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General Discussions

Why are (Western) killer tier list placements based solely on the lack or presence of an M2 attack?

Member Posts: 913
edited May 2024 in General Discussions

And also mobility or perceived chase power (didn't have enough room in the thread title).

I think it's strange that Otz, for example, includes Plague as an A-tier killer based, by his own admission, primarily on the fact that there are one or two specific builds you can run on her that make her massively overpowered, and he always makes sure to point out that if it weren't for these builds, she'd be ranked a bit lower.

And then he'll turn around and throw Michael into C or D-tier despite having builds (I'll list some examples below) that just aren't even remotely fair, admitting that "if we were focusing just on these specific builds, he'd be ranked a lot higher".

As far as I can tell, the only difference is that Plague has an M2 ranged attack and Michael has none, and, as the thinking goes, killers with an M2 attack can't and shouldn't be ranked on the same level as killers who don't, kill rates and effectiveness of specific addons/builds be damned.

I do agree that basekit Plague is stronger than basekit Myers, but people judge Plague by her best builds and judge Mikey by his basekit despite the fact that the right build with Myers can be even more impossible to play against.

Another good example was OG Sadako, who had a consistently above-average kill rate, but constantly got ######### on by the community for being mediocre at looping and not having an M2 or instadown attack. Playing against a Sadako who knew how to use her mobility to abuse the crap out of gen perks and chase survivors off of gens and leave them in the middle of a deadzone (only to pop back over and get a down on another survivor she smacked two minutes ago) could be very scary.

On the other hand, you have your Japanese tier lists:

Mikey has a ton of useless addons and struggles a bit in the early game, and he also doesn't have mobility or antiloop, but Dead Rabbit + any stalk addon + M&R/Bamboozle/two slowdown perks of choice at least makes him viable, and Bamboozle and Coup de Grace on infinite T3 turns him from an M1 killer with no antiloop into a 24/7 instadown killer that can't effectively be looped at all.

And then a Tombstone Piece and a green stalk addon combined with No Way Out/NOED/Batteries Included/PWYF makes for a guaranteed 3K if the survivors get especially lucky.

Side note: I've been playing a lot of Chucky lately (my favorite fictional character, period, and BHVR ######### killed that chapter - I'm still hearing new voice lines on occasion), and I don't think he's C-tier at all, but he'd probably be B-tier if survivors on Western servers emphasized practicing dodging his attacks the way Japanese survivors do. I find that against survivors who actually understand his counterplay, Slice & Dice gets used four times out of five for mobility and/or for causing a survivor misplay to get an M1 attack rather than getting the M2 hit.

I still get hits against survivors like that, but it's not one down every 20-30 seconds like clockwork like it is against survivors who run in a straight line or try to loop me like a typical M1 killer.

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  • Member Posts: 913

    Yeah, I think someone used Google Translate on that page before taking the screenshot.

    Your profile picture reminds me: Skull Merchant is another excellent example. The Chess Merchant build was up there with some of the meanest builds you could pull off with Nurse or Blight, to the point where the best survivor group in the world was held hostage for almost an hour by a much less experienced player, but people considered her B/C/D-tier instead of the clear S-tier monster she was at the time.

    It just seems like people didn't want to acknowledge her strength because (A) no M2 attack and (B) it was a supremely annoying build to play against.

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Trapper being in B tier really is wild

  • Member Posts: 9,416

    Otz =/= all of us

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    Probably because they play very different from us. Westerners currently try to end the match as fast as possible while Japanese players still try to slow their opponent so much that they win. Self-Care is also a meta perk for them and apparently tunneling is not as common as it is in the west either.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I dunno how I feel about Myers being constantly sold short because of his base kit. I feel like people try too hard to be "fair" by downplaying his strengths but let's be serious, anybody taking killer seriously isn't going to limit themselves like otz does with his streaks. Otz is too obsessed with running average add-ons that I think it gives him a slight bias.

    You're not "meant" to play killers with nothing just like you're not meant to judge Survivor power by their adept perks.

    I only say this because one of Myers strength is his build flexibility. It's neither fair, nor super easy to judge a killer who is very accommodating. Then on the flipside you have Knight, who only ever runs 2 add-ons but it makes him more easy to tier.

    Anytime I run into Trapper it's always his best add-ons and I usually get 4kd.I'm lucky to get the Coffee Wrap combo.

  • Member Posts: 650

    I think Freddy being considered D tier is crazy he used to be A tier all the way (prior to all the new 17 built-in perk killers coming out) and even now is fairly strong if you are a skilled killer.

  • Member Posts: 913
    edited May 2024

    I do agree with that.

    There was one build I had that had a 75%+ kill rate which consisted of Forced Penance/Starstruck/STBFL/NOED with Trapper Bag and Makeshift Wrap, but the anti-facecamping feature killed it. And that was admittedly cheap.

    It's not just Otz. I use him as an example because everyone's familiar with his work, but a lot of these opinions are held by the DBD community at large.

    I don't even disagree with his individual takes in and of themselves - "plague is just okay, but can be really good with the right build" or "Myers is weak, but he can be OP with the right build" - so much as the fact that Plague gets better treatment than Myers on his list because the DBD collective consciousness dictates that Myers has to be lower than Plague, even if it means applying different criteria when ranking either killer.

    I'm not necessarily arguing that Myers should be higher than Plague on a tier list taking each killer's general strength and consistency into accound, but it's clear that we're just applying different standards to different killers based less on their actual potential strength and more on what broadly-defined "category" they fit into.

    Yeah. what I gathered from looking into Japanese DBD players is that their strategy is much worse, but their technique is much better. Western players would do well to study their emphasis on self-reliance and microcounterplay against different killer powers (and Japanese players might do well to play more aggressively).

    Also, Self-Care is still a good perk when combined with Botany Knowledge. I've had roughly a 50% escape rate for a couple of weeks now as a solo queue survivor, which, for me, is very high, and those two perks have been a staple. I don't have to bother someone completing an objective to get healed, and it's almost as fast (even faster if I don't have to run around looking for everyone), I get extra time in chases when I would otherwise go down for being injured, and Botany doubles as one of the better general support perks in the game.

    EDIT: Also, can run a good toolbox instead of a medkit without having to gamble on whether or not my teammates are going to bother healing me.

    Yeah, I've definitely run into some Trappers who were able to just inexplicably steamroll everyone even though we were ostensibly playing pretty well.

    I already addressed some of that in this post above, but worth noting that this tier list is specifically geared towards general play, not tournament rules (which are apparently very killer-sided); I know this for a fact since the point came up in the Reddit thread I stole the tier list from.

    Also, Otz specifically lists one build that is the entire reason for Plague's A-tier placement, and it's one that changes Plague's basekit as drastically as Tombstone Piece does for Michael.

    I think it was something like Iri Seal, Tinkerer, Deadlock, and some other stuff, turning her into a killer who has her power active basically the entire game and knows where and when to target survivors at all times, making for a very different playstyle. He also mentions Prayer Tablet Fragment as being good, which is another addon that completely changes Plague's playstyle.

    Plague is not as versatile as Myers, but what versatility she does have is specifically used to justify her high-level placement.

    I have mixed feelings about him. A lot of his basekit is pretty horrible, but his real strength comes from his mobility. I don't think he's really very strong though, but I almost exclusively play Pallet Freddy (weak) or, on occasion, Black Box Freddy (only strong if you get lucky).

    He did used to be a lot better than he is now, though.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Tier lists for killers will always be hard because is it at the killer at their best, their base, or some combination therein. With Otz its worth noting that Plague is one of his better killers, so not surprising he has a killer he happens to be really good with higher.

    Yeah. what I gathered from looking into Japanese DBD players is that their strategy is much worse, but their technique is much better. Western players would do well to study their emphasis on self-reliance and microcounterplay against different killer powers (and Japanese players might do well to play more aggressively).

    Well, everything is different so its hard to evaluate. Not only does the comp scenes have different rules, the way pub matches are played look unique. When I've watched Asian twitch streamers I've been surprised how frequently the killer will get a 1k because the survivors just open the gate and leave instead of trying a group save. Whether getting a 4e is actually a worthwhile goal or not is totally a community dependent decision, and how the community plays it out really changes strategy aspects.

  • Member Posts: 21,205

    The more I see from our Eastern (?) cousins, the less impressed I am.

  • Member Posts: 333

    this is not a fair comparison. your tier list considers the best addon combinations for each killer.

    when you look at the other tier list on the same website (link), it puts michael into C tier like otz. that's with mediocre addons.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    You can loop a myers for entire days if he doesnt have tombstone. A good plague will down a decent survivor even addonless, thats why I guess people rate her that way. But on the other hand I might get hate for this but I wouldnt trust the japanese tierlist. Maily because of the goofest that was the japanese tournament. I also have tuned to some gameplay and its very entertaining but not optimized, it reminds me of old dbd where no one knew what they were doing.

    However I here agree with something in this tierlist and it is chucky, he is not as bad as the tierlist says but he is the most overrated killer in the game. Any good player will dodge the slice and dice, his stealth is incredibly easy to deny, and his only strong aspect was scamper which was strong because it was BS. Next patch he still has a very easy to dodge attack, a subpart stealth and still has no flicks.

  • Member Posts: 34

    I mean Otz literally put Sadako in A tier in his latest tier list that was made before her map wide condemn build got nerfed by her latest rework so you've just shot your argument in the foot by bringing him up lol.

  • Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2024

    As a Japanese person, let me provide some additional context.

    The tier list in the original post reflects the perspective of players from a company that operates a game strategy website in Japan. They believe that by using the strongest combination of addons from each killer, it's easier to aim for a 4K. This is why Michael is ranked highly, as his addons like Tombstone make it easier to aim for an instant kill, quickly eliminating one survivor from the game and gaining an advantageous position.

    On the same website, there is also a tier list created collaboratively by users who use the site.

    This list might be closer to the tier list of killers on the Asia server. However, when looking at tier lists from various Japanese streamers, the consensus is generally Nurse > blight > Spirit, but opinions differ below that.

    In the Asia server, players focus on how survivors can cooperate to complete generators and escape, as well as whether the killer can protect generators and secure a 4K within that time frame. There are fewer complaints about tunneling and camping compared to the EU and NA servers. Additionally, while there are some instances of sabotage and flashlight saves in SWF, survival takes priority, so perks like Self-Care and Botany Knowledge are meta.

    If you're interested in the Asian environment, try coming in with a VPN. There are fewer people giving up or disconnecting, so solo queue might be more comfortable to play in compared to the EU and NA servers.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    I mean that's just how tier lists go.

    Like above, Myers is certainly not an A-Tier in general but then again, what is it basing off of? That he has Tombstone and he gets an early kill as well as it being solo queue? Yup, at that point Myers is one of the best killers in the game under that condition.

    I think most western tier lists go on a in-general basis more then anything. Counting a combo of SWF/Solo/Comp as well as a composite of all add-ons and the current meta perks to get a idea of a killers strength and then they're rated. That's how Otz generally rates his as well if memory serves.

    Another problem to consider with tier lists is do you count outliers in player skill or just the general skill of higher level players? Like if only a handful of people could play a killer at an extreme level do you count that or the more realistic skill cap of a decent player?

    You can make tiers lists using so many different conditions that they should all be taken with a grain of salt not to mention ones personal bias. It's not just Otz either as I'm sure every content creator out there has a bad take or two when it comes to tier lists.

    And then if you were to look at a random persons tier list you'd probably have even more bad takes.

    And again, it's not even that the takes are actually bad. It might just be the conditions a person is using for their list.

  • Member Posts: 913

    I mean, whether or not I personally attempt a group save depends upon how likely it is to get me killed. I've seen experienced players with thousands of hours try to go after a survivor hooked by a facecamping Michael even though it'd just be a 1K otherwise. If the Japanese have enough brain cells to make that call, good for them.

    It's a perfectly fair comparison considering that Otz has one tier list and he uses one set of criteria for M2 killers (one OP build can be the reason for the entire A-tier placement) and another set of criteria for M1 killers (ultra-strong builds aren't considered because of a lack of an M2). We wouldn't be having this conversation if he'd put Plague in B-tier and Myers in C-tier and explained that each had builds that could catapult their power level into the stratosphere.

    It also doesn't, I'll add, put Myers into C-tier "like Otz", since Otz's tier list only goes down to C anymore, and Myers is consistently the last or next to last. That tier list has a D tier with a ton of killers below Myers (although some of these placements are a little odd, admittedly).

    (And again, I'm not just talking about Otz here. Myers gets consistently underrated despite a decent kill rate and incredible builds.)

    I absolutely agree with Hag's placement in D-tier, however. I still don't understand why she gets placed so highly by so many killers when she's slower than Trapper and her power can be countered without a flashlight now.

    Well, Bamboozle also solves Myers' looping problem, and you only really get one chase "for entire days", because the first chase takes an eternity, and after that, there's no pallets left and you have T3 99'd consistently and everyone goes down at once. It's not always good strategy to play that way since four gens can pop while you're getting your first down, but the entire map becomes a deadzone, and then you're basically free to hook everyone all at once.

    Also, with M&R + DR, you get your first hit for free or almost for free, and combined with Bamboozle, you can cut your chase time by a solid 70%.

    Also, as I said above, infinite T3 with Coup de Grace and Bamboozle is really nasty. Not only do most loops become 100% unsafe, but oftentimes survivors don't even get to a loop before they go down.

    There are a lot of ways to make Myers better at looping other than Tombstone is all I'm getting at here.

    Also agree about Chucky. Even his scamper wasn't that bad unless you were running his iri addon, in which case, yeah, it was BS.

    She was A-tier at that point (at the very least), at least when it came to pubs, but I also didn't say anything about Otz in regards to Sadako, and he also rated her as a D-tier killer IIRC when she came out despite her high kill rate, so this helps prove my point.

    I will do that sometime. I'm definitely interested in trying it out.

    I actually agree with a lot of the placements on the community tier list there even more than the ones made by the gaming company. I'm not sure I'd put Chucky or Nemi in D-tier, but I'll never understand why Ghostface gets consistently ranked higher than Myers in Western tier lists despite his power being so easily countered, his stealth being inferior (when certain Myers builds are taken into account), and a lack of any of the patently OP nonsense Myers can get away with with certain builds.

  • Member Posts: 820

    I'm gonna be so real I forgot what this was referring to and spat my drink halfway across the room in surprise before remembering this is a discussion about DBD tactics

  • Member Posts: 7,056
  • Member Posts: 21,205
    edited May 2024

    Me to my cousins (they live 3 miles east of me and have built a trash bag waterslide)

    "The more I see from my Eastern (?) cousins, the less impressed I am."

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    funny tier list. chucky worse then trapper. that must be chill region to play in. also plague worse then ghostface. the tier looks like someone just throwing dart at the board with popular opinion stuff at the top.

  • Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2024

    I'm sorry, my post was duplicated.

    Post edited by イエローミント on
  • Member Posts: 1,129
    edited May 2024

    Just to chime in, for the Southeast Asian server, Western playstyles/tier lists are more popular. The self care + Botany meta is something limited to Japanese players from what I've seen. Perceptions on tunneling and camping aren't as overblown as compared to the Western community too.

    I will bring selfcare + botany when I play with my japanese friends but I wouldn't with my local swf groups.

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    See guys! Pigs not that bad.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Unironically using Self-Care now, after all the thousands of nerfs, is just mathematically wrong. Literally any other self-healing perk is better. Even with Botany, you just waste 2 perk slots for something achievable with one or zero. So if it is considered meta in Japan, it probably tells that the game community there is small and the meta is not yet developed there. The same goes for the lack of tunneling: tunneling one survivor out of the game early is a guaranteed way to win for the killer, if they don't do it in Japan, it most likely means the benefits of tunneling are not yet so obvious there.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Killers do tunnel, but the Survivor getting tunneled doesn't act like the Killer is some vile individual that deserves to be harassed or demonized. The comp showcase featuring a Japanese Legion player on the Game also demonstrated that some games can be won without tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Kill rates don't tell a killer's strength unless you genuinely think Freddy's stronger than Blight. And yeah Otz only rated Sadako highly after her first rework, but at that point he was considering her to be better than killers with strong M2s such as Huntress and Pyramid Head, so your point that Western people would never rate killers with a lack of M2 highly was already disproven by bringing up Otz himself.

  • Member Posts: 913

    No, because you're not wasting two perk slots for one effect. You're using two perk slots to get three effects: Self-Care allows you to heal yourself, Botany Knowledge allows you the heal other people much faster than usual (almost a necessity that someone is running one such perk in solo after the medkit/healing nerfs), and then Botany Knowledge makes Self-Care almost as fast as getting healed by another survivor (faster in many cases since you don't have to go chase someone down).

    What other perks allow you to do what that combo does?

    Strength in Shadows is a stealth killer perk. Every other time I run it, the killer figures out exactly what I am up to and checks the basement next time I'm injured, and it's only good if you spend the majority of the match near the basement. It takes longer to heal than Botany and Self-Care if you have to run from the opposite end of the map, especially if you're trying to mindgame the killer into not figuring out exactly where you're constantly running off to to get healed.

    Plot Twist is okay, but it only works once, can't be paired with Unbreakable, and if the killer has an aura perks, you just got hooked instead of getting healed.

    Oh, and the name of the one that requires you to cleanse a dull totem first and hide in a locker escapes me (Inner Strength or something like that?) is objectively worse than any of the above in every way just because of the sheer amount of time it takes.

    And none of those let you heal another survivor quickly, which is just as important as being able to self-heal in the current meta.

    Eh. Kill rates don't tell the whole story, but they are a part of the picture. Blight has low kill rates at low MMR because he's very hard to learn, but in high MMR, he's nuts.

    Sadako had high kill rates at both high and low MMR very consistently. She was a strong killer across the board. But your argument is a perfect example of what I'm talking about: Sadako just has to be a weak killer in your mind; you're not capable of classifying her anything else, no matter what the numbers say.

    If there were statistics that showed her as the most consistent killer in the entire game, some people would still be repeating the mantra, "Sadako is weak. She's an M1 killer. She has no antiloop. Sadako is weak. She's an M1 killer. She has no antiloop. Sadako is weak. She's an M1 killer. She has no antiloop."

    On and on and on until the sun burns out.

    That's my entire point here.

    That version of Sadako doesn't even apply to my argument because she really wasn't using her M1 to get most of her kills, if we're going to be technical. I don't know what the equivalent of R1 is for people who play with keyboard and mouse, but that's the button I got 75% of my kills with, not R2 (M1).

    I feel like you're just grasping at straws since Sadako was about as much of an M1 killer at that point as Spirit or Nurse (who technically get their downs with M1, but we don't call them M1 killers because they don't play like M1 killers).

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    You're using two perk slots to get three effects

    That's just one effect: healing. Half of the build for healing. You can get the same without a single perk: with a medkit with a decent teamwork.

    three effects

    Two: healing yourself and healing others faster. You just repeated "healing yourself" twice.

    and then Botany Knowledge makes Self-Care almost as fast as getting healed by another survivor

    SC itself takes 45 seconds, half a gen, with Botany it will take about 30 seconds. Being healed by a teammate will take 16 seconds, almost twice as fast. The meta is double-heal after unhook, which takes 8 seconds and 0 perks.

    Plot Twist is okay, but it only works once

    Twice. And it has a ton of other situational uses. And you are completely silent, while you will be heard self-caring from a mile away. And it circumvents all the healing penalties the killer might apply on you, such as Mangled and slow healing speed.

    (Inner Strength or something like that?) is objectively worse than any
    of the above in every way just because of the sheer amount of time it

    8 seconds in a locker, literal speed of a double-heal. Lockers are everywhere and you are almost silent inside one, and finding one totem is easy enough. Most of the times you need just one, because you need the perk only when you can't find a teammate. And again, circumvents all the healing penalties.

    Once again, there is a good reason why Self Care is considered a noob pick. It used to be viable long ago, but not now.

  • Member Posts: 913

    If you don't think that being able to heal yourself at almost full speed and being able to heal others quickly and effectively are two different effects, then there's not much point continuing this conversation, because I don't think you're actually giving this any thought. Botany is worth running on its own just for the extra healing speed, and being able to heal yourself on top of that is at least one other effect (I'd argue that being able to do so at a much better speed counts as a third).

    >Plot Twist

    Twice? No, once, at least until the main match is over, at which point hiding in a corner of the map and using Self-Care/Botany would be every bit as effective since the first thing the killer is going to do is run over to the exit gates and/or facecamp whatever survivor they managed to hook to begin with. You won't be interrupted unless you pick a stupid place to heal. Botany is also more useful in that situation since healing others quickly after hook trades becomes a primary concern.

    OTR or Bite the Bullet can solve your Self-Care sound problem if you're just especially bad at picking a spot to heal. If you're one of those people who turns around two corners and starts healing, Plot Twist might solve your problem, but only if the killer doesn't bother looking for you and doesn't have any aura perks. I would and I do.

    >Inner Strength

    Finding a totem can take anywhere from ten to thirty seconds (seriously, time yourself next time), and then it's another 20 seconds to do the totem, and then another ten seconds to get to a locker, and then another eight seconds to heal…

    With Self-Care/Botany, you take ten to twenty seconds tops to find a place to heal (not even that much if you just took a protection hit and the chase went to another area of the map), and then, boom, you heal and you're done.

    You're really not "almost silent" inside of a locker. No. No. If you're in a locker near me, I will hear you just as well as if you were healing out in the open.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    Myers is definitely ranked too low in tier lists. Like who even plays Myers without the tombstone piece? People who are absolute beginners? It's practically basekit on any Myers I go against. The existence of purple tombstone makes him a low B tier killer at least.

  • Member Posts: 359

    Meta varies from region to region. In asian servers self-care is a very common staple meta perk, while in western servers its considered a waste of time. Im sure that there is some objectively best way to play but human nature dictates that it'll always vary from person to person. I.E. nurses calling could be a great pick in asian servers since people self care a lot while its pretty trash here.

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