New Store Feedback

The Store has received a bit of a facelift with Update 7.7.0! We'd love to hear what you think of the revamped Store in the comments below.
Will the taskbar icon not lighting up when a match is starting ever be fixed? It's been a year already.
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While cool looking visualy, it feels bit confusing. Like so many tabs so many stuff everywhere. I feel like being under raid or something.
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At first glance I disliked "the flow" of the store but its probably because I'm used to the previous UI/UX.
The ability to mix-match preview cosmetics is such a good addition.
The search bar is the proper one, way better than the perk/offering ones. Without the popup box.
The overall navigation is buttery smooth, previously it had a lot of hiccups when changing menus/characters.
Some improvements (maybe?). I say maybe because I'm not sure if some of these features were removed due to conflict with new features.
- Before, whenever you entered a character's "wardrobe", you'd land in the outfits page whereas now you land in the "heads" page. Imo the former is better.
- From the collections page there is no option to go to a character's wardrobe. Say you go to a collection, from that page you pick a character and choose an outfit. Then, you want to mix-match with other stuff, you can't.
- An option to cancel/skip the mori preview would be welcome. Say you're browsing outfits to see if the mori changes but they end up being the same, now you have to watch the entire thing.
- Unchecking "owned" cosmetics doesn't hide/remove the items from the list.
- The buttons to change to next/previous characters is gone. It was really useful.
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It's bit confusing, but I will get use to it.
I really like it's possible to test combinations of different outfits.0 -
Finding it pretty cool overall, the collections pages are really good, I love the artwork of each one.
It's taking a little getting used to, but after a couple of minutes everything is pretty simple to find.
The Moris for killer pages are excellent... I do hope that means you're planning a Mori pass, and maybe DLC Moris… 😏
Literally the ONLY quibble (and it's really trivial), in the old store it was possible to resetbavck to your original equipped cosmetic to try other combos easily by either switching between tabs or back out and back in. Now whatever you set is cached.
It's very trivial, I can just reset everything by hand... but a "clear" or "reset" button to take cosmetics back to your currently equipped cosmetics would be a little smoother and slick.
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so I might add stuff later on this thread but this is something that’s already bothering me..
When looking at an outfit out from the collections menu you can’t select single pieces of that outfit and only can buy the full outfit from there(?)
getting to the actual cosmetics for a specific characters takes too many clicks and at some point I already expect them to be there but still need to click more..1 -
First impression is that I love having the ability to mix and match within the store and see how everything looks. I really prefer cosmetics that mix well so being able to see the options I have right away is excellent.
Also, props to the designers — they're really been on their game lately, and I feel like we've been getting a lot more cosmetics that fit with the characters' existing wardrobes.
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Why does this still block the search bar? I pointed this out in the PTB feedback thread and it still hasn't been fixed.
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I like it, definite improvement.
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Seldom do I open the store, and I am no more inclined to open it now than I was before.
I'm assuming the intention was to drive more traffic to the store—maybe I'm not the target audience here, but I'll share my feedback.
The Collections Page has an Identity Crisis
None of it feels intentional.
Cinematic render here, digital illustration there, a sprinkle of concept art and photobashing everywhere else. I hate to say it, but It just looks amateurish.…and maybe it doesn't need to be said, but the diversity of mediums is far from the issue.
There is no intention with any of it.
It looks like someone grabbed whatever image files they could find and plugged them into the code.
Take the Community portrait for example… why are we using a rendering of Mr. Puddles?!? You have an amazing opportunity to use a community-created piece of concept art there!Similarly, Hooked On You… use assets from the game! Make that portrait POP! That sh*t should look so stylistically different from everything else that it catches everyone's attention, provides an amazing quick-read about what's inside, and tells viewers in seconds exactly where those cosmetics came from without even reading the title of the collection.
The Featured Page is Ineffeciently Using its Space
The featured cosmetics DO NOT need so much real estate, while the featured characters are sorely undersold.
WHY should I buy any of those featured characters? WHO ARE THEY? WHAT DO THEY DO?
I don't get any of that from the main page, and they definitely feel secondary to the cosmetics which have been given prime real estate. I'm not sure what this section looks like when I own all the content, but it's doing a poor job of grabbing my attention.
Show me gameplay, show off the killer mori! Show new perks in action! Show me SOMETHING.
Also, (if you want players to frequent the shop to discover new cosmetics) the featured page should be the landing page for the shop—not the cosmetic section of whatever character I'm currently playing. If you want me to immediately dive into my characters cosmetcs, make navigation on the featured page.
*If your target audience is people who already know they want to buy cosmetics, but they don't know which cosmetics, disregardStore UI Concept:
The shrine of secrets looks nice, but the need to scroll to read the perk description feels horrible.
The specials page feels completely unnecessary
I get that it puts all the FOMO deals in one place, but thats not really how marketing deals work. You need to place limited time offers in the buyers face when they are not looking for it, to funnel them into conversions. This is a strangley passive marketing approach—maybe based on feedback about limited time content—that I don't see driving an increase in conversions.
Visually, the specials page is too robust to drive someone like me into impulse purchases. But I haven't seen your data, so maybe you've found success with this arrangement.Lastly, what is up with the backwards navigation?
Why does the [ESC] button not take me immediately back to the lobby? Needing to go back 3-4 pages to be in the lobby is extremely frustrating.
And to end on a positive note, because I'm sure this could be read as overly critical… I really like that the store is getting attention from the team's designers. There is definitely more you can be doing to increase your conversions, so this is an exciting step in the right direction! Keep up the great work BHVR!
*Edited for clarity and ease of reading. …also, my images are being stretched when viewed in the forum—anyone else seeing that?Post edited by KayTwoAyy on2 -
A minor suggestion. Consider adding a button to toggle item descriptions, otherwise whenever you are hovering cosmetics that are on the far right column, it covers the character preview. You need to constantly hover in & out to put it away when swapping through the items.
Something like "Right Click" to hide/open description would solve this.
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Overall, I liked the new store page. Granted, some kinks could be sorted out, like others have mentioned, but it was by far a step in the right direction.
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Per the Instagram post, it was mentioned most rarities would have price standardization with the store update.
Is it intentional that the new Visceral outfit for Huntress is more expensive than the Visceral outfit for Trapper? If so, I feel like the community would prefer if Huntress Elk outfit matched the price of the trapper naughty bear outfit for consistency.
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First let me tell you that I'm not an English player
I feel this update is very good , so overall…
I will write down the points that interest me.
1.I can no longer refer to perks for characters I don't have
If I select a character that I don't have, you will be taken to the shop, but I can't see the park in the shop, so I can't see what abilities it has.
Previously (but long forgotten F1 button details) you could see all characters and abilities on one page.2.I want a command to cancel Memento Mori animation.I'm sorry, I forgot this was a shop discussion
For example, after the scene I want to see the most ends, I have to keep watching it until it ends.Thanks for good updating and reeding.
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I really miss the button to quickly scroll through survivors/killers. Now if want to just experiment with outfits for different survivors/killers I have to first go back then scroll to the character, select them, go to cosmetics and then browse. Too many clicks.
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Love it. I love the collections page, I love that we are going to get different bundles offered and charms for sale, I love that I can actually preview different cosmetics together, it’s all great. Now I just wish you’d bring ALL the previous Rift skins to the store including outfits that were simple recolors of other store cosmetics.
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I disagree with KayTwoAyy (idk why the quote didn’t work?), if I click the shop while I am on a certain character, it is because I want to see that character’s cosmetics. Do not change this.
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I forgot to check last night—I’m assuming players are taken to the featured page when they click Shop from the home page.
If so, probably fine to remain as is.
The experience should really depend on what BHVR wants to achieve—I’m assuming increased traffic to the store, but I could be wrong. Do they want people routinely going to the store to find out what new cosmetics are in rotation (curiosity/discovery/impulse buyer)? Or do they want people going to the store because they are ready for a wardrobe change (informed/decisive/planned buyer)?
Like I said tho… I’m not a habitual store visitor. So unless BHVR is trying to attract the likes of me, my input can largely be disregarded.Definitely listen to the people who use the store.
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I''m just gonna repeat what I wrote in the PTB feedback thread:
- There needs to be a button to reset to your saved outfit that deselects everything you've tried on with a single click.
- When you go to customizations it should start on the full outfits page not on head pieces.
- It takes too many clicks to get to the outfits. And it takes too many clicks to back out of the store.
- We need more than 3 saved outfit and perk loadout slots. It should be doubled to 6 each.
- Also you should be more transparent about how the prices for the charm bundles are decided. If it's based on rarities then you should tell us how much each rarity is worth so that we know what prices to expect based on what's included in the bundle.
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This is by far the best part of this update and one of the best overhauls to anything in the game, hats off to the team.
My only complaint is that this is a really good opportunity to make availible all of the old rift cosmetics, including the old single piece ones, avaliable again and they still aren't. I can go to the shop and see them now, let me give you money for them please!
Maybe you are planning to hand these out as part of the bundles, but please consider letting people get those!
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Ok maybe it's just me but it took me a moment to figure out I had to click on the currency to buy Auric Cells. Somethings about it didn't seem intuitive to me.
Also, when looking at what's available for a character, I would prefer to see entire sets instead of being tabbed into a piece.
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Shrine of Secrets should probably have a confirmation pop up. Apparently a lot of people have been accidentally clicking on it and wasting their shards.
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old shop was better, especially when viewing cosmetics. I liked how I could see most of the cosmetics at once. Now it feels like theres too many, feels like im being overwhelmed.
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Yeah this is actually really annoying the more I use the shop. Why not just make the description pop up go on the left side for the last 2 columns so that it doesn't cover the character.
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the shop feels great and super smooth (which i couldn't say honestly about the old one), one thing i don't understand is why you put the bio of the characters in the shop. Also it's a bit slower to access the menu with all the cosmetic items of a character than with the old shop.
All in all it's much better and i hope you'll soon add the remaining outfits from the earlier rifts to the shop !
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It's a very good update to the store, but why didn't the gameplay receive even 10% of the love the shop got?
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I like the 2000 auric cell battlepass option too. Good addition 👍
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The new store is beautiful. I love it so much.
The general color scheme of the shop is highly satisfying.
My favorite part about the store is the Collections section. The first time I saw it I was lost in my imagination for over an hour. My mind wandered through the endless amount of stories that each collection could be telling. One wish of mine is to be able to view all of the artwork that was released with each collection.
The Special Bundles section of the store is a welcome addition. It feels good knowing that older charms can now be obtained.
The store is a massive improvement. It’s fast, easy to navigate, and even adds new things (thank you so much for the weekly gifts). It’s visually pleasing and even acts as a secondary archives of sorts with the Collections section. I’m highly pleased with how it turned out. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make what we have now a reality. It has brought me happiness and wonder 💐😊
Edit: I found the power and perks window! Thank you!
Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on1 -
With more and more cosmetics increasingly coming with bonus banners and badges, it feels like a secret puzzle only for insider-knowledge that I have to look up and google how to get these banners and badges, only once I start seeing them being ran in matches. If a cosmetic comes with a bonus cosmetic, such as the Chrysalis collection's banners, the Aftermath collection banner and badge, or for example even James Sunderlands' bonus charm, it would be so much more straightforward and helpful and user-friendly to include that in the "Included in the Outfit/Set" preview, such as like this:
This also would solve a question that many players have and only have to get the answer by spending money: "Can I get the bonus cosmetic if I only buy a piece of the set, or do I have to buy the whole set?"
In a similar vein, I think it is quite difficult (actually, impossible) for a new player to understand Visceral-rarity cosmetics include moris without being explicitly told by someone online or experiencing it in game, as there is absolutely NOTHING indicating there is a new mori attached to check out on the Outfit selection.
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I think the store face-lift looks and functions very well. I will say as a console player, the switch between Survivor and Killer is a little clunky given I'm so familiar with the old store, but I honestly feel like it's just a learning curve.
That being said I think it would be practical to allow multiple cosmetics to be purchased at once with the new implementation of the customizable preview. It's not hard to figure out where to go, but it'd be more efficient and less strenuous for those seeking unique cosmetics.
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Agreed. Currently I refer to this guide to keep track of badges and banners. The OP updates quicker than the WIKI does, but that's another option
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The shop is pretty good but it would be perceft if there was an Outfit making Option
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I know everything is all new and I'm just getting used to the new layout after 5 years of the old store layout, but I do think navigating the store is a little disorienting and unintuitive, especially when I'm just trying to navigate to specific characters' customizations.
Navigating Within Character Selection
It would be nice if, while in the store, double clicking a character's portrait would automatically take me to their store selection.
I would like if double-clicking this:
Took me to this:
Navigating Out of the Current Tab
In a similar vein, for navigation purposes it makes sense to me that if I were to re-select the section category that I'm currently in took me out to the outer-most layer of that category. That's to say, if clicking on this:
Took me out to this:
Disorientation With Default Categories and Sort When Navigating Customization Option
Something else that makes navigation very confusing and disorienting:
I think that it's very odd and peculiar that, when opening any specific character's customization options in the store, the default category is Heads rather than full outfits. I think full outfits are not only prettier to look at, but when I see a head my first thought is, "which outfit is that attached to?" The Full Outfit section should be the default page opened to, in my opinion.
Also, the new default Sort criteria makes navigation confusing, as well. If I click on "full outfits" to look at what a piece is attached to, everything is rearranged! And I have to spend time scouring the list looking for it again but this time on a new image. It's because the new default sort-by option is Alphabetical, which completely rearranges everything based on whether I'm looking at tops, bottoms, heads, masks, weapons, arms, hands, or full outfits. It's disorienting and quite frankly very confusing.
Additionally, when the Exclamation Point symbol is placed upon a character to signify that a new outfit is in the Store for them, this New marker can only be cleared by navigating to the character, THEN to the full outfits category, THEN scrolling to, finding, and selecting the outfit itself! There are way too many steps involved just to clear a New notification.
That I can go from this section to the next exemplified section, and everything there will change in order is very confusing and disorienting:
Confusing Placement of the Perks and Power Bar:
Final piece of navigation commentary, and likely the most severely confusing one: I find it incredibly confusing and difficult to find a character's perks and powers.
Nothing about the below screencap communicates to me that the button on the right is for finding perks and powers, because heuristically many players associate this bar/horizontal section of UI with SEARCHING and ORGANIZATION, not for LEARNING INFORMATION
It's very confusing to have this Perks and Power icon be so far away from the actual display of the character on the right AND in-line with the search bar, which just enables me to conflate its purpose.
I think it would make infinite more sense to MOVE the Perks and Powers button from the SEARCH BAR entirely, and bring it out to the Character Display on the right, as for example like this:
When selected, popping out to display information like this:
The hierarchy of information and function is much more clearly communicated and organized in this setup, in my opinion, where the icons on the right (Perks and Power and Mori Preview) are buttons that are clearly associated with how this specific character operates, leaving the search bar clearly and solely used for searching and organization, rather than gameplay information.
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I think this video that I've just captured demonstrates just how tedious and how many separate individual clicks are required to navigate the new store.
In order to simply LOOK AT and clear the New notification for only five new outfits (which is a common number of outfits to release with any larger-sized Collection drop), I have to make TWENTY-FOUR INDIVIDUAL CLICKS! That's an average of making at least five clicks and navigations PER single outfit!
Not to mention, this feedback is coming from a player who is very intimate with the DBD store and knows exactly where to go to get what they're looking for: I can only imagine how tedious and obfuscated this process must be for any new or casual players who do not know what they are looking for or may only be perusing casually.
(I apologize for the Twitch stream I have open in the background lol, please disregard)
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Another piece of navigational feedback:
When previewing an outfit out of a Collection in the Collections tab, I would love a way to be able to select individual parts of an outfit that I'm already currently viewing from the Collections page. Otherwise, it's an absolute hassle to reach an individual component of outfit.
For example, I really love the Body on the Singularity's Alpine Frost cosmetic, but if I just wanted to get that and not the full outfit, then I have to navigate from:
Here → Killers → Scroll to and Select Singularity → Sort by Body → then Either:
- Find the body that matches this outfit by recognizing and identifying this individual cosmetic out of all of the choices without seeing it in the full outfit's image, as I would recognize here down below,
- OR: sort by Full Outfits → Re-find and select this full outfit so it's highlighted → switch to Body Selections → then scroll down and find the selection that's highlighted
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I absolutely love ❤️ the new store!
It takes a bit of getting used to the controls but I love how you can zoom in on your character for a better look at how the cosmetic looks (both front and back) before you buy it by clicking "bio"