Saving Bloodpoints Tome 19 Level 2

Reinami Member Posts: 5,139
edited May 21 in General Discussions

This tome seems extremely rough to try and save since most of the high point nodes are locked along a single path. But i did find what i think is the best path.

Here is my guide to save as many bloodpoints as possible, while also completing the archives, This level seems a bit rough to do this on and only has a total of 190k that you can save, while earning  360k. To get to the end path, you do not need to own any DLC. To save all of the challenges you need to own Zarina Kassir and The Artist.

Since these are no longer stickied, I'll update this thread with links and will post new ones for each level. You can also find the links at:

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

Level 4: TBD

Red Line = Collect

Yellow Circle = Save

As always, if someone finds something better feel free to post i here and i'll add it to the OP.


  • I'm new at the game, should I still do this?
    • Maybe. If you tend to have specific things you want to spend your bloodpoints on, you are better off just spending them on what you want. You would generally do this if you want to max out the new survivor/killer when they are released. Generally they are released between level 3 and 4 being released.
  • Why do this?
    • Since the game only allows you to hold 2 million bloodpoints at any given time, this is a way to store extra bloodpoints for a later date. This is useful if you want to save bloodpoints for a later event or chapter.
    • Doing this with the first 3 levels + level 4 of the previous tome, capping your bloodpoints to 2 million, and saving daily challenges, should allow you to max out the killer or survivor to p3 and probably get the other to p1 or p2 before even playing a single game when the new chapter releases.
  • What do I do?
    • Following the map above, just follow the red line, then complete and turn in the challenge. For the challenges that have yellow circles, do the challenge but DO NOT turn in/complete it. This lets you have the challenge completed and ready to be collected when the new content, or whatever you are saving for releases.
  • Do I miss out on shards doing this?
    • Only if you don't turn the challenges in during the rift. Typically since the new content releases between levels 3 and 4. You can at least get the shards for the first 3 levels. And if you need the shards for level 4, you can do those and typically you'll only miss out on around 500k saved points.
  • Is this definitely the most points I can save?
    • I think it is, and if you are reading this, I have already set upon this path myself. Sometimes I make mistakes though, so if you find a better one, please post it in this thread and I'll add it to OP. In the event that someone finds a better one, I will place theirs above mine and make a note/credit of it. I will still keep mine on the thread though as often once you have started down the path you can't really change or you'll end up losing out on even more points.

Post edited by Reinami on


  • Soval
    Soval Member Posts: 14

    Yeah I can't see any way of doing better than this. Not as bad as Tome 1 track IV, but it forces everything down those paths.

    Thanks as always for your efforts.

  • Verlaeufer
    Verlaeufer Member Posts: 51

    This is my way too.

    My ways are on Steam and i have 3 and 4 too there.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,163
    edited May 7

    Good job! I personally save all the bp from tomes for anniversaries to maximize the amount of cakes I can get.

  • Qnikudo
    Qnikudo Member Posts: 55

    "This level seems a bit rough to do this on and only has a total of 190k that you can save, while earning  360k." It's 375k not 360k ?

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 236

    The devs should pin this

  • Qnikudo
    Qnikudo Member Posts: 55

    It's normal that prologue and épilogue save 25k ?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,139

    Maybe i'm missing something, but i have checked it a few times.

    There's 6 nodes collected that are 35k and 6 nodes collected that are 25k


    (6 * 35) + (6 * 25) = 360

  • Soval
    Soval Member Posts: 14

    I think the problem is that the Glyph node, instead of being equal to a big node, is equal to a small node so their math is off.

    Last time a master challenge was bugged like that they eventually fixed it, but no idea if they'll fix the glyph or not.

    I do the exact same thing. I'm currently working on the survivor archives since I've finished all the killer ones. I have a bunch locked behind nodes I'm saving since I have so many I can pick and choose from to do.

  • NathyP11
    NathyP11 Member Posts: 121

    Hi - apologies if obvious.

    "Do I miss out on shards doing this?

    • Only if you don't turn the challenges in during the rift. Typically since the new content releases between levels 3 and 4. You can at least get the shards for the first 3 levels. And if you need the shards for level 4, you can do those and typically you'll only miss out on around 500k saved points."

    Would you mind please explaining how you would miss out on shards due to saving? Is challenges linked with player level?