Why do killers tryhard in a match then spare the last survivor?

SuzieMalay Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

I've had killers who hard tunnels and camp hook, smack survivors on the hook from the start of the match for no reason, only to spare the last survivor who is hiding the entire game. So why are you doing all of that if you are going to spare towards the end of the game like what is your goal? To make the match miserable for no reason? And you spare the survivor who you don't even see the whole game hiding and letting people die on hook, so you have to go for the save with no heals.

I don't understand what's with the killers sparing the survivor who didn't do anything all game or the ones who hide to wait for other person to die on hook to get hatch. I have just been in a match where I was taking chase whilst the other survivor was hiding in a locker when they could be doing the last generator, the chase was long enough for a generator to be done and this is just typical survivor experience, always the player who hides all game that gets rewarded for some reason. To see them leave the locker with a bond as soon as I get downed.

There need to be punishment for a survivor hiding in locker waiting the other person to die for hatch and killers sparing survivors that sometimes in the middle of the game turns into the survivor teaming with killer. Start banning killers who aren't killing like survivors who get banned for not doing the objectives. Half my matches survrivor throws the game, i cant even say anything because there is no chat box anywhere in this game for some reason , nobody telling them what they are doing is wrong, these survivors.


  • robrob909
    robrob909 Member Posts: 79

    Banning killers yea maybe taking things a bit far there. There already is a punishment for playing this way on survivor its low mmr.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
    edited May 2

    Sounds like a typical soloQ experience. And no, they won't ban people for hiding and waiting for the other survivor to die, since it's a legit tactic for the hatch standoff. The devs literally said that escape = skill, so if that survivor escaped while you died, it only means he was more skillful than you, at least according to the devs.

  • FriendlyKiller
    FriendlyKiller Member Posts: 337

    Lots of times I let the last survivor go just out of habit. You have a much better idea of what your teammates are doing than the killer does.

    And though I avoid camping or tunneling, tryharding at the beginning of a match is kind of mandatory because you don't know what kind of team you're up against. The 5 gens in 3 minutes squad looks the same as the casual solos from my perspective.

  • mustdogen
    mustdogen Member Posts: 367

    Killer try hard at the start, because it's the roughest stage of the game for Killer.

    Killer spare the last one because Killer is already satisfied, and sometimes want to share the happy moments.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,189
  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    This sounds a lot like me and it's probably not what you think.

    I find the killer role challenging, I have to try pretty hard as a console Oni and Knight to win, both have there issues with Oni being a bit iffy on console and Knight being abuseable if survivors know how to counter him. Because I try hard and want to do well and win, I feel happy once I've gotten the 3rd kill and very often, I let them go as I did my job of playing well and winning which are bywords for FUN.

    No I don't let them live because its a powerplay or out of sympathy, I do it because I was having a tough match and was expecting to lose, so when I don't get whipped or lose, I'm happy to let the last person live.

    I do genuinely find playing killer challenging, survivors always seem to know what they're doing, they rarely mess up and even if they appear to be solos or two's, they always seem to coordinate there efforts every time I play. This is a stark contrast to when I play solo survivor.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,710

    I think OP at least partially is talking about killers who more or less BM first before letting someone go. Like a Nurse who slugs everyone at the start, bleeds out 3 people and then lets the last one go though hatch.

    Or maybe the killer who will tunnel someone out at 5 gens, still be at 4-5 gens when getting the 2nd person, maybe hit them on hook a few times before proxying and then tunneling that person out as well. Eventually getting the 3rd person who will usually let go on hook and then getting the 4th person but gives them hatch.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 242

    I used to let survivors leave if it appeared they were reasonably new.

    Now I hardly ever let anyone leave where possible because being "nice" in one game normally resulted in scumbag survivors in the next.

    If you're really really new and making silly mistakes I'll probably still let you go but otherwise no because I can almost guarantee had the game gone the other way you very likely would be t-bagging at the exit gate etc.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,493

    I agree for most part and Oni is not specifically planned to work well on console you can't do the tricks like 180s which are absolutly essential as survivors who know how to play can deny your power long time so you need to get lot of downs with one use of it and that's not going to happen on console often.

    I face lot of competent survivors for some reason I wish I sometimes got my soloQ teammates but lately they seem to avoid me expect ofcourse when I play survivor. So I probably now try to drop my MMR because im tired of hard matches and I have to tunnel to win.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,493

    I let last one often go because that's nice and I might have sympathy for them. In hard match where I had to tunnel I might feel quilty so I let one go to feel better.

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 247

    "Killer isn't playing how I want them to. BHVR, please ban them!"

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,913
  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 841

    I agree with this.

    Letting someone escape after hard tunneling everyone else out is a lame attempt to gain sympathy points.

    Letting someone out after playing nice (8 hook with everyone alive for example) is just being nice.

    And letting the last survivor left behind by their team out even though you're losing is a very nice and friendly gesture. Very few people do this.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    Idk what particular survs do during trials.

    If I can't see a surv I assume they play well, unhooking, booning, doing gens but knows when to hide so I couldn't find them.

    Secondly, I often spare survs I found playing well.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,585
    edited May 3

    When there is only one survivor left, the game has already been won. There is no need to sweat anymore and, frankly, on a one vs one the lone survivor doesn't stand a chance. There is no point, no glory if you will, to get that one down.

    As for who is being left alive, it's basically the last one standing. Sure sometimes I like a survivor better than another and I feel he's the one that should get out but I'll not go out of my way to make it happen.

    Unless …

    Unless it's one of these extremely rare times I somehow notice something is off*. Usually a survivor not helping or working against his team. In these occasions I'll do what I can to kill that one above all others.

    And there are of course the survivors who give up at the first cross-map hatchet down or when they see a Nurse (or any other killer they don't like but I'm a Nurse main). They sometimes run at me and point to the hook, and I'll make them bleed out instead. They are paying for all the times one of my random teammate has done the same and ruined a match.

    *) Because, beside game-sense, I have generally no idea of what the survivors are actually doing. I can only see the one I'm chasing and have a vague idea of the location of the others and that's it.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,055

    Killers cannot always know who did nothing or who did the most. Because not taking chase does not mean that the Survivor did not do anything. In the end, a Survivor who is really efficient on Gens and doing a lot of them is as valuable for the team as a Survivor who gives the Killer a long chase (because in the end, you also need to complete Gens to finish it).

    And sometimes I also let one Survivor go when I want the other Survivor dead. Either because I realized that the one I want dead was really not that helpful to their team or because they were just acting in a bad way. And then I usually slug the one person while I search for the other and the one who was slugged will get Hatch.

    But I agree, if someone plays like a tryhard from the start and makes sure that the Survivor Team has no fun whatsoever, giving Hatch is just some form of power trip.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,849

    Agree, though I will say my problem is I am often TOO nice to truly be a killer main.