The Cannibal change and anti camping
PC Player
Anti camping is useless against The Cannibal as you can sit on hook and unhook yourself all you like but because The Cannibal can hit more than once you can get downed immediately despite having the endurance from the unhook. Killers like The Trickster can do the same thing but it is less rare which makes the anti camping thing utterly useless. The range for the anticamping is too short and changing your perk build to have Decisive Strike for this scenario is unfair as not every killer tunnels and camps. It doesn't help that the only way to counter this is to play with a swf so most players are unable to counter these scenarios for a killer that has such a low pickrate with little chance to prepare for this.
It is anti FACE camping, which is why the range is short, glad to help you out there ;)
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Yes we get it, it's an anti-face camp mechanic, doesn't change the fact that it's a waste of a mechanic.
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It does exactly what it is supposed to do, it makes it impossible to be 20 cm away from the hook and camp that person. If that has an impact in some way shape or form on general gameplay is debatable, but it does exactly what it was supposed to do, it killed facecamping immediatly (unless in endgame).
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Well sure it does what it's supposed to do. But what it's supposed to do is a freaking joke. That's the big problem. It does nothing against normal camping, and after such a long time of complaints about camping, you would expect a system like this to do a bit more. As it stands it was just a waste of resources.
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The devs always said that camping might be annoying, similar to tunneling but that it is a viable strategy, so when they told us about the anti-FACE-camping feature, there was not really the assumption it would fight camping?
It was never intended to do something against camping so I don't think it is fair to judge the thing on a standard it was never supposed to meat… Just like you don't judge a fish by its ability to fly.
It is better than not having the mechanic I guess, of course I agree that something against camping in general would have been even better, but since the devs apparently don't share that opinion I guess this is all we get.
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So they need to make the game even easier for you is what you are saying?
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They're saying that the anti-facecamp mechanic is so easy to play around, we may as well not have it.
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But it is not, because face camping only means standing right in front of the hook, which fills the meter and grants a free unhook… What they actually say is that face camping isnt the issue but camping, but thats not the point of the feature and was apparently never the intention of the devs in the first place.
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Also let's remember that the OP was specifically talking about Bubba and facecamping, which the anti-facecamp mechanic doesn't work against at all, as he can easily down you again with the chainsaw after unhooking yourself. That's the issue being brought up in this thread.
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Sure, but the complaint is that the mechanic, that is not supposed to solve the issue of a camping Bubba does not solve the issue of the camping Bubba... Which is the whole point xD
There is not really a relation to the AFC other than that it not being what the OP wishes it to be, despite never being intended that way...
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By one killer? Go out and watch streams, no one, even mediocre players like myself, are camping anymore. Its a 100% advantage to the survivor and it should be left alone if not removed. Camping and tunneling are totally acceptable ways to play and the gamemakers should stop pretending that's those tactic are not acceptable for the squeak wheels.