Solo mode buff

YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 308
edited May 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Simple as that if the game detects 4 solo players give a buff be it detection, BP or expanded nonverbal communication. Right now if there is 4 random players those players are a severe disadvantage in the game despite the lead director of BHVR says you dont need to worry about other players.


  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Intel perks exist. It's the players problem if they're playing solo and not using 'awareness' perks like Bond, Kindred, Circle Of Healing etc.

    If everyone wants to use selfish full meta when playing with randoms, that's on them, they're robbing themself of intel.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Which still puts solo survivors at a disadvantage, considering they now have 3 perk slots left, whereas people that are in comes don't need those perks and probably still have more information... That's the whole point why people complain about the information gap...

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Let's solo queue gets buffed to the point they have all the info via the UI and HUD that a SWF gets simply by being on Comms, what state do you think the big picture of the game will look like then?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Depends if you buff killers accordingly or not... Obviously you would need to change things but at least you wouldnt have two groups of players that have different tools at their hand and one group would not feel like they are at a disadvantage currently.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    The conversation is very rarely a full on brainstorm about changes. It's normally a simple idea for buffing Solo, with no real substance about how to make those changes work in the grand scheme of things to make the game better on the whole.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited May 2024

    It is really not people's job on the forum to work out all the specific or direction to go with ideas like that, but give a general direction or tell what is good or bad... So just saying that the existing information gap between swf and solo needs to be closed and then balance the game around it afterwards should be enough. You can argue around that and explain why it should happen. You don't need to come up with concrete numbers and what not... Or killer specific changes...

    For example when they asked about feedback for the maps, nobody was required to draw a picture of how the maps should look like, but just tell in general what is good or bad. Ofc you can as well go into more detail, but that will always be a long text that most people won't read.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    A point, yeah. But at the same time, simply saying "buff solo by giving us more intel" with nothing else on the "and this would need looking at too." Is the problem with vague suggestions.

    Giving someone welcomed criticism or advice without any helpful suggestions is never as helpful as if they were to give advice or suggestions.

    As it is, I'd hate the idea of solo buffs, because there's not any transparency on the Devs front about "yeah we're considering these changes to solo. But this would also impact Killer gameplay so we're looking at that too." With Dev transparency, I'd look at all these ideas and suggestions people come up with in a less cynical way. But as is, any suggestions will most likely be met with "use perks or items to help yourself."

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If it is that vague for sure... But the statement a information gap exists, that is obviously true does not need much more explanation to why it is a bad thing does it?

  • blastea
    blastea Member Posts: 17

    The thing is info perks exist like kindred especially. If you don't take one that's a risk you are taking. I usually only play alone and sometimes with 1 or 2 others, and we still sometimes take Kindred or Fogwise just for more info. While the idea of a communication system passed pointing and waving wouldn't be bad, I think it would be hard to balance. Say there's a ping system, well maybe someone could just spam ping the killer the whole game so info perks end up being useless. Or maybe it gets overwhelming with the amount of useless pings. I don't really know what they could implement in a meaningful communication system in a game like this honestly. Otherwise, I do agree that extra BP wouldn't be a bad idea, maybe like 10% or 15% extra.

  • Onako
    Onako Member Posts: 66
    edited May 2024

    Well, you already pointed out the big problem here. Solo queue players have to sacrifice 1-2 perk slots just for the game to be playable as a team which SWF groups do not have to, since they get that information about voice coms. Those perk slots could be used for way better perks.

    Let's turn it around and say killers would suddenly have to sacrifice one of their perk slots for hook auras to be revealed. Y'all would be peeing your pants and the forum would be on fire.

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 308

    For Solo Groups

    Some good features would be a emote that could display a certain status by their name (much harder to do)

    Support making Bond just outright innate within a shorter distance for solo groups.

    Also increasing BP rewards would give more reason to play the mode that way.

    Making survivor screams locatable like what the killer has.

    If you think this gives an unfair advantage to the Survivor, chances are if you play with a SWF they know/have all of this and can coordinate giving a massive difference in team difficulty.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    I don't see it as a problem. I think DBD is the only game where I've heard "I wish me playing by myself had the same tools as those with their friends."

    Of course Comms are gonna give you an advantage, but the argument of "I have to sacrifice valuable perks in order to get the same effect" isn't a good one. You are never gonna recreate the same experience as SWF Comms from perks. You can use 1 or 2 like you said to give you the necessary intel that you wouldn't normally have. And that shouldn't hurt your gameplay, coz even if you only had 2 second chances/anti-momentum perks in your loadout, the intel you've got should be able to help you stay in chase, or evade the Killer outright.

    Solo needs to stay weaker than SWF, because it will never be its equal. And SWF needs to be weaker than it currently is.

    When it comes to your argument trying to flip the script, it's a 4v1. If I have to go into detail on that then it's a futile conversation.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Of course an info gap exists. But not much of one as it is. The Survivor HUD is littered with match intel. Of course you aren't gonna know exacts, because you aren't on Comms. But I see that as a good thing. Why should you know everything (or pretty much everything) that's happening in a match where you're playing on a team vs someone who is alone? SWF is busted, it always has been. I don't wanna see solo queue become that too

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Well I disagree on that, I think solo and swf should be of equal strength and the game balanced around that.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    What I'd ideally like to see is:

    • SWF nerfed so their repair, and maybe heal action is debuffed.

    And that's about it really. The 'problem' with solo queue is the unpredictable teammates you get paired with. I quotation mark it, because it isn't a problem, it's a downside, for sure. But there are no problems with solo queue that I see.

    What would your DBD look like if they're both equal strength and the game is balanced around that?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That would basically punish people for playing with friends, which is not a good thing.

    My idea would basically be to complete bridge the information gap of solo and swf by whatever mechanic necessary, ideally with voice chat, text chat, a chat wheel and a ping system, so you can communicate everything. Maybe even additional stuff for the HUD, for example progress on totems being cleansed or who heals who, additional info about the perks your teammates have and so on. And from that point onwards I would probably buff killer in general to keep up with that information gap. No clue what to do with killers like Trapper or Hag, but in general almost every killer would need to get buffed by quite a bit.

    The problem is it would need a testing period to figure out how many buffs are needed for killers to keep up with the new level of soloq. But overall I think it would lead to a more balanced experience.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    It's not a punishment, it's a scale counterweight. SWF do everything much faster than solo, so you bring them down to the average speed of a solo and then voila, balanced. They'd still have a huge advantage against all Killers from Comms and build synergy alone.

    I think that's the issue with buffing Solo, so much more about the game needs to change. I like your stance with it. But nerfing SWF is so much more simpler. It'll never happen though, you just know it.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
    edited May 2024

    Don't see a reason why a BP bonus for a full solo team would be amiss... or hell just a BP bonus for playing soloQ, even if it's just 25%.

    Would help out new starting players and be a silver lining for a soloQ game that goes rough.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 813

    Well, the devs have said that they don't want solo Survivors to see where there teammates are at all times at basekit; that's why they went with the action indicators on the hud rather than a basekit Bond. But how about a thing where Survivor auras are revealed to each other for a few seconds every 30 seconds (kind of like Object of Obsession does between that Survivor and the Killer).

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Sure, but it would feel like punishment, which would be the same for what it would do to players.