Why are people surprised about regression nerfs? It was coming.

Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

I don't think most people realize that BHVR's intention is to buff Killers basekit and make them more viable without depending on certain perks.

The maps are smaller than ever, loops are weaker than ever, Killers are stronger than ever, Survivor perks are weaker than ever… but somehow people still don't grasp the bigger picture and the only thing they see is "regression perks are slightly nerfed, it's over!"…

Playing Survivor has become a nightmare with most Killers just over-winning most of their games. The sense of progression is lost and trying to progress the game against perks like Pain Res + Pop + DMS + Grim Embrace is futile.

At this point it feels like you're going against Killer's gen perks and not the individual Killer. The Killer doesn't matter. Killer's skill or power doesn't matter. It's just about which perks they have.

I welcome these changes and think that they're healthy for the game and majority of the player base. I know there's the whole "but in high-MMR… but D tier Killers…" arguments but honestly I'm so tired of all these tiers and over-competitiveness sucking the fun out of this game.

Some people forget that both sides need to feel a sense of progression and fun for this game to function.

So it's interesting that people are surprised about the slight regression nerfs. It was obviously on its way.


  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    Yeah, I agree with you. I think that perks should be helpful tools and not dictators of who is going to "win".

    Once it feels like your efforts to progress the game are futile against certain perks, it's a problem. This goes for both sides.

    Even though the progress is slow, it's evident that BHVR is trying to implement this concept.

    I wish to see Killers that are generally considered "weak" to be stronger but I don't think this should be accomplished by perks. This creates an imbalance and dependency and will never fix the core issue.

    At this point does the Killer win because of their skill and how they utilized their power or did they win just because they had the X, Y, Z Perks…

  • Rajbow2023
    Rajbow2023 Member Posts: 34

    If anything I'd remove Styptic over Syringe. Also even if I don't like him I think Blight is fine enough as he is now that they've removed all of his busted add-ons and hug tech as of the next patch, more nerfs on top of these would just create another Freddy/overheat Billy situation and I think we should be avoiding that scenario.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,174

    Whenever someone tells me "killers are stronger than ever", I remember back when the average red rank kill rate was 68.19%.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    He needs a rework. Blight has too much going for him to be fine for the overall development of the game. He has the best map mobility on top of one of the strongest anti loop powers in the game.

    This will always make him problematic when killer overall is balanced out. Same with nurse.

    Styptic is fine imo, but if you say otherwise, I'm listening to your take. Syringe makes the healing action completely unnecessary and therefore the survivors a LOT more efficient at the simple press of a button. Loadout should not have this much of an impact.

  • Rajbow2023
    Rajbow2023 Member Posts: 34

    I mean Billy has all of that as well plus an instant down on top of it and yet you didn't mention him as a rework candidate. Nerfing his add-ons and taking away hug tech already nerfed both his map mobility and anti loop power in order to make him more manageable, so for the current state of the game he's in a fine enough state. Other killers definitely possess a more unhealthy design than him whom I think should be looked at first before looking at Blight again.

    Styptic is just an free extra hit if the survivors time right it which can go up to extra 4 hits overall if all survivors bring it. It's literally a DH that last 10x longer, doesn't cause exhaustion nor depends on the hook state and DH is already still a meta perk as it is. Syringe has more counterplay in my opinion but I think it'd be a fair nerf for the passive heal to stop stacking with speed healing add-ons so it'd always be a net 16 seconds passive heal.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Its not about healthy design. Its about strenght. Billy cannot readjust. Blight can. He can do that 5 times. For our current version of the game hes is fine. Your are right there. However, if we want to see any further buffs to killer perks, maps or general killer basekit, blight will become a problem again. Same with nurse.

    Do I need to remind you all why awakened awareness was nerfed?

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245
    edited May 2024

    I would agree except survivors are constantly crying any time a killer gets a slight buff. Like when Trickster and Huntress got a 1 second reload speed buff and everyone acted like it was the end of the world.

    Or when they made Huntress 88% when holding a hatchet which was still insanely counterable and you were still forced to M1 as a 110 killer at 25% of all loops in the game. She needed that speed, shiny pin has an insane pick rate for a reason because 77% is too slow (slower than nurse) and outdated

    It didn’t even go live because people cried so hard instead of trying to get better. They could’ve tested it on the live server and tracked the kill rate and make changes from there. But they didn’t even think about it, just an immediate revert; no toning it down, no tweaking it just immediately giving up on it. People want easy games. End of story.

    Post edited by HexHuntressThighs on
  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,360

    I think you meant billy who has unlimited mobility besides a minor cooldown after stopping, instadown threat, and the potential to down you at almost every tile in the game without even using bam anymore.

  • Rajbow2023
    Rajbow2023 Member Posts: 34

    Well I think we should get to these basekit killer changes first so then we can adjust Blight accordingly to them cause otherwise as I've said, we're risking overnerfing a killer just for the sake of it. Just like I said previously, look no further than Freddy/overheat Billy for such examples.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    That's also a route one could go of course. Sadly I don't see the devs taking any drastic measures soon.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    Was this before MMR? Most survivor matches that weren't SWF had a couple inexperienced players in them.

    Still, that was a wild time for the game.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,174

    It was before MMR, and back then, I could get decent win streaks on every killer in the game, because the matchmaking was just that bad back then. It didn't matter how much broken stuff the survivor side had back then, because matchmaking would constantly throw me into matches with survivors that were really bad at the game.

    Back then, we could also see our matchmaking "MMR". The biggest problem with our current MMR system is the fact that no one is allowed to see their MMR, even though the game literally had that for years, and there were never any real issues about people seeing their "MMR" back then.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    I'm surprised how short-sighted these changes are. I mean, do you honestly think this will change things for the better? We'll either have people double down on slowdown perks, which will increase the pick rate of these perks even more because 1 or 2 slowdown will not be enough or people will create their own meta. I see hardcore slugging, tunneling and camping on the horizon. Even more than now.

  • BlackRose89
    BlackRose89 Member Posts: 531

    That is how I feel as well. All my killer builds run just two slowdowns at max, I don't like stacking more than that but with these nerfs I'm afraid Im going to be forced to run a 3rd or even a 4th slowdown. These changes aren't going to change the pick rates of these perks or make a new meta, they are just going to make ppl double down on slowdowns and make ppl who usually run a few slowdowns run even more to make up for the nerfs. They could at the very least buff some of the weaker perks but we didn't even see that here.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 568

    Every map after rework is smaller, have weaker tiles and weaker pallets.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    Agreed. They literally said, those perks are used in over 40% of loadouts, that’s why we nerfed them. They should have in return buff some of the more useless regression perks.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    Sables map is beyond massive….aliens map is beyond massive. Singularity’s map is fairly large. Hawkins was reinstated, also very large with an upstairs too….

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Don't worry, OP will create another post "Why are people surprised about killers basekit buffs? It was coming" with the same confidence probably in few months. Surely he understands pros and cons.