Huntress Skin Rug Pull

So the devs recently released a $20 skin for huntress. It's a very nice skin with a nice mori. Glad she got some love. However after the initial sales they heavily nerfed that SPECIFIC SKIN for some reason making it super loud to play as and against now. I had to turn down my volume due to this as well.
If you're unhappy with the skin of a character then fix it before selling it. Don't sell it, then make it awful afterwards in a rug pull. I encourage everyone to NOT buy their expensive skins unless you want to be screwed over later. Don't give money to encourage this behavior.
They said it was an unintended bug that the skin made certain sound effects basically silent. Bug fixes aren't "rug pulls". Any sane player could see that there was no way that was an intended effect. That's like someone buying dredge or onryo during the time they were bugged and could randomly become invisible and then complain once the devs fixed those bugs.
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Y'know it's quite the coincidence how every single Huntress i've faced the past few weeks uses that exact skin. The one that had a known bug with a plethora of content on said bugged skin. I'm not entirely convinced. How is this a "rug pull" and not players mad their bugged outfit got fixed like BHVR said they would.
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Buys bugged skin then gets mad when the bug is fixed
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So the pay to win skin is no longer pay to win and that’s a bad thing why?
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If you bought a skin for a temporary competitive advantage, that's on you.
I specifically bought James Sunderland to be a Jeryl main but I'm not complaining that I lost my beloved survivor main, because I knew from Day 1 that it wasn't gonna last.
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My brother in Christ as a legit huntress main thank everything they finally did it. I literally bought the skin just for the change up in the lullaby and because it was awesome of course. That being said being told that I won because of a skin was beyond annoying match after match, playing against it the wind-up among other noises was super sus and that's a legit fact I can see why people are screaming p2w. If you think they pulled a rug from under you fixing a bug then I have no words for you
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I knew these threads would start once the bug was fixed lol
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Making the skin as loud as Huntress normally is isn't a nerf lol.
You're paying for a skin and a mori not unintended in game advantages.
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Im just happy I can run it again, yes while I could run it when I found out it was bugged I just kinda felt bad. Its an amazing skin and am exited to be able to run it again.
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~ Buy into a skin because it is bugged and provides a massive advantage.
~ Knows that it is a bug and will be fixed.
~ Bug gets fixed.
~ Complains about how the developers scammed them despite them knowing the skin would be fixed/changed since the developers make it abundantly clear.DBD Forums.
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I definitely wouldn’t call it a pay to win skin. Equipping the skin didn’t give you an easy win. Maybe a slight advantage? I’m glad it’s fixed but let’s not exaggerate things.
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Pay to win means you get an advantage but you have to pay money for it... That's just what it means, it is not meant in that literal sense of only applying when you pay money and win immediately.
If you buy a weapon in one of those countless trash shooters that is much better than what the non paying players get you still don't get a free win but an advantage and that is obviously still pay to win... The same as with the huntress skin, or apparently the naughty bear one as well? Apparently some noises were missing with that skin as well...