Surely we aren't nerfing the only 2 good regression perks... right?

HexSendHelp Member Posts: 48

Like… BHVR, I know you got smart people working on that dev team. Sit with me for a second.

You do understand WHY pop and pain res get used right? Let's walk through why:

  • Ruin: sucks
  • CoB: sucks
  • Undone: sucks
  • Overcharge: sucks
  • Eruption: literal detriment to use since the addition of regression events (one use of eruption is 2 regression events, for less percentage regressed than pop or pain res)
  • Surge: sucks unless you're on a tiny map.

You've butchered every other regression perk, until pop and pain res was all that was left. Except now, it's just pain res. We've seen pop at 20% before, when it first got nerfed back in the 6.1.0 patch. It was AWFUL. It was AWFUL then, it'll be AWFUL now. And for what?

How about… making ruin 175%? Reverting the nerfs you gave to the 3 gen meta perks… since ya know, you can't PHYSICALLY 3 gen anymore??? BHVR, idk if you forgot or what… you PATCHED 3 GENNING OUT OF THE GAME. You cannot physically 3 gen anymore and drag a game out. It's safe to make call of brine, eruption, and overcharge actual useful perks.

If you want killers to run less slowdown… this does not accomplish that. If anything, since the regression perks are so awful they'll just stack EVEN MORE regression perks now to make up for the fact you've butchered everything. If you want less slowdown, cool nerf slowdown perks but also nerf:

  • Toolboxes
  • Dejavu
  • Prove Thyself
  • Resil

And also:

  • Completely remove gen repair speed stacking.

Stop letting people stack multiple different gen repair speed bonuses together. All you're doing with this is making killer a literal miserable experience.
