Is MMR reversed?

I mostly play Wraith, and most of my games end up with 4k's, so I would expect my Wraith MMR to rise continuously. But yet I get potato survivors in half of my games, making those 4k's even easier. But when I pick a killer I have barely touched, almost always I get sweat squads with 100 prestige and baiting cosmetics. I have to dodge several lobbies before I find something decent, and even then I have to put up with survivors with 1.5-2k hours, even though my MMR for that killer is supposed to by at baby level. It makes it extremely difficult to start playing any other killer, especially killers like Blight, because not only I lack experience for them, but I only get survivors with tons of hours for some reason. I wonder, why does it happen? Has anyone else noticed anything similar?
I don't know what's going on anymore. I had two games in a row yesterday against survivors with less than 100 hours. I have nearly 5000 hours. This 8 year old game is just completely broken on every level at this point.
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I CONSTANTLY go against juicer squads and only get 2-4 kills every few games or so. I would think that my MMR would drop but matchmaking continues to match me against squads that are simply out of my league. I want to play this game but its really hard to have fun
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This is what a shrinking playerbase looks like. The fewer people available to queue, the wider the net has to be get a game to go in a reasonable amount of time.
The sad bit is the matchmaking is so bad it is actually contributing to the shrinking playerbase making the whole problem worse.
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Yeah, I experience the same thing. MMR doesn't seem to work very well. I started playing Huntress a few days ago because of the awesome Were-elk skin and I get mostly P100 TTV'S in my games. I've only played Huntress a few times since the game released on console.
My Huntress isn't even a P1😫