Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Sabotage being "unpopular" is a good thing and it should stay that way

Member Posts: 5,735
edited May 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Sabotage shouldn't be meta, period. The moment it becomes popular or even somewhat common Killers will be forced to just slug everyone and also play killers who can deal better with these situations.

Also sabotage is frustraiting to me as a player, you are literaly denying killers objective and forcing them to tunnel the sabo person or just slug whole team until everyone bleeds out. Its not fun for anybody. Survivors don't like being slugged for minutes and Killers (usualy) don't like being forced to slug and never be able to hook someone.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,166

    yes, that’s what I thought when they announced the sabo buff

    Ist’s a thing that needs to be rare because this incentive the killer to only slug or tunnel the person that is saboing

  • Member Posts: 3,013

    Personally i welcome an improvement because when i play survivor in solo queue sabotage feels very unviable. If they can make it to a point where it feels viable for me to use but not oppressive as a killer i think it will be good. But i understand the concerns.

  • Member Posts: 498

    I agree, I hope they don’t go through with it. After how flashlights were made easier we don’t need something else that makes playing killer miserable

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah I really think this is an unhealthy change. Sabo is anti fun for killers and encourages them to do very unfun play styles for the survivor. It's already quite strong, I can't imagine buffing it more.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Equip Knock Out and always slug

  • Member Posts: 9,420

    Sabo or how I learned to love the Slug.

  • Member Posts: 2,368

    you can get hit and hit again before u can sabo with almost every toolboxes. They usually seem to be three hooks in carrying distance so even if u sabo they can option select anyway. Outside the pretty strong alex toolbox the whole mechanic is kinda just weak. Even running break out don't help much. Why sabotage over using a flashlights? The superior form of savings seem to be flashbangs and that won't change even with the background player nerf.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Skull Merchant enjoyers can remotely apply Knockout effect via 3rd Seal. Survivors find gens boring anyway so Im sure they appreciate a lil Scavenger Hunt :)

  • Member Posts: 7,228

    It really depends how big the buffs are.

    If it’s like a 5-10% buff I don’t think it’ll be a big deal. If they make Alex’s Toolbox like 100% faster or something (which could then be used with the buffed addons for even more) that might be a problem.

    There is kind of a limit on how powerful sabo can be without being unhealthy.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    slugging is suppose to be part of the killer gameplay. if sabo becomes meta, the dev might buff slugging for killer for killer to adapt to the situation.

    don't think much will change. sabo hook is like 2.75 second with alex toolbox+hacksaw+grip reach. nobody really uses it.

  • Member Posts: 913

    Just run Starstruck.

    I also don't know what you're on about with the "not fun for anyone" bit, OP. Tunneling the sabo person is one of my favorite things in the world.

    Also, if 1-2 people just want to follow me around all game with toolboxes in the hopes that they can get a sabo, I think I'm all right with that as long as it means they're not on a gen.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I feel no one ever realized that

    • A single survivor with a single flashlight
    • while 2 teammates on Gen.

    is more effective than

    • A survivor running Breakout
    • with another survivor running Sabo & Hook distance offering
    • The carried survivor use Boil over.
    • while 1 teammate on Gen.
  • Member Posts: 374

    The buff is a good idea. Sabotaging is terrible at current state.

    Hooks are close to each other anyway.

    Also, if you will use pocket build it won't be a problem.

    I like to see the sabo buff, it will add some variety to the gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 820

    Sabotage can already be pretty fast tbh, so I'm not entirely worried unless they give it a major major buff. We'll just have to wait and see.

  • Member Posts: 663

    Sabo never works in soloq, a buff is welcomed.

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    How? I'm not disagreeing or anything but trying to understand how those 2 are comparable or related to eachother at all.

  • Member Posts: 151

    Agreed, they definitely shouldn't be buffing sabo in the slightest, right now it feels manageable, with the buff I fear it might not be as manageable anymore. Thankfully it's a ptb, I think they'll understand any sabo buff shouldn't make it to live.

  • Member Posts: 301

    i agree , sabo is super unfun and just creates and slug feast where both sides are miserable.

  • Member Posts: 2,731
    edited May 2024

    Gen regression shouldn't be meta, period. The moment it becomes popular or
    even somewhat common survivors will be forced to gen rush and
    use builds that can deal better with these situations.

    gen regression is frustraiting to me as a player, you are literaly denying
    survivors their objective and forcing them to repeadtedly repair the same gen or just
    rush the gens so fast the killer can't use their perks. Its not fun for anybody.
    Killers don't like being gen rushed and survivors (usualy)
    don't like being forced to repair the same gen over and over again.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited May 2024

    Gen regression undoes the survivors primary objective. Survivors have spent time repairing a gen to near completion, and that progress is rolled back because they didn't reach the threshold of completing the gen.

    Sabotage undoes the killers primary objective. The killer has spent time chasing, downing and carrying a survivor to a hook, and that progress is rolled back because they didn't reach the threshold of completing the hook.

    For the record, flashy/pallet saves, DS, etc. are all in the same boat. You can compare them to how there are also various ways of undoing gen progress.

  • Member Posts: 301

    this game has been balanced around gen regression existing for 7+ years

  • Member Posts: 2,731
    edited May 2024

    because the survivors objective is to repair gens and hte killers objective is to hook survivors, it is the main thing they must do to achieve their win condition.

    Sabo/flashlight plays to prevent the killer from getting hooks is the exact same as regressing/stalling generators to prevent survivors from completing it. Repeatedly getting pallet slammed with background player pallet/flashbang saves or having your hooks saboed is basically the same thing as repeatedly having your nearly completed gen having its progress annihilated by pop and pain res. Of course these perks don't totally reset its progress unless they get used many many times, but pallet saves and sabo saves don't fully heal a survivor either and one gen is a much greater ratio of survivors total objective than one hook as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,206

    This requires survivors to run back and forth under your scan lines for some bizzare reason, on top of being a hex that's just gone in the first thirty seconds of the match.

    I've always contended that hooking should be the least vulnerable part of the chase interaction. You've already outplayed the survivor twice. The killer deserves the hook stage.

  • Member Posts: 1,393

    Well, my personal theory on the sabo thing is that they looked at how long it took people to complete the various sabo-challenges in the last tomes and which kind of loadouts they had. They probably realised that most of the time only people who brought a whole build just to complete that challenge actually had decent success rates at pulling the challenge off.

    Now that being said, I don't think tweaking the TBs is going to solve that. - Though I am v curious about how the tweaks play out on PTB.

    The thing that makes sabo-ing difficult is that you often need to sabo at least two hooks nearly at the same time because a killer can reach a second - and often even third - hook easily. — And yes, I am aware that there are places where there's a hook-deadzone. But if anything that means hook spawns really need to get looked at because neither situation is normal. And with that fixed I also believe sabo would be in a good spot; if you play for it and are smart about it you can get it without bringing a whole build. But it takes time and is somewhat risky cause you can get injured quite easily too / often have to tank one hit to get the sabo through, which I think is fair.

  • Member Posts: 4,286
    edited May 2024

    If this was the case again (it used to be with exception to a few extreme maps - like saloon on one end and midwich on the other end), then I would actually return to this game.

    As it stands sabo was my favorite part of the game and the sole reason why I was able to overlook devs wish for systematic kill fiesta (aka 60% targeted kill rate - with some killers going way above that), favoring killer actions (pallets and windows don't matter if killer has ping) and continual killer buffs all the time (see map reworks and general survivor nerfs compared to specific killer nerfs but general killer buffs - like all the map reworks).

    But I am not going to touch this game (even after half a year of not playing it) until I hear that at minimum hook spawns actually got fixed (so killer can't freely hook even when 2 hooks that he chose gets sabotaged and survivor takes hit - and yes this happened to me quite a few times - which means that even literally instant sabo hooks do not really matter on a lot of maps right now as u can't get in front of killer quickly enough).

    Like sabotaging was my adrenaline fix in the game. If I got 1 sabo in the game, it was a win for me and I could loose the game and still consider it fun experience. But in current version of the game I was robbed of it. So there's no reason to play it any more. If I want to play for fun, I would need saboes back. If I want to play for wins, I would need fair game. DBD does not provide either at this time.

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