Ruin blocks wiretap and blastmine

Is that by design or a bug? Doesn't seem fair that 1 killer perk completely blocks 2 survivor perks
You can cleanse the totem to remove ruin
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Still not fair, I gotta waist time looking for the totem just so I can use my perks? Ridiculous
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It's a 1v4 game. There's going to be aspects of the game that don't seem to be fair, because it's not a symmetric game. Both sides are not made equal.
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Okay so what about distortion?
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That’s intentional, a little while back they made it so you cannot use those perks on a gen that’s regressing. Which means Ruin counters them as long as it’s up.
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Is the implication that Ruin needs a rework, or that Blastmine and Wiretap need to be useful even when a Gen is regressing? Even if survivors could place those items on gens while they were regressing, is that even necessarily useful? Wiretap probably, Blast Mine I can't think of anything.
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Distortion blocks many parks…
Is that by design or a bug? Doesn't seem fair that 1 surviver perk completely blocks more than ten killer perks.
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Isn't the point of Ruin that the killer doesn't have to kick the gen? So yeah it makes sense those two perks won't work
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How would you fix that though? If these perks stopped the regression, then they would counter Ruin, which by the way is a hex perk and really does not need any more counters than that. If the regression wasn't stopped but perks would not deactivate, then Wiretap would become completely broken.
Cleanse the totem and not only do you get to use your perks but they also lose one of their own.
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That’s by design, Ruin auto-regresses gens, so perks that require a killer to kick a gen don’t work with or against Ruin
By this exact logic Pop, Unforseen, Machine Learning, and Dragon’s Grip should be allowed to work with Ruin, after all, it’s not fair that one perk can block other perks, right? It’s not like perks countering each other is something that has been in the game since release
Sarcasm aside, this isn’t a problem, Ruin is used so infrequently and has so many counters that it blocking Blast Mine and Wiretap is the least of its problems
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There are perks that counter other perks and powers that counter perks.
Ruin counters these two perks but ruin can be countered by some survivor anti-totem perks as well. What's the deal here? Sounds pretty fair to me.
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Blast Mine wouldn’t have any effect anyway since the killer can’t kick the gen.
Since the killer can’t kick the gen they can’t remove Wiretap. This effect was added purposely to avoid a situation where the killer can’t remove the aura reading.
When they first added the anti-gen tap effect you originally could apply it while regressing. However they had to patch it because survivors could just repair 4%, stop, and then repeat to prevent the killer from removing the aura reading. They added this to prevent it from being abused like this.
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And one survivor can bring one distortion to waste all of the killers aura reading perks on this particular survivor.
Both sides have these kinds of perks.
However, i think ruin and distortion are rather harmless.
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But then being able to use Wiretap through Ruin would make Wiretap impossible to disable. It's one extreme to the other.