, and yes, this perk would absolutely be usable. On its own, absent synergies, this perk would be more useful than current DMS. It's a sidegrade to perks like BBQ and Gearhead, which are both pretty decent. You'd have all three available depending on what info you want, in what way, and for what purpose.

    I do not want DMS nerfed because it has synergy with whatever perk you're referring to there and on Doctor. I don't want DMS nerfed at all, I want it reworked. I want it reworked because it's constantly in danger of being elevated to uncounterable status by pairing it with other tools.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 362

    So you've made a perk that is good on blight, nurse, maybe onryo and dredge but that's debatable considering that they have few ways to turn this information into pressure. You've killed a unique perk with clear counterplay for yet another mediocre info perk to toss in the dumpster with darkness revealed and soon to be ultimate weapon. It's just unnecessary.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,040

    Wow, you're aggressive.

    So, first of all, this perk would be relatively useful on everyone, information doesn't need to be acted on immediately for it to be valuable.

    Second, highlighting 'clear counterplay' when I just laid out that my major problem with the perk is how it's constantly in danger of that counterplay being taken away is very, very silly.

    Third, mediocre? I compared it to BBQ and Gearhead, which are far from mediocre. Gearhead is one of the better info perks available right now and BBQ is no slouch.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,040

    Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. If the things being said were facts, they'd just be both at once.

    Now, let's actually look at this claim here. So you lay out three synergies, and two of them are ones I'd consider problems considering GE + DMS is actually counterable the normal way.

    First, the obvious: Currently, for some reason, Pain Res activates at the start of the hook animation and not the end like it used to, so you can't counter this unless you just stop repairing as soon as someone's downed, which is at best an annoying loss of efficiency for no reason.

    Moving on, though, let's say that's fixed again and we're back to none of these being problems. Great! DMS is currently fine.

    For now.

    Until the next one comes along.

    Because the current design is always in danger of DMS being upgraded from "Mediocre but fairly designed" to "Quite strong and completely uncounterable without just not repairing to begin with". It's never disgustingly OP, you generally have room to repair safely while chases are happening, but it's always in danger of being boosted to way, way more impact than it's meant to have and with way less counterplay. Perks get changed for less than this already, a perk that forces survivors to do generators way slower even when they're countering it is at least worthy of looking at.

    On top of that, DMS isn't good on its own. That's the nail in the coffin, it's a bad perk that gets elevated to unfair impact on a semi-regular basis. It's a problem, and there's no need to pretend it isn't. Nothing's gained from that, people don't even generally use DMS unless they're synergising it with something anyway.

    It's better for everyone, killers included, for the perk to be updated to be more consistently useful without that possibility of unfair nonsense lurking around the corner.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,009
    edited May 1

    Information perks especially aura perks aren't very attractive currently considering one size fits all Distortion counters a lot of them.

    Hooking just to see screams doesn't mean much considering the more attractive hook related perks out there, PR, pop, GE.

    The only way I could see this perk get ok value is with GE/Deadlock and Survivors being auto pushed off gens.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 3,067
    edited May 1

    I really don't know why they ever considered PR + Merciless Storm to be more obnoxious than PR + DMS. It baffles me.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,138

    They're thinking of the avg dbd player that might be on the first gen xbox one/ps4 hitting skillchecks. I don't think I've ever failed merciless storm skillchecks unless it's a full doctor build.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 352

    dms would be D tier with this unnecessary change. all its combos are balanced.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,170
    edited May 1

    The problem you'll be contending with is DMS still needs a survivor to let go, and you need some way of making that happen, otherwise its a very subpar perk.

    Currently when a survivor let's go, it gives info on survivor location on its own via the white gen block aura, and ofc had the benefit of also blocking a gen... as well as the scenarios you cite, the niche scenario where this really comes in clutch is when 2 survivors are working on 1 gen together, but 1 must leave to go save.

    This new version will only work when a survivor lets go to head towards hook... and doesnt preserve this niche. For other scenarios if you make them let go via screams or coming close withyour TR, you've already found them, so there is little to no value to gain.

    Overall its quite a hefty nerf for DMS, because its providing effectively the same info, but no longer has the ability to block the gen and loses any niches it has.

    Overall it doesn't strike me that DMS really needs a change.

    • The Pain Res combo can be avoided by simply guessing it's in play and letting go prior to hook.
    • The Grim Embrace combo can't be avoided realistically, but also obscures the survivor location info DMS otherwise provides.
    • Ultimate Weapon, Doctor and other scream perks combo tend to go off nearby locations or TRs, and the killer making them scream without DMS will push them off the gen anyway. Given the travel time to gens to trigger these effects a good chunk of DMS will be gone already, so it isn't that strong.

    So tbh I'm not convinced DMS creates any scenarios really that warrant a strong look.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,413
    edited May 1

    That just makes it a lot worse even on its own, when it's not even that strong on its own as it is. You'd get mostly the same information (though in a slightly better form) but lose the slowdown.

    All it needs is to not work when forced to let go of a generator so it doesn't work with Grim Embrace and screaming perks. That's it. There's nothing wrong with it when used by itself.