Doctor needs adjustments.
Doctor literally can't keep up in the current meta. New and reworked old killers have hinder, move speed increases, or insta downs and therefore the survivors have adapted and started using perks to give them bonuses against these styles of game play. The Doctor is just outshined in every way these days mostly due to being impeded by his own ability. Please increase his base move speed, give his shock a stun/slow mechanic, or reduce the slowdown while charging his abilities. His only real strong mechanic (2 seconds of not being able to interact) is annoying at best but the amount of ground you lose in a chase for using his abilities doesn't make that viable outside of low level gameplay. Doc is no longer threatening just annoying.
After the recent killer tweaks that were rolled out with the release of The Unknown and Sable, I can tell you that Doctor is in fact in a good state, and the only he could ever need is some new addons, since a majority of his are too weak and redundant. Your proposed changes would just make him overpowered and remove any of the counter play that exists to his kit.
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It's never enough is it? Lets push those kill rates to 70%!
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He just got a couple of his better addons made basekit. Sure he's still not amazing but he's in a fairly good state.
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No. He's honestly pretty good now. He has amazing information, a chase power that even good survivors have real trouble playing around and madness to stop survivors from progressing. The shock makes survivors unable to vault or drop pallets for 2.5 seconds. That is a lot and if used correctly, it keeps your chases very short. On top of that he has some amazing addons as well.
Instead of claiming that a killer is only viable in low level gameplay maybe you should actually learn how to play them. Because even good survivors have real trouble dealing with a good Doctor.
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I say no or hell no he can be pretty overwhelming with his shock.
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Honestly that would be cool. Jason had a 90% kill rate in Friday and people loved being counselors in that game so why not bump the kill rates up to 70%?
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I play Doctor all the time and don't experience this. He's not the best, but he's the best he's ever been. I'm satisfied with him after his recent tweaks.
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- 50sec Gen
- -50% self healing speed
- BNP nerf
- Medkit charges nerf
- -16% distance on hit
- Adrenaline nerf
- MFT nerf
- DH nerf
- Prove thyself nerf
- Gen tap removed
- 50% Brutal strength
- 25% STBFL
- Trapper buff
- Doctor buff
- Huntress buff
- Twin buff
- Hillbilly buff
- Pig buff
- Clown buff
- Ghostface buff
- Demo buff
- Most importantt, 4 gen slowdown still stay as strong as before.
the survivors have adapted.
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In fact, he is a typical low tier killer with major problems in chasing and mobility, but what is surprising is that even in this state, his base kit capabilities have only recently been enhanced: ......
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The only thing Doctor needs, in my personal opinion, is his movement speed reduction while charging his Shock Therapy removed. That's all he really needs since that penalty is what pushes a lot of players away from playing as him.
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That was probably because Jason could just instakill you after grabing you, unless you had a pocket knife. He didn't have to deal with hooking or things like the hatch, he had to just yoink the survivor and kill him.
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I don't know, i only play my doctor with a midwich offering and mad skil lcheck build
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This would most likely just lead to players spamming the Shock until they get the Hit. And the reason why this is not possible currently is because he has the Movement Speed penalty when using his power.
Removing this would make Doctor really boring and uninteractive.
"and the only he could ever need is some new addons, since a majority of his are too weak and redundant."
Would agree here. Some more unique Add Ons would be fine, there is no need to have 3 versions of the same Add On just with different numbers. But I dont think that it would be super urgent to fix this, IMO Doctor is in a good spot right now.
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Yup, he was an actual threat which is what made the game so fun. Made stunning him and escaping more rewarding.
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"This would most likely just lead to players spamming the Shock until they get the Hit."
Most players already do this as is and it's typically a 50/50 chance of it working. So it wouldn't really be too much different from his current situation soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Yeah, but a 50% chance of getting a hit while spamming your power mindlessly is not 100% of getting a hit while spamming your power mindlessly.
It adds some skill to the Doctor-player to time the Shots correctly. And I think it is manageable to learn this. (This is coming from someone who learned OLD Doctor, which was a pain sometimes…)
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Honestly if dbd tried to steer more in the direction of Friday and just made it silly like that with the dances and clothes and stuff I don’t think people would mind a kill rate that high cause it’s just goofy fun. I think dbd is more serious/competitive and anything silly in dbd typically gets nerfed or removed so :’) rip sky billy
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I'd give him like -10/15s cooldown on his static blast. Otherwise he's alright.
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No thanks. I don't want to see more Doctors running around.
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None of you read the big ole OR in the original post. If his shock had a hinder, like you know getting hit with a stun gun, OR if he didn't slow down while charging, OR if his base move speed was slightly higher.
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I mean all of them said he is fine as he is currently... So I don't think they did not read that, it is just that they disagree... But sure let's go over it...
Stun or slow on his shock is somewhat the same as no slowdown while shocking: his whole shock to prevent pallet/window and gain distance while going around the tile would go quite a lot faster while maybe incentivising people to overshock, depending on how big the stun/slow is, especially if there is not downside to spam the shock, so no reason to learn proper timing...
His increased basemovementspeed would be lesser evil here but still not good because it messes with how you play against an m1 killer, as we can already see against chase Hag.
Therefore no to all 3 of them, doctor is fine in that regard... I would not mind a teleporting to illusions thing for example or an addon pass but his shock interaction is good as it is.
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You do know that he could spam his shock but can't immediately attack after shocking right?
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Yes ofc, I think it is a 2 second window or so... But what exactly does that change?
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Downside is you cant down someone by shocking. So the opportunity to get away is still there. Spam shocking is annoying but does nothing really. Which is my whole point.
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But how do you get away with either a killer with more than 115% ms is right behind you, or you don't get distance while getting shocked or you even get stunned by the shock? The shock window is longer than the window in which he cannot attack… So where exactly do you go with that "opportunity to get away"?
Spam shocking puts you at a disadvantage because you will lose additional distance, which is why it is a good thing that you get slowed down for using the shock because otherwise it would require 0 skill and there would be no reason to not just constantly shock, at any given loop, which would be super annoying.
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It also prevents the killer from building blood thirst. So he's stuck at the stock 115% if he uses his power at all. With perks survivors can out run him all day every day. SO he's still an M1 killer because as is his abilities just annoy and slow the game down but don't actually give him any advantage in the actual taking down of survivors.
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What are you talking about? If you play him normally without overshocking you still don't gain bloodlust, but you will eventually catch up to the survivor and hit him, because you prevented him from using pallets or windows?? What do you mean his shock does not give him an advantage in downing a survivor?? Do you even know how doctor works or what is this?
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There are other ways and perks that allow you to escape losing los, scratch marks, off the record etc. that put distance between the two of you. So yes, no bloodlust 115% is trash, play a game of scratch mirror meyers and just chase with no blood lust.
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Losing line of sight requires tiles that are high enough and is a general thing you can do against doctor, but it gets a lot weaker with the changes you wanted to introduce, so I really don't see your point here?
If you play doctor properly you will never get bloodlust, and you will still get hits, if you play him well… So I have no clue what you are talking about, despite the elephant in the room that you are effectively not making arguments towards the points mentioned before.
Scratched Mirror makes Myers 105% and also stuck in t1, where he cannot get bloodlust, what exactly is your point?? What are you even trying to say? Because your whole response just makes no sense for either the before mentioned changes you advocated for or anything else… Like yes a 105% movementspeed killer will have huge issues to get hits at tiles… So what? What does this have to do with anything?
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I don't think that was even remotely rude considering the last few posts didn't really match the arguments or added anything usefull to the discussion? I cannot make it clearer that I simply don't get his points… Every single time I brought up a counter argument to any critical point of the advocated changes I got back some weird point that either didn't have anything to do with what I said beforehand or had nothing to do with the discussion itself or was just objectively incorrect or did not match the context.
Do you really think it is rude to tell someone that I have no clue what they are even talking about and that what they are saying makes no sense for me?
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Sorry that you don't my style of wording things or how to use metaphors and other stilistic themes. But those kind of things not only make texts more interesting to read but also more interesting to write, considering otherwise it would pretty much always sound too similar if you don't use such phrases.
I stand by the general meaning that it felt a bit random what was brought up and that it lacked context to the topic in general or the arguments brought up in specific.
Post edited by Rizzo on0