Very Rare Toolbox Add-On: Machine Lubricant (Ruin counter)

Toolbox Add-On Machine Lubricant (Very Rare) allows for any Toolbox to repair a generator without suffering the effects of hex totems (Hex Ruin).


  • Petraaahh
    Petraaahh Member Posts: 208

    Having items that have no purpose but to disregard another item/perks power is not a great way to go in terms of design.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2019

    Just as Petraaahh said... It could just prevent skillchecks for the toolbox use. Ultra rare is minimum.

    Still, what do you need it for. Just hit greats or if u can't just hit goods and stop for 3 seconds.

    Ruin is such a bad perk but you guys keep rumbilng about it. Whenever i see ruin as survivor i'm happy because odds of encountering other actually useful perks are greatly lowered.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    Thanks for the bump and the attention guys!

    If such an add-on gets implemented, how often would it get used? All the time? Or occasionally? For the classic worst case scenario "organised 4-man SWF" I can see some people being worried but how often does this SWF show up? All the time? Or occasionally?

    Anyway, something like this add-on would be good for solo survivors and people that are bad at playing survivor.

    It, like many other things in the game, is a risk - meaning, it could be equipped and the killer may not even have ruin or maybe the killer will just Franklin's Demise it :)

    Anyway, keep bumping so the devs can read my idea ;)

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2019

    I don't know why you involve swf here, neither of us mentioned it. I didnt say its overpowered, we just stated it is bad idea for design and why we think so. Also this passive-agressive thing is not needed here.

    Don't get me wrong, item to counter skillcheck modifiers is interesting but game needs something that can be even slightly usefull when no hexes are in trial with no doctor. Too specific.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Or have the two wrench addons lessen the probability of skill checks.

  • boogieman976
    boogieman976 Member Posts: 35

    Ruin can be worked through by most. If someone is really bad at working through it, then they should be the scout that goes out looking for totems. As mentioned above, Small Game is great for this.