We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

People who want Freddy to be more like to his 1.0 version, how would you balance him if you could?

FrostySeal Member Posts: 628

I'm curious since most people aren't really a fan of his reworked form because of how generic he is and I've always seen a decent amount of people who used to play Freddy back in the day saying they hope he could be reworked into something like his 1.0 version.

So if you could, how would you make a Freddy 3.0?


  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    Old Freddy had a glaring problem. It took 7 seconds for the survivors to enter the dream world and it was too easy to wake up.

    They could finish a gen, cleanse a totem, heal right in front of you with no worries.

    They would absolutely need to make sure that the transition was like 1 or 2 seconds as well as super hard to wake up.

    He had built in aura reading if the survivors were more than 32 meters away from him. He definitely needed a rework .

    If it were me and they brought back that transition they would need to make it faster keep his telports, knock down the aura read and make it hard to wake up. Perhaps keep the clock mechanic and have that be the only way to wake up or by another awake survivor.

    He needs utility, give him pallets and snares like clowns bottles but limit them. Then I feel he would be better and like old Freddy.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    Old Freddy, no gen slowdown and pulling someone into dreams gets faster each time going from 7 to 3 (even less with addons)

    Ability to make Snares be used for teleporting

    Fake Gens/Chests/Totems that highlight the survivor when interacted with

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    We need to keep in mind that DBD was a much different game back when Fredy was old Freddy as well. I could see old Freddy actually not being that bad in current DBD, especially with maps having become much fairer now.

    I think maybe decreasing the transition time of survivors getting put into the dream world just a bit, and maybe a few other small buffs, and then the devs could see how he works.

    Sadly I doubt we'll ever see old Freddy, since he was quite harsh against newer players because of the aura reading.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 1

    Just had to make survivor interacting with objectives fall asleep significantly faster. So gens, totems, hook rescues ect would make it like a 1-2 second fall asleep.

    Remove wake up on failed skill checks. It was too easy to wake up.

    Make the furthest alarm clock from them be their wake up if they didn't want to find a teammate to do it. Teammate wake ups should steadily take longer and longer each time as they do now.

    Add the teleport we have now but make it a bit faster.

    This obviously leaves him as a very weak 1v1 killer but gives him good built in slow down and map pressure. It makes him more of a macro rather than micro play style.

    Honestly hope they go for Freddy 1.0 with tweaks and mostly abandon current Freddy design. Pallet and snares are nothing unique or fun and are just copy pasta from other killers. Current Freddy could get significant buffs to actually be strong and it would still be boring.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,779
    edited May 1

    The Nightmare is a nightmarish Killer, able to pull Survivors into his Dream World where he has complete control over their fates. His personal Perks, Fire Up, Remember Me, and Blood Warden enable him to bide his time and become the ultimate hunter when the Trial reaches its crux.

    • Terror Radius: 32m
    • Movement Speed: 4.6m/s
    • Height: Short


    • Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare.
      • Survivors who are awake hear a 32m non-directional lullaby.
    • Survivors who are awake cannot be hurt by The Nightmare.
      • Hitting a Survivor who is awake will cause them to instantly fall asleep and suffer from 20% Hindered for 1.5 seconds. During this time, they can commence no actions except for dropping a pallet, vaulting a window, or entering and exiting a locker.
      • This will be considered a Missed Attack.
    • Survivors who are awake suffer a 30% action speed penalty to repairing, healing, sabotaging, cleansing or blessing a totem, and unlocking or searching a chest.
      • Survivors who are awake also suffer a 100% bonus penalty to missing skill-checks.
      • These effects apply only after they have fallen asleep at least once.
    • Survivors can be targeted by The Nightmare within 15m to be pulled into the Dream Transition for 5 seconds.
    • During the Dream Transition, Survivors are to be treated as awake.
    • Survivors will automatically enter the Dream Transition after 45 seconds has passed.
      • This Microsleep timer is reset upon missing a skill-check or having another Survivor who is awake performing the Refresh action.
        • Refresh causes the Microsleep timer to reset by 30 seconds.
        • This action progressively increases in the time it takes to complete, up to a maximum of 16 seconds.
        • The Nightmare cannot see individual Microsleep timers.


    • Survivors who are asleep are pulled into the Dream World.
    • Sleeping Survivors see and hear The Nightmare.
      • Sleeping Survivors can be hurt by The Nightmare.
      • Sleeping Survivors hear The Nightmare's Terror Radius as usual.
    • Sleeping Survivors' Auras are revealed to The Nightmare when within his Terror Radius for more than 10 seconds.
    • Sleeping Survivors can wake up through:
      • A Survivor who is awake performing the Wake-Up action.
        • This action progressively increases in the time it takes to complete, up to a maximum of 16 seconds.
      • Being hooked.
      • Performing the Steel Nerves action, which takes 8 seconds to complete. Progress swiftly depletes when not being channeled.
        • This action progressively increases in the time it takes to complete, up to a maximum of 32 seconds.
        • Survivors can only perform Steel Nerves three times per Trial.
    • Once a Survivor has woken up, they gain a 30 second grace period before their individual Microsleep timer begins again.
      • During this time, they can enter the Dream Transition through any other means.


    • The Nightmare is able to press and hold the Secondary Power Button to charge Dream Projection.
      • Releasing the Secondary Power Button early cancels Dream Projection.
      • This will consume a portion of Dream Projection's charge and will require it to go on cool-down.
    • When fully charged, The Nightmare will teleport to any Generator he was charging Dream Projection on.
    • Charging Dream Projection causes all Generators to spew blood.
      • Sleeping Survivors will instead see only the relevant Generator spew blood.
    • Dream Projection has a cool-down of 45 seconds.
      • This cool-down is reduced by 10% for every sleeping Survivor, up to a maximum of 40%.



    Each time a Generator is completed, Fire Up gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 5 Tokens.

    Each Token applies a 6% buff to all action speeds.

    Using the Active Ability Button while in a Chase will consume 1 Token and allow one of the following effects:

    • If at 3 or more Tokens, all Survivors in a Chase will become affected by the Exposed Status Effect for 30/35/40 seconds.
    • If at 2 or fewer Tokens, all Survivors in a Chase have their Aura revealed for 10/12/14 seconds.


    Whenever the Obsession loses a Health State by any means, Remember Me gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 4/5/6 Tokens.

    For each Token, increase the opening time of the Exit Gates by 5 seconds, up to a maximum of 20/25/30 seconds.

    The Obsession receives this penalty at a 50% reduced rate.


    Each time a Survivor is Hooked, Blood Warden gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 6/7/8 Tokens. Tokens cannot be gained once the Exit Gates are powered.

    When the Exit Gates are opened, Blood Warden consumes all Tokens. For each Token, call upon The Entity to block the exits for 11 seconds, up to a maximum of 66/77/88 seconds.

    The Auras of all Survivors standing within the Exit-Gate Area are revealed to you.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 602

    for me is:

    -Decrease time to put them to sleep to 5 sec (Was 7)

    -All survivors are permantly sleep when all gens are completed.

    -remove aura reading.

    But that just me.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,353

    Can’t have a Freddy thread without @GeneralV

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 238

    I think the consensus is that incapacitated during the transition would be a good change and that the Dream Transposition should stay, both things I agree with. I think that the transition could reasonably be shortened to 4-5 seconds, personally, but that's not the most important thing.

    I have doubts BHVR would want to entirely scrap dream snares and pallets, so I think maybe it would be neat if survivors dropped dream snares or summoned dream pallets every once in a while when asleep, passively. If I could get really out there, I'd maybe like for dream snares dropped in this way to be valid teleport positions, but canceling the teleport would have an AI version of Freddy crawl out and chase the survivor for a short time. This dream double wouldn't injure survivors and would just hinder them, I think. Or something like that.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,022
    edited May 2
    • Dream snares are removed from Dream Demon, with dream pallets in the base-kit instead. Start with 10 dream tokens, breaking a pallet grants 1 dream token, and dream tokens are consumed when setting dream pallets.
    • Survivors' actions are interrupted and are given the Incapacitated status effect when they are being pulled into the dream world.
    • Alarm clocks no longer wake up survivors, but now put survivors in a Trance state. In this state, the survivor's aura is hidden from The Nightmare and the action speed penalty is inactive, but the lullaby is present for the duration they are in the Trance state, unable to discern if The Nightmare is nearing them. The Nightmare is also 8 metres less visible from you while under the Trance effect. If The Nightmare hits a survivor in the Trance state, they are taken out of that state and back in the regular Dream World. You can still exit the dream world while under the effect by having a survivor wake you up or failing a skill check by any means.
    • Dream Projection now applies to more objects on the map, such as completed generators, hooks, and chests. Freddy unhooks himself on a hook, and Freddy pops out of the chest like a Jack-in-the-box. Press the Active Ability button to activate All-Seeing mode, swapping from Pull into Dream mode, which will show auras of misc. locations you can teleport to. Hold the Active Ability button on an object to channel Dream Projection on any misc. object. Holding the Active Ability button on an uncompleted generator will channel Dream Projection on it as per usual without having to swap modes.

    Post edited by glitchboi on
  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 414

    I barely played as and against the old Freddy. That was back when I couldn't really play many games with my old PC because it would struggle with anything that wasn't League of Legends.

    I do have a couple ideas about his power, though.

    So, you want survivors to be asleep to hit them, right? But also survivors didn't want to be in the dream world. But what if we make it so survivors would want to be asleep? You could make it so survivors have a permanent Paranoid debuff while awake, with a small slowdown to healing and/or repairing, or maybe increased skill checks with tiny or no Great zones at all (I think this is probably more interesting than a straight up slowdown).

    Once asleep, the debuff goes away, but survivors will see fake pallets and fake hex totems. Interacting with fake hexes could give the killer Killer Instinct.

    Awake survivors cannot interact with asleep survivors and vice versa.

    Blowing up a generator will not wake you up, or will do so with a massive penalty. Stabbing yourself while healing should probably wake you up, though.

    The killer's power that made survivors go asleep could have a small AOE, big enough to put to sleep people repairing gens together or healing each other.

    I don't think permanent distance based aura reading is a good idea because the maps nowadays are tiny anyway, but decieving enemies is fun, so survivors could maybe see fake items on the floor while asleep, or "think" that they've picked up an item from a chest or from the floor (maybe for the Franklin's synergy), and when they try to use them, they disappear. Medkits and toolboxes would vanish on 2 seconds of use (with no real progress being done, even if the progress bar shows up or even changes colour for the "extra" gen speed), but flashlights could vanish when they "blind" the killer (they're fake flashlights, so they can't really blind the killer).

    It doesn't have to be exactly like this. They could pick and choose what sounds fun. I think the fake items and the Paranoid debuff could be cool.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    Sure he's generic but I ain't never heard anyone want to reverse big man back to his stone age form. That ######### caused hair loss like damn. People that say that clearly have never actually played him back then, however I do agree that people want a change to him. I mean it's not gonna happen let's get that straight, he's boring, but pretty balanced overall so bhvr won't touch him for another 4 years but if I was to rework him:

    Survivors can't see eachother if ones in the dream world and ones awake, so snapping out of it basically gets removed. What an absolute menace of an idea am I right. (Most problematic rework ever, terrible idea).

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    i would say shorten the transition to 3 secs instead of 7. Keeping the teleport is nice however i know survivors will hard complain to nerf that action speed penalty bhvr would change that to give hinder while asleep most likely

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2

    Make him totally invisible until survivors totally In dreaming.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,299

    I admit I don't care for either Freddy but if I were to compromise between both I would simply just add onto their power to where instead of teleporting CTRL would toggle between two states of the old and new power. Just the difference is CTRL would no longer teleport and you'd have to toggle into alt power mode to put people into sleep or target a generator to teleport. The only thing toggling into current power would do is just make it so you can M1 people normally and be seen.


    State 1 - Ability to set Dream Snares and Dream Pallets

    State 2 - Ability to teleport to generators and put survivors to sleep from a range - Makes you invisible and unable to attack awake survivors in this state

    Would likely buff alarm clocks though if Freddy had both. I prefer newer Freddy but I am genuinely not satisfied with Freddy's power and never really have been - Just would prefer Robert Englund Freddy though. No offense to the guy who did remake Freddy but you cannot top Englund he's a legend for a reason.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    Honestly hope they go for Freddy 1.0 with tweaks and mostly abandon current Freddy design. Pallet and snares are nothing unique or fun and are just copy pasta from other killers. Current Freddy could get significant buffs to actually be strong and it would still be boring.

    current freddy's power are so non-existant in term of strength that they could legit combine old freddy and new freddy.

    Freddy no longer has lullaby inside dream world, Lullaby is present outside of dream at 32 meters.

    Freddy terror radius changed from 32 meter to 16 meters.(Buffed from original 24 meters)

    Dream world survivors now suffer a 15% action speed penalty to repairing and healing(down from 50%).

    Dream world allows freddy to see survivor aura's outside of his TR

    Just full revert with some tweak in numbers is sufficient. All the other mechanics are same such as M1 to put people into dream.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,802

    The snares being used as the teleport spot is interesting. Perhaps an animation of miniature Freddy clawed-arms holding the surv like a three second trap.

  • Error_Social
    Error_Social Member Posts: 63

    Give him every slowdown that he had as addons but make it base kit, make his tps instant, extend the hitbox of his attack for real, because that clunkiness of giving fake hits is amazing and make it so that only hooks can wake you up.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,025
  • JeanGreyarea
    JeanGreyarea Member Posts: 498

    can we trade the 40 percent action penalty for any of his current powers please?😭

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 433

    Eh, as somebody that liked old freddy and mained him you don't want the old one back. He had serious fundamental issues. However, I think a good way to bring back an old aspect of him was his old dream demon power. Have them as addons where you can manually pull survivors into the dream world from 8/16/24 meters with the downside of losing micro-sleep and dream world on hit.