Nerf Bubba

he doesnt deserve a buff
he just spams m2 and he gets it pretty quickly back and got 3 uses thats unfair and then he just uses bamzoole so survivors cant escape from him which is totally unfair then he just chases you so you gotta drop every pallet
then he camps the hook and once the person rescues the other one they both get downed cuz he is just a camper
make his chainsaw last longer but also he should be slower using it cuz its unfair how much op he is and he is boring he is just a copy of hillbilly that is just for looping,tunneling and camping he takes 0 skill to use
hillbilly takes skill to play so remove bubba from existence


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,905
  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    I also think he's a perfectly fine B tier killer that doesn't need any buffs. I don't understand how BHVR justifies this when killers like dredge and legion circle the drain.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,338

    He takes 0 skill to use… yeah….you've never played him in decent mmr….

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,338

    Legion is fine. Dredge needs some QOL.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i was always concerned that one day… survivor would complain about bubba being too strong. hopefully bvhr doesn't nerf him.

  • Kyle123
    Kyle123 Member Posts: 8

    he doesnt he just spams m2 the whole time and holds chainsaw then he stops it and you cant do bs cuz he is just gonna keep going around then he just kills you instantly and when you would want to go inside a locker he didnt use his chainsaw then he just picks you up

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,133

    If you're nearly good at looping that doesn't happen, you can greed palettes super often without dying because his movement is super predicable and not very fast and still reach it no problem. If that is to hard for you you can always predrop and he still can't do anything. The timing for jumping out of locker is btw probably his hardest counterplay (and that's a bit disappointing, least for me).

    The only way he could get you more or less easy is in a deadzone and even then it's sometimes enough to run around larger objects with corners and he will most likely bump.

    In the case descriped above I already talk about purple chilli and engraving btw (his best addons).

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Leatherface deserved these buffs. I would go even further with movement speed buff (just a little bit).

    Bubba at the moment has 5/6/7/8 seconds stun duration when bumping into an object.

    He has 3.5 seconds cooldown when he misses his Chainsaw Attack while using 3 Chainsaw Charges.

    He has a big acceleration time during the Chainsaw Sweep duration.

    He has only a few good Add-Ons. Base Kit Bubba is unplayable.

    More arguments? I can write 123451235 things more. Thank you. The guy who made this post is a Survivor Main with 300-400 Hours probably. Sorry.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,338

    Yeah I am a firm believer now you never played him in a decent mmr.

    You have to have really good control over his chains swings to not hit the most tiniest of objects that cause a 5 second tantrum if you make the smallest of mistakes. Not to mention the invisible objects that you hit that seem to be all over the game.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    You don't even need to be at high mmr to suffer with him. When i was begginer player, i usually didn't know when to charge my chainsaw, can't use tokens properly, always miss timing for m2, bump literally into everything and was afraid of windows like fire. Now, when i'm at least not bad with Bubba, every good looper can waste at least 2 minutes in chase not even with good rng. And one bump literally can cost you a game.
    And i believe, majority of community adore to go against Bubba (me included), because of how easy he is to go against.
    So we know for sure that OP has never played as Bubba, and hardly has even an average skill level on survivors.

  • Bockkwurst
    Bockkwurst Member Posts: 5

    So you got mindgamed…. it takes some skill to make survivors do what you want. in your case he wants you to go in a locker that he can grab you. you did it, you died.