You Can't Weaponise DS



  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,215
    edited May 5

    I've been testing the DS/OTR/UB stuff myself and let me tell ya, it doesn't matter when you're unhooked. All that matters is if whoever is being chased is still in chase and I can reach them post-hook to take a hit and use DS.

    The only real exception is if they're on the other side of a bigger map or have a power to avoid bodyblocks/have a ranged power to go around me. And even then, that's situational depending on the loops. You also can take into account of me being able to disable killer powers like hag traps during that time for free with no downside if they decide to down me for doing so.

    Then the other two survivors just do gens while I waste the killer's time.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 258

    Oh I have no doubt that you can make it to them. It's still on the killer whether or not they decide to pick you up though or to stop chasing the other survivor. This is what we are saying. DS can't force a killer to let it activate. It's on the killer to choose that.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,215
    edited May 5

    Sure, but I'm successfully giving enough time for the last few gens to pop if the first chase loses them 2-3 gens already. At whatever MMR I'm at, it seems to be that way as long as the other survivors are actually touching generators. And that's just if I'm running it by myself.

    Pick me up, eat DS and go on a longer chase. Leave me and UB gets me up.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 258

    I can't speak on your games or your experience but only from my own. In my games, if someone body blocking cost me 2-3 gens then I'm probably not doing well or I am playing against people above my skill level. They were probably going to get those gens done anyway.

    At most, the body block should cost me a few seconds of distance from what I already had chasing the first survivor. Depending on the map and tiles it is possible they make it to a strong tile in that time. There's also the possibility that they were going to make it there anyway. On many maps I can just run around the person trying to body block.

    Unbreakable isn't going to bother me. That's 24 seconds the survivor isn't doing gens or anything else. Plus the time they spent running to, and body blocking for, that person. If they bodyblock again after unbreakable, assuming they managed to run me that long, then I'll know they won't have it again and that DS will be nearly deactivated.

    In these specific cases I wouldn't pick up and eat DS, even though I usually do it on purpose anyway to get rid of it. It wouldn't be extending my chase by much because my chase was never with the ds person. The body blocker would just be giving me a down while I'm chasing the first.

    In all of this, ds never had any effect on how I played because I went into chase for the first person and the slug was just a bonus I knew could happen along the way. Otr, bt, and possibly unbreakable could have larger impacts but that kind of depends on the map and scenario at hand. If I do decide early to eat a couple DS's, then none of those perks matter to me anymore. Any body blocking at that point is just free hook stages.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,215
    edited May 5

    2-3 gens is BEFORE the bodyblock and during the first chase, sorry if that didn't come across correctly. The DS/OTR bodyblock spends more time for the last few gens to pop no matter what they choose to do.

    It's not uncommon for a few gens to pop during the first chase. And heck, this is my experience running this build on survivor myself. People can theorize all they want but I'm having hands-on experience with this setup and it's working extremely well, too well sometimes.

    Edit: In fact I just finished a match awhile ago against a Wraith using Knock Out on RPD that he sent us to and we all escaped because of the threat of DS. Only I had it, too. All he did was slug the entire match and we just picked each other up, healed and did gens while he chased someone else. At the time I dropped OTR for DS/UB/Flip Flop/Power Struggle so it was even worse to slug me. Once endgame happened and he decided to start picking up, it was worse for him than actually attempting hooks.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 201

    To me, this just seems like another case of Survivor mains trying to gaslight killers into thinking that a strong perk isn't strong or annoying to go against every single match. Don't get me wrong killers do this also but honestly I see it way more from survivors. Survivors did it with both versions of DH(old DH for distance and the DH after that), MFT, CoH, BU+FTP, etc. Whenever killers complain or have concerns about strong perks or a combo of perks, they are told that it's just a skill issue or that the perks aren't that strong and most of the time get no valve at all from the survivors. Take DH in its most OP state(for distance) for example I can't tell you how many times I have seen ppl say "Oh it isn't that strong, most of the time you just DH into a wall and you go down." and even with the 2nd version of DH which was still pretty strong, the come back was "Oh you just wait it out and its a bad perk, skill issue." The issue I have with survivor mains is they never want to admit that when they have a strong perk that isn't actually strong and just a bad perk. When the eruption was super OP I saw a lot of killers who said it was strong and probably needs a nerf and I saw killers who said it wasn't also but the point is I saw killers who knew it was strong something I rarely ever see from survivors. I know this an us vs them post and I fully admit that but guess what this whole game is us vs them, the sides are not equal in strength and never will be the natural of an asym game.

    That said my only issue with DS being used a weapon is that it's unfun and boring esp when you not even trying to tunnel as the killer. Its a boring interaction. Im someone who HATES slugging, I never do it and I don't like being forced to even if it's in my favor. I want hooks, that's what I play for, and when Im forced to slug you deny me a hook. Also slugging has never won me a game. A lot of times when Im forced to slug and usually end up losing badly that match so I disagree with the ppl who say it always favors the killer, in some situations it doesnt, and im living proof of that. That is just my two cents on all this and you can take it or leave it I don't care, Im going back to play OW2 since at least it's not a buggy mess and isn't actually fun to play nowadays unlike DBD.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 258

    I haven't ran DS consistently since any of its old old forms. So I can't speak on it from my survivor games. I'm going on when I play against it. I can't remember the last time it had any effects in my games as killer unless I purposely burn through it. Which I tend to do more often than not anyway. I don't play to win like I use too so im sure my MMR isn't high. There was a time though that I played as hard as I could and as annoyingly as needed and never found it to be bad. This may have something to do with when I first started playing and DS was always guaranteed though and had no requirements except being downed.

    I'll give you that it can be annoying, especially if having a bad game or mixed with perk. But in my experience it never does much in game. It usually ends with failed body block attempts or accidental sandbagging.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,050

    This post is from the perspective of a killer player, and has nothing to do with how strong DS is.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 201

    Doesn't matter to me. It still has the same energy I seen in other posts. My first paragraph was off topic sure but you still have the same mind set and energy as others I seen in this sorry excuse of a community.

    The second paragraph is more on topic where I was basically disagreeing with you. Survivor totally can use DS as a weapon and it's the most unfun and boring thing that can be done imo. As I said I don't like slugging and when someone tries focus me to slug them I hate it. It's one of many reasons (bugs and rubber banding are the others) I'm not playing DBD right now. I find the game boring, frustrating and I have grown to hate the community honestly. Sucks bc I used to enjoy DBD and have spent so much money on it and now I regret ever playing the game over 1000 hours.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 434

    One survivor slugged is still far worse than downing someone who can be hooked quickly, you've lost your time

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,050

    But the alternative situation isn't hooking that survivor. They were just unhooked and, according to the basic premise of the situation we're discussing, you're not trying to hook them.

    The alternative is that they don't bodyblock at all, and go reset or do gens. Having them slugged is absolutely better than that situation, even accounting for the extension to the chase with the unhooker that it comes with.