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Why did they remove Hug tech?

I thought it was pretty fun to outplay as a Survivor like it's one of my favorite back and forth or is expecting Survivor to have killer knowledge too hard nowadays?. The only reason it was busted is because of speed add ons which makes getting tinkered down slowly anyway.

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  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Bhvr hates the idea of emergent properties they don't care they accidentally made something cool that people love they just care it isn't exactly what they wanted

  • Member Posts: 808

    it was not intended design your not supposed to slide off things only bounce so it got removed doesn't matter how fun it is

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    Combos in fighting games were actually unintended. Cancelling one attack into another was originally an animation bug, now it defines the entire genre.

    Sometimes innovations happen by accident.

  • Member Posts: 373

    Because killer don't have tech only bug.

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited May 2024

    I don't think you quite understand what I meant.

    The bug of animation canceling was so popular that the entire genre embraced it. It wasn't removed in subsequent versions, it wasn't just one game, it changed the way the genre was both played and developed. From an unintended accident in the code. Its even something that happens in many other genres of games (from FPS to MOBAs and more) which are sometimes patched out, but other times are purposely ignored or even turned into features.

    Saying it needs to go specifically because its unintended is anathema to how games grow and evolve.

  • Member Posts: 808

    Right well the Devs agree its unintended and its not popular enough to be an innovation alot of people agree it shouldnt be a thingg

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited May 2024

    I'd argue it was popular enough considering how popular it was with, you know, Blight players. The devs have made their choice, but it wasn't automatically the right one. Anyone who plays this game (including they themselves) knows they've been wrong before.

  • Member Posts: 619

    Referring to whether it is cool for the survivor. Back in the day, a Japanese community manager responded to a user's FAQ question about why rocker DS was allowed because it was a "cool technique".
    On the other hand, he also stated that the death slinger quickshot "will be changed one day because survivors can't handle it".
    BhVR's policy on technique is consistent.

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    In terms of map traversal it was good, in terms of optimally chasing it was on average mid. What it was really busted at was making mid-bad filler tiles really blight sided. "Oh no the already killer sided filler tiles for m1 killers can be blight sided that doesn't make sense!"

    So in reality devs heard crying, literally don't know any

    better because there's probably not a single dev who is really good at blight or really good at survivor to actually put down these dumb claims.

    Go watch that 2k win streak on blight, go watch comp blight before it got removed. Be amazed as it rarely got used if at all by the best teams in the game period. But people on the forum will still argue it. All it did outside of some filler tiles was allow FAR more interactivity and would it be dbd if immense interactivity was allowed by the devs or player base? Obviously not LOL

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    I get your point, but I think you're overblowing the potency of hug tech. I'd equate it closer to something like grapplers being able to jab to mask a 360/720 inputs so they don't need to jump, not game breaking but a minor situational advantage. If it was entirely unavoidable and had zero skill expression (like the aforementioned pallet vacuuming) then it would fall in line with that change, but its a nuanced tech which didn't necessarily deserve to be blasted from orbit.

  • Member Posts: 7,057
    edited May 2024

    There are so many things in so many games that are unintended but become an integral part of the game. We actually have an example of this happening in the past with trap buffering. At first it was a bug and was patched out, but then when Trapper received his rework in 2018 they reintroduced it.

    As for examples in other games, Apex Legends and movement. Every little tech is clearly unintended but it quickly became embraced by the devs and now they actually show up in gameplay trailers.

    TF2 who has all sort of movement techs with rocket jumping or demo surf (or whatever its called lol)

    Removing techs reduces the skill ceiling and replayability of a game, and unless its completely broken (which hug tech was not) there is no reason to remove it.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    There's a difference between opening new possibilities to handle a situation and said new possibilities being too strong. Its entirely possible for it to not be overpowered yet be missed because its an option that has been removed that could have otherwise been applied. Apologies for continuing to harp on fighting games on this one, but you see it every new iteration of a character if/when they have abilities removed in subsequent iterations. They're clearly minor enough that the character maintains their identity without them, but they are still almost always missed by the people who played said characters in previous iterations. Simple things like crossups or safe jumps don't make or break a character but the players certainly miss them if they get removed, because they lost a reasonable tool from their arsenal.

    You can have the argument that hug tech isn't a reasonable tool, and that is your opinion. My entire argument stemmed from the idea that "unintended automatically = bad" is an incorrect mindset to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 333

    cant have fun skill expression in dbd. every loop must be played the same boring way. hold checkspots and predrop if you're not sure.

    fun unintended things that are discovered by the player make the game more fun, that's just a fact. its not like hug tech was OP anyway, you could still play against it.

  • Member Posts: 7,057

    That last sentence, absolutely agree with.

    It really upsets me when devs do such a thing, and Ive had a similar experience with another game called For Honor where they recently reworked a character and removed a very niche, but fun and hard to pull off thats been in the game for 6 years because, in the devs words: "well... it wasnt very effective to begin with.. and it was unintended since the start so... yeah we removed it" (Ill post the clip if I can find it later, thats basically word for word)

    Most techs are good for the game, they show skill expression and in some cases it has a never ending skill ceiling.

  • Member Posts: 119

    Yes. Old blight was mechanically was more balanced than whatever we got today. I'd rather use knowledge about the killer to know what he can't do. Now you have blight sliding through ######### tiles and hitting you even more unfairly with zero efforts of the new logic. All hits that would have been incredibly hard to pull off normally if not impossible.

    Good job. You guys won the war and changed blight for the better /s.

  • Member Posts: 119

    Yeah It's very clear most of the people in this thread overestimate hug tech because they watch Lilith omen or something.

    It's a tech hard to pull off against Survivors who actually play Blight and now they changed blight mechanically for the worse.

    Maybe people find this kind of Blight more healthy? This is the type of hits that would have at least deterred a blight a second for a hug tech or another rush for a better angle, Nope just slide through the tiles like it's nothing. But hey it's working as intended so it means it's very healty in the long run, ya?

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    It's sad knowing Billy can slide better than blight. With insta downs and faster speed.

    BBlight Ran so Billy can sprint

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