Bring night time back to Coldwind
I don't think I'm alone on this. Night time fit coldwind a lot better. I'm not asking to have the old map back, but atleast make our crop map night time again. It made the map look a lot better.
Fit better and hurt my eyes less.
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It hard to deny... the lighting here looks great...
I don't really understand why the map was made brighter. Most DBD changes make sense but this one kinda eludes me... variety maybe?
Though if variety was the goal, would be cool if it was at least a dice roll. Day, night, or twilight filter... which would be a cool addition to maps like Eyrie of Crows too...
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Agreed. No idea how they came to the conclusion that Coldwind should be in bright daylight. In general DBD-Maps nowadays are way too bright, but Coldwind really brings it to the next level.
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Absolutely agree
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100% thumbs up from me!
The dark appearance on the old maps is so much better. No idea why BHVR made Coldwind daytime anyways.6 -
Autohaven too. That’s what made it so special and eerie imo. Imagine it on UE5 engine I miss it.
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Fully agree on this one. Coldwind is the biggest offender, but Ormond and Crotus pen also have lost so much of their charm with map rework.
Why is there daylight maps in a game called dead-by-daylight is beyond me. You can't even see the moon on most map while it use to be their signature.
Few years ago, farmer John did a video from the unofficial server showing that lights can be switched instantly, so it doesn't even look that complicated to implement especially when seeing that old lightening looks good on most reworked maps (Coldwind aside...).
At this point, they could make a side Dlc with old lightening in order to gain a bit of money for the extra work, while not forcing people who like the current lightening to play a darker game.
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No, i absolutely hated the old yellow piss filter Coldwind had and hope to never see it again.
I much prefer the tcm daytime aesthetics of current Coldwind over having it be night time again.
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Agreed. It looked horrifying and absolutely rancid, which really fit the whole horror atmosphere.
I remember when they reworked Coldwind and at first I quite liked the higher quality textures but it really lost that feeling that you absolutely did not want to be there as a survivor. Too few maps really fit the horror theme nowadays.
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I can understand that tbh. Maybe instead they should add different variations of the map(s). Like sometimes it'll be night, or sometimes it'll be day? That way both sides are happy.
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I HATE the daytime maps so much.
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I don't completely agree, I don't like how the old Coldwind looked, but having the map during sunset or shortly after, like Dead Dawg, would look nice imo.
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I too preferred the nighttime for the Coldwinds, but this could be a good compromise. Kinda wish the game could handle varying times of day, and weather effects.
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I wish that Ormond had a snowstorm going on in it, it would make it much better